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Inara Scott

Author of The Candidates

20+ Works 611 Members 78 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: Off of her website


Works by Inara Scott

The Candidates (2010) 307 copies, 36 reviews
The Marked (2011) 105 copies, 11 reviews
Rules of Negotiation (2012) 53 copies, 3 reviews
The Boss's Fake Fiancée (2012) 37 copies, 3 reviews
Radiant Desire (2011) 32 copies, 13 reviews
Exposing Alix (2012) 19 copies
Falling for Mr. Wrong (2013) 13 copies, 1 review
Seducing the Girl Next Door (2014) 8 copies, 1 review
Reforming the Playboy (2014) 7 copies, 4 reviews
Heartbreaker (2019) 5 copies, 2 reviews
Heartbreaker (Bad Angels, #1) (2019) 4 copies, 1 review
Temptation (2019) 3 copies, 2 reviews

Associated Works

Winter Rain (Anthology) (2014) — Contributor — 5 copies


Common Knowledge




The Candidates was one of the books at BEA that I was really hoping to be able to get. It was a much appreciated bonus that I was able to meet the author as well! I've got a yen for boarding school paranormals right now, especially as no one seems to write about college kids with paranormal powers running around (I can think of only one off the top of my head Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine. Anyone else think of any?). Plus it sounded like a book I would enjoy.

And for the most part I did. I think where I felt a disconnect was that though Dancia spent a fair amount of time, in the beginning, explaining to us how she purposely wanted to stay out of the limelight, wanted to keep away from forming personal friendships, she falls into several rather quickly. I wondered how much of her wish to not make friends was also motivated by the fact it made it easier to accept the responsibility of having to help take care of her grandmother. Its easier to be content with a life if you've convinced yourself its for the better.

Though therein lied another problem for me. Dancia basically did everything around the house--shopping, cleaning, cooking, making sure her grandmother got to appointments okay. I would think that with her gone now five days a week it would be a smarter idea for her grandmother to get some sort of help, maybe not a nurse or in home companion (they cost quite a bit), but a friend perhaps. Dancia makes her grandmother out to be practically invalid half the time.

I did like that though Dancia felt something for Jack she was mature enough to understand there was a difference between affection and love. Too often it feels as if girls stumble about in the paranormal romances mistaking the two and unnecessarily complicating their lives. That, more than anything else, showed me that Dancia was the mature, capable person Scott wanted us to know she was.

I had to wonder at Cam, well the Delcroix Staff in general. There was some seriously shady things going down, not the least of which was how Jack was being treated. If things hadn't turned out how they had, would Cam have come clean to Dancia?

Scott is hard at work on Book 2. The Watchers and despite some of my reservations I'm looking forward to seeing where the tale leads. I hope to see more of Dancia's two friends, they were a sometimes welcome breath of fresh air. I could do without her room mate Catherine however (but then I think Dancia could too).
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lexilewords | 35 other reviews | Dec 28, 2023 |

Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3/5 Stars)
Title: Heartbreaker
Author(s): Inara Scott
Tess Papion: 26 years old, Brunette, Brown Eyed
Mason Coleman: 30 years old, Brunette, Hazel Eyed
Setting: San Francisco, California
Tag(s): Romance, Contemporary
Content Rating: PG-13
POV: Third Person
Smexy Level: Warm
Favorite Quote(s):
― “Ah, thanks, I guess? But we’ve known each other for less than one minute. I usually wait at least five before I bring over my toothbrush.”
― “You don’t get the big rewards unless you take a the big risks.”
― “How many times do I have to tell you that’s not what it’s about! Is it so impossible to believe that I. Just. Want. You? That I look at you and all I can think of is kissing those ridiculously pink lips of yours, especially when you’re telling me off? That your body drives me crazy? That I think about your curves when I go to sleep at night and can’t wait to see you in the morning? That’s impossible to you?”
― “It’s the coffee that’s cold and bitter, understand? Not me. Definitely not me.”
Overall Opinion:
Who doesn't like some snarky banter and maybe a little sexual tension? Juggling multiple part-time jobs while finishing up her undergrad degree, Mason nearly begs Tess to be his new dog walker to the newly inherited mastiff Wick when they bumped into each other at his high rise building elevator. A strong connection forms between the employer and employee from the get-go, and day by day the tension arises and it becomes a little more difficult for then keep their hands off each other. Agreeing to be friends with benefits, what happens when boundaries are crossed and feelings start to surface?

“Heartbreaker” started off on a high note and the refreshing content drew me in but once I managed ½ through the series, the series failed to meet my expectations. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't exactly awful, I really liked the Tess and Mason relationship and how their backstories defined them. It's that just in the course of 2 (give or take) weeks of knowing each other the leads shared intimate details about their lives, had sex (I must point out that it was rather lackluster), fell in love and moved in together. It obviously was a faced paced romance even though it didn't feel like it. The overall flow of the story was fine, characters were good but how quickly their relationship escalated made this series fall flat. I found myself more interested in Cecilia and Nate story. Their banter, hit it where it hurts attitude and mutual dislike had me going! I'm more than looking forward to their story. Overall, the Bad Angels “Heartbreaker” series was a good read but nothing memorable.
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ayoshina | Jul 31, 2022 |
"He wanted to kiss her. No, he needed to kiss her. But he was absolutely, positively not going to kiss her."

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own. Any quotes I use are from an unpublished copy and may not reflect the finished product.

Temptation was perfection! I seriously have no quibbles with this one. There's no miscommunication, no lying, and nothing annoying about their relationship. Zoe and Conner are two adults with clear expectations, and it was so refreshing to read about characters that didn't frustrate me. Their lives weren't perfect, and the two of them had their issues to work through, but their problems were relatable and understandable.

First of all, I want to say how happy it makes me that Zoe is a confident and driven character. She knows what she wants professionally and personally, and she's not afraid to voice her opinion. I really liked how much Conner respected Zoe, and that the two of them were able to do more than have good sex. He appreciates her for her mind as well as her body, and it really showed when the two of them were together.

I haven't read the first book in this series, although each book can stand on its own, and there were a few spoilers in this one about Tess and Mason. I'm sure I would have appreciated their cameos more had I read their story first! Tess sounds like someone I would really like. Regardless, I still plan on reading the first book, and I'm definitely buying this series for my shelves.

I adored the GPGs and their badass Bridge playing! They're incredibly smart women that have had to fight for their place in the world, and I love how they teased each other and Conner. They welcomed Zoe into their group with affection and understanding, and I really hope they make an appearance again in the future.

Conner was adorable and I loved his quirky behaviors. He doesn't like crowds or parties, and his childhood has left him a little broken. Zoe can see this, and she also recognizes that her past has damaged parts of herself as well, particularly how the two of them value themselves and their roles in a relationship. They don't believe they deserve love and happiness after past mistakes and choices, and it was nice seeing them work out the reasons behind their behaviors.

Temptation is a remarkably well-written story that's fun and left me grinning like a fool! It's sweet and sexy, authentic and relatable, and I cannot wait for more from this author (particularly the other two books in this series). If you need a new romance in your life, I highly recommend this one!

Side note: I'm not a fan of whisky, but now I feel like I should give it another chance after Zoe's experience.

Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on August 29, 2019.
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doyoudogear | 1 other review | Oct 11, 2019 |
I think I am getting off of this train this is the second book in series and I had to start reading a couple of times so I gave up if I have to restart a book multiple times to be interested than it is obviously not for me.. Yes there have been some books that I started more than once and then ended up loving however this one was not it..I wasn't crazy about the first one either however tried with this one..Yeah no more.

rcvd an ARc at no cost to author..(netgalley) Voluntarily reviewed with my own thoughts and opinions… (more)
NelisPelusa | 1 other review | Aug 21, 2019 |


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