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About the Author

Anthony Slide is the author or editor of more than 200 works on the history of popular entertainment. His books have been honored by the American Library Association as Outstanding Reference Sources of the Year, and by Choice magazine as Outstanding Academic Books of the Year. Slide was awarded an show more Honorary Doctorate of Letters by Bowling Green University, at which time he was hailed by Lillian Gish as "our preeminent historian of the silent film." show less

Includes the name: Anthony Slide

Works by Anthony Slide

Early American cinema (1970) 16 copies
The Silent Feminists (1996) 7 copies
The Griffith actresses (1973) 6 copies
Early Women Directors (1977) 5 copies
Incorrect Entertainment (2007) 4 copies
The idols of silence (1976) 3 copies
Selected Film Criticism (1982) 3 copies
Films on film history (1979) 2 copies
The cinema and Ireland (1988) 2 copies
On Actors and Acting (1998) 1 copy
Eccentrics of Comedy (1998) 1 copy
Actors on Red Alert (1999) 1 copy

Associated Works

Beyond Paradise: The Life of Ramon Novarro (2002) — Foreword, some editions — 68 copies, 2 reviews


Common Knowledge




7 reviews
Perhaps because it doesn’t have the fancy cover, and is a sort of no-frills reference book, this one seems to fly under the radar. With 513 entries of silent film actors, giving each a brief bio, and listing a smattering of their films and the year, this is absolutely invaluable for any fan of silent films, or any fan of film, period. Each entry is accompanied by a photo, most from author Anthony Slide’s vast library. Printed on slick, photo type paper, they are very nice to have.

Big show more names from silent films and lesser knowns get their moment here. From stars of the silent era you’ll immediately recognize — or at least be familiar with the name — to featured players, this is a wonderful film reference book. It is short on flash but long on substance. One of the things that will surprise the casual film fan is just how many of their favorite stars of the 1930s, ’40’s and even 50’s, began their careers in silent films, which as Slide points out in his commentary at the beginning, was simply a different art form. Many great actors and actresses, and directors and producers, mastered the silent form. By the late 1920s, some of the silent films reach a sophistication that remains extraordinary. If you don’t think silent films can be art, watch Sunrise, or Street Angel, both starring Janet Gaynor. She was one of those who bridged the gap between silent and sound. Were I to begin listing them all, I’d get writer’s cramp.

But the real reason to get this one is the names you didn’t know, so they are remembered and not forgotten. There are even three dogs — no, it wasn’t just Rin Tin Tin who was a star — listed here. None of them wrote a biography, of course, but some of the stars listed here did, and when they did, Slide mentions it in the short bio so you can look it up. Miriam Cooper, who was married to great director Raoul Walsh, wrote one. So did Mary Astor, Ethel Barrymore, Bessie Love, Ben Lyon, Adolphe Menjou, Coleen Moore, Mack Sennett, Will Rogers, Gloria Swanson, Lou Tellegan, Pearl White, and Margaret Wilson.

Another thing which will strike the casual film fan as they peruse through these pages is how many actresses married directors — or how many directors married actresses, depending on your viewpoint. A lot also married fellow actors. Many of these stars were well known in their day, but now are virtually forgotten. This book corrects that. You don’t get tons of details, but you get more than enough to start you searching for more information, and that’s a good thing. Many of the 513 people listed played an important role in the early days of film. Even Martha Mansfield is here, the lovely actress described by photographer Alfred Cheney Johnston as a fragile flower, is here. Her tragic and horrifying death while being filmed was immortalized by Cornell Woolrich in one of his early short stories.

Though it doesn’t have the gloss of many books, what’s inside in incredibly valuable for anyone interested in knowing the players from the silent era. Stars were inevitable once films became a medium, but it was not always so. In the forward, Anthony Slide relates how studios originally tried to hide stars’ names from the public. Carla Laemmle changed all that with one of the most outlandish — and genius — publicity stunts you’ll ever read about. It involved star Florence Lawrence, and that’s all I’ll say.

A reference book of the highest order, despite it’s rather pedestrian trappings. Silent Portraits by Anthony Slide is worth tracking down if you want to get a look at the stars, and learn just a bit about them.
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Slim but interesting volume about silent film comedienne Alice Howell. She is compared to Chaplin in her costumes and her slapstick approach to comedy. Since so many of her films are lost, the author works on the ones that are available as well as extensive interviews with her daugher, Yvonne Howell, who later married director George Stevens. George Stevens Jr is also quoted numerous times since Alice Howell was his grandmother. Howell retired from the screen and was very successful in real show more estate. This was a most interesting look at a silent film comedienne that was previously unknown to me and recommended for anyone interested in film history. show less
Extras, bit players, and stand-ins were a large part of the film industry. Although these people are largely unknown and unrecognized, their stories are fascinating. This book provides a chronological accounting of extras within the industry and the standards and hardships they might face.

I thought this book was very well written, organized and entertaining. It was interesting to read about these men and women and the evolution of the film industry. Overall, I highly enjoyed this book and show more think that any aspiring actor/actress or anyone interested in Hollywood or the film industry will find it equally as enjoyable. show less
As finished as I will through the scandals chapter. A little more detail than even I needed about fan turns out I'm more interested in Hollywood, not people who covered Hollywood.

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