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Albert Sánchez Piñol

Author of Cold Skin

14+ Works 2,079 Members 94 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Works by Albert Sánchez Piñol

Cold Skin (2002) 969 copies, 38 reviews
Pandora in the Congo (2005) 416 copies, 25 reviews
Victus : Barcelona 1714 (2012) — Author — 395 copies, 19 reviews
Tretze tristos tràngols (2008) 82 copies, 6 reviews
Vae Victus (2015) 81 copies, 1 review
Fungus (2018) 37 copies, 1 review
El monstre de Santa Helena (2022) 25 copies, 1 review
Pregària a Prosèrpina (2023) 19 copies, 2 reviews
Les edats d'or (2001) 12 copies, 1 review
Homenatge als caiguts (2019) 7 copies
Victus Unabridged CD (2016) 2 copies
Invictus 1 copy

Associated Works

Riesgo : antologia de textos (2017) — Author — 8 copies
VICTUS -1 Veni (2016) 2 copies
VICTUS 2. VIDI (2017) 1 copy
Victus. 3. Victus (2019) 1 copy


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Sánchez Piñol, Albert
Legal name
Sánchez Piñol, Albert
Barcelona, Spain
University of Barcelona



One reviewer said the author compares to Roberto Bolano. Simply, no! He doesn't. That's not to say that Victus is a bad book. It is a well written piece of historical fiction. But it is not a novel of depth or unusual creativity. It's an easy and "page-turning" read. Worthwhile read but not without some editing problems. Some details are seemingly mixed up and the author seems to go a bit too far to make his narrator witness to everything. Lower your expectations and enjoy.
colligan | 18 other reviews | Oct 6, 2021 |
A nice read. Cold Skin is a refreshing if somewhat disturbing venture into the highs and lows of utter and absolute loneliness. Two men. More alike than not stranded on an island in a remote part of the Antarctic hash out their loves, fears and hostility towards a world that seemingly does not want them. As if the horrors of isolation were not enough, Mother Nature decides to throw in her own two cents by besetting these men with attacks from strange creatures from the depths of a cold and gray ocean. How they react to each other, their visitors and their environment is only the start of their problems. Cold Skin is very well written and pieced together. The writer decided to keep the story short and keep it devoid of any filler. But with his writing style he could have made this book a thousand pages and it would have been just as good. I am willing to think that Pinol has stacks of unpublished sections that he either did not want in the story or was taken out by the editors. What a thrill that would be to read. Cold Skin is a highly recommended novel. The movie is excellent as well.… (more)
Joligula | 37 other reviews | Oct 4, 2021 |
Being a novella in which a man is dropped off by a tramp steamer at an island in the Southern Ocean to serve as a weather observer for a year, only to find that said island is infested with monsters and that the only other resident thereon, the lighthouse keeper, is a surly sociopath. The book has some roots in the horror genre, but for most of its length reminded me of a kooked out Swiss Family Robinson as the two characters dreamed up ever-new tactics and DIY weaponry to fortify their lighthouse redoubt against their otherworldly nemeses, but towards the end the book turns its attention a bit more toward the bigger topics of war and xenophobia. Didn't love it, didn't hate it.… (more)
Big_Bang_Gorilla | 37 other reviews | Jun 3, 2020 |
Easy to read without paying too much attention, and I did't find it scary at all… Which surprised (and disappointed?) me quite a lot thinking of all the other reviews on here. It's an interesting portrait of humans and the borders of humanity, with the beautiful setting of a tiny island somewhere where it's still warm enough to survive (if you find a way to handle certain dangers). The frogs are described rather aesthetically, too. The end had a severerly melancholic touch.
kthxy | 37 other reviews | May 6, 2016 |



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