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I really enjoyed this short story. The characters were real and the world was interesting. Plus, there were mischievous fairies in the story :) It was very short, but it's just an introduction to the series, there is the second book and I'm definitely going to read it.
Donderowicz | Mar 12, 2024 |
"For this full book I give it 3.4 out of 5 stars, each story was charming in its own way. I enjoyed the glimpses that we got of all the characters ... just some stories I wish were fleshed out a little more than others. Overall, I definitely recommend this anthology to any romance reader, especially for those who want to get into the "St. Patrick's Day spirit." "

Read more of this review, individual reviews for each story, and THREE TEASERS here:
fromjesstoyou | Feb 25, 2020 |
Pack and Coven
3.5 Stars

Harry Smith enjoys his life as a lone wolf until he is targeted to become the co-alpha of the local pack. Harry's only choice is to escape, but he cannot do it alone. Help comes from a most unexpected source - June Travis, owner of the local tea shop and a witch concealing her true nature. As Harry and June hide from his pursuers, they find their mutual attraction can no longer be denied even if it costs them their lives and their love.

While the basic remise of the story is not unique, the conceptualization of pack dynamics is original and the secrets kept by the coven are very intriguing. Nevertheless, the pacing is slow at the start, and there is too much focus on the characters' internal ruminations regarding their choice of lifestyle. The action picks up once Harry and June are on the run and their romance steams up the pages.

Although Harry and June are likable enough, there are some minor issues that put a damper on their relationship. First, Harry has a bad habit of not listening to June. She provides him with useful information and makes important suggestions, which he promptly ignores to their detriment. Second, June is a very willing partner in the sexcapades, but she is fuzzy on the "no" versus "yes" distinction.

The villain is definitely one of the more despicable I've encountered in recent times and Wallace does an excellent job with his malicious and sadistic characterization. The climax and resolution are exciting and satisfying.

In sum, the compelling world building and sexy romance make this a fun read, but the drawn out pacing in the beginning and toward the end is a distraction.
Lauren2013 | 4 other reviews | May 24, 2018 |
"4 out of 5 stars!! The “Chosen One,” Adam Alsing, returns in the most unexpected way ... a pod with the remains of shades. He doesn’t remember who he was. He learns that he now has extraordinary powers (ones that no one can account for) so he’s not sure if who he use to be is who he truly is anymore. Nevertheless, even if he isn’t completely the old Adam Alsing, who Adam is now is the man who can help everyone out and actually save the world. But will the mystery of how he came to be, make it so no one will trust him, let alone himself? Claire helps him navigate his “new world” and together they try to save it before it’s all too late…

I’ll admit that this is the first novel I’ve read from Ms. Wallace’s Maelstrom Chronicles. Though it felt like it dragged here and there, I never felt lost in this novel’s action and suspenseful romance. Thrilling, exciting, and..."

Read more of this review and OVER THREE TEASERS here:
fromjesstoyou | 1 other review | Oct 6, 2016 |
I never really thought of myself as much of a science fiction fan, but lately it seems like that's all I've been reading. I have to say, I'm really enjoying it. I like the fantastical situations, characters, and environments; every book is an escape from real life, but science fiction jogs my imagination a little more.

Prodigal plops us right into the middle of a chaotic post-apocalyptic town. Things probably wouldn't be that bad, except that monsters known as shades were killing people, daemons were a real threat, and if either got their hands on one of the Shipborn it would probably spell the end of the Earth altogether. As far as I could gather from reading, the Shipborn are alien beings from around the universe that live on a large spaceship and helped the Terrans (or Earthlings) fight off the shades and daemons. So basically, good versus bad aliens. Now, you don't have to read the first two books in the series to enjoy Prodigal, but I think it would probably help. I was a little confused about the Shipborn and what happened to cause the apocalypse, and from reading the synopses of the first two books I am assuming my questions would be answered there. It's not impossible to follow along, I just feel it would be beneficial to read them in order (which the author even states on her website).

Poor Adam is thrust into the middle of all of this chaos with no memory of the apocalypse...or who he is. It turns out he had played a big part in all of it, and it didn't go well. So not only is he confused, but he also is feeling the wrath for something he doesn't even remember doing. When Claire, the sheriff of Camp Chanute, finds him and the pod he apparently arrived in, she is understandably bewildered and suspicious. As Adam and Claire get to know each other, you can really feel the chemistry between them. All of the other characters mention how much of a jerk Adam was before he disappeared, but part of me wonders if that's just because he was a celebrity and it was assumed he was that way. Whatever the case, the Adam we meet is very intelligent, caring, and brave. Claire had major control issues, but Adam had a way of forcing her to confront her fears, to see that giving up control could be a wonderful thing as well. I liked how headstrong and determined she was; she definitely gave Adam, and everyone else, a run for their money!

Another thing I have to mention is how refreshing it was to see some diversity. I can't even remember the last time I read a novel where the heroine was anything but Caucasian. Claire is a confident, strong, smart African American woman. I wish more authors would add some diversity in their novels as well.

The ending was intense, and I enjoyed it, yet it felt like it was left open-ended for another book. Only, according to the author's website, this is the last book in the series! I'm disappointed because I think there's more story to be told here. I don't think it's necessary to continue on forever (I'm looking at you Stephanie Plum and Anita Blake), but I think another book or two to possibly wrap things up would be nice.

If you're a science fiction fan, then you'll definitely want to give Prodigal a chance. Again, I would recommend starting with the first book, Angeli, but things were explained just enough to allow you to start here if you're so inclined to. Just don't be mad when you realize there won't be another book in the've been warned!

*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
luckydevilreviews | 1 other review | Sep 26, 2016 |
This could have been better. There were several redundant passages. A lot of the middle was spent going over the same themes over and over. That plus some forced sex lowered the rating.½
krystalsbooks | Jul 6, 2014 |
2 1/2 stars. Such promise--one of my favorite troupes!--but it never quite got there. Sooooo many things the characters did, said, and thought just made no sense. Caroline, Jhi, Heck...I really didn't understand their motivations throughout most of the book. So many things could have been fixed quickly and easily with just one honest conversation. Parts were cute, but overall it felt like most of the drama was fairly contrived.

I recieved an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
beckymmoe | 1 other review | Jul 29, 2013 |
Amazingly unique read,
I don't even know where to begin. This book is unlike anything I've ever read, and I LOVED it. I suggest reading the short story Cooley's Panther first before jumping into this book.

I normally don't read books about shape shifters, but this book is so much more than that.

Cooley isn't just a shape shifting panther. She's also a proper southern lady who bakes pies and is the picture of a perfect neighbor.

Jody's voice is so unique. There are so many great one liners I can't even count. I mean who comes up with this stuff? Awesome

When Evan moves next door, lo and behold, he's a panther too! Cooley is so excited because she's not used to having panther company. But Evan's got secrets and even Cooley's pies may not be enough to sway him.

I loved all the cat elements in this book. And it ends leaving you wanting more. I wish I could do a better job describing how great this book is. You have to read it to believe it. A must read for feline lovers!! Highly recommend.
Rachel.Kall | Jul 23, 2013 |
“Kiss The Bride” by Jody Wallace is a novella length story – 115 pages for $1.99, published by Entangled (Ever After division). Caroline is getting married to a “pencil neck geek” and has asked her best friend, “Heck” (Herman Heckley) to be her “maid” of honor. They are days away from the wedding, and all of a sudden, EVERYONE is getting cold feet!

When I first read about the book, I immediately thought, “Uh oh. It’s gonna be a rehash of ‘Made of Honor’ or ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’“. I was happy to find out that no – it’s NOT just a rehash! Okay, so we all realize this is going to end up with the two of them realizing they love each other… but the way they get there isn’t formulaic and is actually quite hysterical in sections. Jody Wallace relays her impressions of how Heck handles gown shopping, decorating for the bachelorette party (envision duct tape bows & shower curtains as wall coverings) and being the focus of the stripper he hired for the party. The author does a great job also showing how easily miscommunication happens between men and women, and you find yourself rooting out loud for Heck & Caroline to make the right choices and COMMUNICATE.

Such a great novella – read it right through with a smile on my face. Great beach read or carpool pick-up lane read!
SnarkyMom | 1 other review | Jul 21, 2013 |
Pack and Coven is a sweet paranormal romance with a bit of a (non-sexy) thrill. I liked (but didn't love) both of the lead characters: Harry is an adorable loner and June is a rather prim witch who's been in love with Harry for quite some time, even though he only knows her as Sadie, the sweet older woman who owns the local tearoom. She's forced to reveal her true self and the fact that she's a witch when the female Alpha of the local werewolf pack, Bianca, tries to force Henry into becoming her new male Alpha. Henry has absolutely no interest in participating in the pack, let alone becoming one of its leaders, but he can't escape thanks to a lockdown. June and Henry are thrown together as she tries to help him avoid Bianca and some werewolves from his old pack, who have come down to try to claim the position Bianca wants to give to Henry.

There's some great world building in Pack and Coven. The differences between werewolves and witches are quite interesting and I really liked that witches knew about werewolves but not vice versa. Jody Wallace did a great job of putting her own spin on existing supernaturals. In fact, I think the world is my favourite part of the novel.

That being said, I wasn't hooked by Henry and June's story. I enjoyed reading it but I wasn't desperate to find out how it would end. Pack and Coven is a solid paranormal romance but it's not on my must-read list.
jthorburn | 4 other reviews | Jul 10, 2012 |
Originally posted at


I received an ARC of Pack and Coven from NetGalley in exchange for a review. Harry is lone wolf living in pack territory when half of the alpha couple heads off to jail the pack tries to replace him with Harry. Harry wants no part of pack life so June helps him try to escape. June is a witch who has been living as an elderly lady and has never shown Harry her true form despite them being friends for years. June tries to fight off her attraction to Harry because if they sleep together she could lose her magic. The storyline was very good and I really liked the connection between witches and wolves, that was well thought out and gave the story some originality.

Now the characters, there was a clear line between the good guys and the bad and the bad guys were really bad…like homicidal maniac bad. You really wanted to see something bad happen to them and see the good guys win. The main characters, however drove me nuts. Throughout the book you are told Harry is an alpha however he doesn’t particularly act like one, while June on the other hand was creative and pretty resourceful at getting them out of some sticky situations. The dialogue between them at times could be ridiculous though, two examples come to mind the first is June correcting Harry’s swearing. If you’re being chased by a homicidal maniac intent on raping and killing you it’s a pretty justifiable time to say fuck. The other is the sex scenes…”he rubbed against her privates”… seriously? ! A hot female lead sounding like an 80 year old school teacher just didn’t work for me. Overall I did like the story and with a little bit of polish it could be very good. I rated it 3/5.

♥ ♥ ♥ 3/5 It was ok wait for the paperback.
ufreview | 4 other reviews | Feb 15, 2012 |
ARC received from NetGalley.

Book Description:
Harry Smith is a lone wolf, and he likes it that way. When he's targeted to be co-alpha of the local pack, there is only one thing he can do to maintain his freedom: flee. But it'll take a miracle to stay a step ahead of shifters in their own territory. June Travis has been in love with Harry for years, but he doesn't know her real identity. He sees her as the sweet owner of the local tearoom?the facade June presents to humans and werewolves to keep them from finding out she's a witch. She may not be able to offer Harry a miracle, but she can help him escape. Harry is drawn to this new side of June, and not just because he's grateful for her help. With her magic temporarily hiding Harry from his pursuers, the witch and the wolf explore their mutual attraction. But there are consequences for witches who bed down with wolves.

My Thoughts:
This book rates between 2.75 to 3 stars so I will round up to 3. The story was interesting and very solid. I liked the twist of the shifters/witches being branches of the same genetic tree. Where that was an interesting concept, the book failed to deliver a substantial impact because of its characters. The story would have been more compelling with different characters, specifically the hero, Harry. He lacked the necessary something to connect me to him or prompt me to truly rave about the story. In the story he was constantly regarded an alpha yet I failed to see see the persona expressed in his actions. It was almost as if the reader had to be reminded that he was as alpha because it was often noted that he was using his alpha power. In reality, I found him to be as weak and anemic as he was perceived by Bianca. June expressed more alpha than Harry did. In fact, she was the true hero of the story because she frequently saved him from trouble using her magic. She was clear, precise, clever, and strong-willed.

Overall, this was a very decent story...well written and conceptually sound.
4everbooklove | 4 other reviews | Feb 8, 2012 |
"Liam's Gold" by Jody Wallace is a paranormal novella with a twist. Instead of the dark, brooding vamps, werewolves, and - more recently - demons that clutter the pages of many paranormal stories, "Liam's Gold" is a whimsical, upbeat tale of a handsome leprechaun trying to avoid detection until he has saved up enough magic to make it home. What's standing in his way? The extreme attraction for his smart, feisty, computer savvy next-door-neighbor, of course...

To read the rest of this review, please see our blog (
vampsrus | Jan 6, 2011 |
No magic for two weeks? What’s a fairy to do? Go to Vegas, of course!

Princess Talista of the fairy clan Serendipity has been sent, like all young fairies, to a remote forest in humanspace for mandatory survival training. But headstrong Tali’s got different ideas about where to spend two weeks without magic. What better place than Las Vegas to learn to live like humans, a true test of survival?

Tali might not blend, but she’d like to be shaken and stirred with stage magician Jake Story. Their attraction is instant and electric…and Tali senses there’s more to Jake’s show than flashy tricks.

Jake always knew he was different, even before he developed an unusual flair for hypnotism. He has no trouble mesmerizing the luscious Tali during act three, but the lights that appear around them when they kiss weren’t part of the program.

When the authorities from Tali’s homeland track the missing princess to Vegas, Jake and Tali end up on the run. In between magic experiments, evil gnomes and astonishing sex, Tali learns what it really means to be human—by falling in lust, followed closely by love.

But Tali’s not human. And Jake doesn’t believe in fairies. The truth will either bind them together—or tear the fairy realm apart.

Warning, this title contains the following: Intoxicating sex, misuse of magic, gorgeous cross-dressers and flesh-eating gnomes.
FFnP | Jul 22, 2008 |
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