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Aimee Molloy

Author of The Perfect Mother

13+ Works 1,857 Members 92 Reviews

About the Author

Aimee Molloy is a New York Times bestselling author of several books such as: However Long the Night: Molly Melching's Journey to Help Millions of African Women and Girls Triumph. She is also the co-author of many non-fiction books like Jantsen's Gift and The Perfect Mother. Her title 'Rosewater" show more was made into a movie by Jon Stewart. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Works by Aimee Molloy

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It took me a few chapters to settle into this book. At first it was kind of aloof to me - everything in third person, bouncing between different people’s perspectives, and providing a bunch of women’s names I was having a hard time remembering. But once the ladies go out to the bar, the story picks up. The author did a great job of painting the scene; the fact that there were multiple perspectives and back stories helped to build the mystery and confusion about the turn of events. In fact, after the third chapter I glanced back at the highlights of chapters one and two, and that helped cement the starts of the story-line.

There were times when the reading would get laborious for me because there’s 4 different women that are featured, and each woman usually has either her own chapter or chunks of a chapter that are from her viewpoint. This means that several chapters were left on semi cliff-hanger moments with new revelations about respective characters. The problem with that for me was that not every character had the same level of interesting things going on. So some of the chapters felt kind of boring while I was trying to get back to where another character left off.

The book definitely has a twist. However, now that I’m finished with the book, I don’t really know how I feel about it. The author brushes over the main characters’ back stories - so I kind of felt connected to them, but then also not really. The epilogue felt like it kind of happened in shadow. You have an idea of where things stand, but it felt like it finished it the middle of a thought.
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b00kdarling87 | 60 other reviews | Jan 7, 2024 |
I really loved this book. It was different from the other books I have been reading. A group of new mothers and one of the children go missing after the mother's go out for a night. This book had me guessing what happened. The secrets revealed about the women added fuel to the fire as to who could be the culprit. A good choice for our book club read for December.
crazy4reading | 60 other reviews | Jan 4, 2024 |
Thriller mixed into a novel that actually "keeps it real" about life with a newborn, a fun read but skip if haven't made it past the newborn stage and still have lots of new momma anxiety.
hellokirsti | 60 other reviews | Jan 3, 2024 |



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