Margaret Mead (1901–1978)
Author of Coming of Age in Samoa
About the Author
Margaret Mead, an American anthropologist, was for most of her life the most illustrious curator at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. She was famed not only as an anthropologist but also as a public figure, a popularizer of the social sciences, and an analyst of American society. show more While at Columbia University, she was a student of Franz Boas, whose teaching assistant, Ruth Benedict, became one of Mead's closest colleagues and friends; after Benedict's death, Mead became her first biographer and the custodian of her field notes and papers. Mead's early research in Samoa led to her best selling book, "Coming of Age in Samoa" (1928); it also led, after her death, to a well-publicized attack on her work by the Australian anthropologist Derek Freeman. Her importance was not damaged by his book; in fact, there is probably a greater awareness today of the important role that she played in twentieth-century intellectual history as an advocate of tolerance, education, civil liberties, world peace, and the worldwide ecumenical movement within Christianity. She was an active and devout Episcopalian throughout her life. On January 6, 1979, she was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor. (Bowker Author Biography) Margaret Mead was born on December 16, 1901 in Philadelphia. Her family moved a great deal during her childhood and encouraged her to pursue an education. She graduated from Barnard College in 1923 and earned a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Columbia University in 1929. The 1928 publication of her first book, "Coming of Age in Samoa," was based on her study of the sexual patterns of Samoan adolescent girls. It became a best-seller and changed American anthropology; it also established Mead as one of the leaders in American anthropology, a position she retained for 50 years. Mead was active in education most of her life and taught and lectured at many prominent schools, including Columbia University, Vassar College, Fordham University, and New York University. She was appointed assistant curator at the American Museum of Natural History in 1926, becoming successively associate curator in 1942, curator in 1964 and emeritus curator in 1969. In all, Mead wrote 23 widely read books. Some other titles include "Growing Up in New Guinea," "Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies," and "Keep Your Powder Dry: An Anthropologist Looks at America." Margaret Mead died of cancer in New York City in 1978. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Works by Margaret Mead
From the South Seas: Studies of Adolescence and Sex in Primitive Societies (1950) — Author — 25 copies
A Way of Seeing: New Perspectives on a Changing World from Youth and Marriage to Power and Politics (1970) 18 copies
Soviet attitudes toward authority : an interdisciplinary approach to problems of Soviet character (1979) 9 copies
American Women: The Report of the President's Commission on the Status of Women and Other Publications of the… (1976) — Editor; Introduction; Epilogue — 7 copies
Technique & personality 6 copies
La fe en el siglo XX 3 copies
Family by Margaret Mead (1965-10-01) 2 copies
A Creative Life for Your Children 2 copies
People and Places. Illustrated by W. T. Mars and Jan Fairservis and with photographs, First Ed 1 copy
Mann Und Weib 1 copy
Macho e Femea - Um estudo dos sexos num mundo em transformacao (Em Portugues do Brasil) (2019) 1 copy
the future of mankind 1 copy
Peoples of the Pacific 1 copy
Kinship in the Admiralty Islands. pages 181-358. contained in Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural… (1934) 1 copy
Un golpe al racismo 1 copy
Interviews and Conferences 1 copy
Associated Works
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872) — Preface, some editions — 813 copies, 8 reviews
Written by Herself, Volume I: Autobiographies of American Women (1992) — Contributor — 437 copies, 6 reviews
Life Is with People: The Culture of the Shtetl (1952) — Introduction, some editions — 325 copies, 3 reviews
Ants, Indians, and Little Dinosaurs: A Celebration of Man & Nature for the 75th Anniversary of Natural History Magazine (1975) — Contributor — 195 copies, 1 review
New World Writing: Third Mentor Selection - Poetry, Fiction, Drama, Criticism (1953) — Contributor — 8 copies
Introducing anthropology — Contributor — 4 copies
The Best from Cosmopolitan — Contributor — 4 copies
Dialettica della famiglia. Genesi, struttura e dinamica di un'istituzione repressiva (1974) — Author, some editions — 1 copy, 1 review
Common Knowledge
- Canonical name
- Mead, Margaret
- Birthdate
- 1901-12-16
- Date of death
- 1978-11-15
- Burial location
- Trinity Episcopal Church, Buckingham, Pennsylvania, USA
- Gender
- female
- Nationality
- Birthplace
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
- Place of death
- New York, New York, USA
- Cause of death
- pancreatic cancer
- Education
- DePauw University
Barnard College (BA ∙ 1923)
Columbia University (MA ∙ 1924) (Ph.D. in 1929) - Occupations
- anthropologist
curator (American Museum of Natural History, New York)
lecturer ( Vassar College 1939-41), (Columbia University 1947-51)
adjunct professor (Columbia University 1954- 78)
professor (anthropology and a chairman of the Division of Social Sciences at Fordham University1969 -71 - Relationships
- Bateson, Gregory (third husband)
Mead, Edward Sherwood (Father)
Mead, Emily (Fogg) (Mother)
Bateson, Mary Catherine (daughter)
Houston, Jean (associate)
Heyman, Ken (colleague) - Organizations
- American Academy of Arts and Letters (Literature ∙ 1955)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (1936 President) - Awards and honors
- Presidential Medal of Freedom (1979)
Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of Science (1970) - Short biography
- Margaret Mead was born in Philadelphia into a Quaker family. The family tradition was strong in the social sciences. Her father, Edward Sherwood Mead, was a professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania, and mother, Emily (Fogg) Mead, a sociologist. In her early childhood, before she knew what the words meant, Mead learned to say, "My father majored in economics and minored in sociology and my mother majored in sociology and minored in economics." In 1919 she entered DePauw University but transferred after a year to Barnard College, where she took a course in anthropology with Professor Franz Boas (1858-1942) and his assistant, Dr. Ruth Benedict.
According to Margaret Caffey's biography about Ruth Benedict, Mead became eventually Benedict's intimate friend. Her first marriage with Luther S. Cressman, a minister and archaeologist, ended in 1928. In the same year she married Dr. Reo F. Fortune, a New Zealand anthropologist, with whom she published GROWING UP IN NEW GUINEA (1930). It compared observations of Pacific Island life with contemporary American educational system. Without accepting promiscuity Mead suggested that in modern society sex attitudes might be more relaxed.
Mead received her Ph.D. in 1929 from Columbia University. She carried out a number of field studies in the Pacific. Edward Mead once had said to her, "It's a pity you aren't a boy; you'd have gone far." Her first field trip Mead made in 1925-26 to the island of Tau, in Samoa. There she studied the development of girls in that society, and published the results in Coming of Age in Samoa. In the study she investigated adolescence lovemaking, and demonstrated that the transition of Samoan young girls into adult women went apparently without emotional crises. The result was contrasted with that of American girls. Mead suggested, that Americans could learn things from the Samoans about rising children. In 1983 an Australian researcher, Derek Freeman, claimed in his book Margaret Mead and Samoa (1983), that she had ignored biological factors in favor of a theory of cultural determination of sex roles. Jane Howard in her biography of Margaret Mead (1984) tells that she characterized the men of the Arapesh people of New Guinea as gentle and unaggressive while her co-worker Reo F. Fortune recorded that many old men "claimed one or more war homicides to his credit."
On her other expeditions Mead made field studies in the Admiralty Islands, New Guinea, and Bali. From 1926 Mead held a position at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. She remained a member of the staff for the rest of her career, retiring as a curator emeritus of ethnology in 1969. Mead was a visiting lecturer at Vassar College (1939-41), a lecturer at Columbia University (1947-51), and from 1954 to 1978 she was an adjunct professor of anthropology at Columbia. From 1969 to 1971 Mead was a professor of anthropology and a chairman of the Division of Social Sciences at Fordham University. She also held a number of visiting professorships. At the age of 72, she was elected to the presidency of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
In 1936 Mead went with her third husband, the English anthropologist Gregory Bateson, to Bali to do field work. After about fifteen years, they divorced, but the period was probably the richest in her life. "American women are good mothers," she once said, "but they make poor wives; Americans are very poor at being attentive to anybody else." In their Bali years they took and annotated 25,000 photographs. Catherine Bateson, their daughter and only child, born in 1939, become the target of her parent's enthusiastic observations - her birth was filmed and her childhood was scrupulously recorded. BALINESE CHARACTER appeared in 1942 and GROWTH AND CULTURE, written with the collaboration of Frances Cooke Macgregor, in 1951.
During World War II Mead served as an executive secretary of the committee on food habits of the National Research Council. She wrote pamphlets for the Office of War Information. After the war Mead published Male and Female: A Study of the Sexes in a Changing World, which made use of her observations of people in the South Pacific and the East Indies. "We know of no culture that has said, articulately, that there is no difference between men and women except in the way they contribute to the creation of the next generation." (from Male and Female, 1948) Partly Mead wanted to prove that although there are certain differences between sexes - connected with impregnation, giving birth and nursing - they shouldn't be considered restrictions. In the last chapter Mead defended women's right to develop their talents. She also tentatively presented the supposition that men have a subtle superiority in natural sciences, mathematics, and instrumental music compared to women, who are more skillful in humanities in which they can use intuition. THEMES IN FRENCH CULTURE (1954) was an attempt to apply anthropological mythology to the study of Western society. It was written with Rhoda Budendey Métraux, a younger colleague with whom Mead shared a house in Greenwich Village for many years.
As a resident of Samoa when I re-read this book, it is wonderful to see how traditional lifestyles have changed so little & with so few problems. But Freeman was right - she got the free sex bit wrong - where were all the accidental babies? And what's this about pregnancy only occurring from long monogamous flings??!!
Read in Samoa Mar 2003
Read in Samoa Mar 2003
Publishing the 5th edition in 1973, Mead clearly spanned several generations in sharing her account of the last days of early Samoan culture. Already by the time she had arrived, Congregational missionaries were there sharing and imposing their beliefs and changing the micro-culture forever. Ms. Mead concentrated on the adolescent girls of Samoan society in order to compare them to America's then modern age of adolescence. Somoa maintained a much more open society of villages in which large show more family units shared the rearing of children in common. Young girls were first charged with watching younger siblings and then progressed to learning the various duties required of an adult. There was then a very free period during which teenage women enjoyed a free exploration of relationships, sometimes even resulting in attemps to prolong an expected marriage. Samoa clearly held a more open attitude toward everything -- the body, sexuality, privacy, and feelings. Mead notes contrasts as drivers of American youths' behavior and rebellion, arguing that modern society forces so many more serious and conflicting choices on young minds who have not even observed most of the important events of life. I cannot agree with the anthropologist's views that we should become more permissive with our children in letting them float freely to other homes and engage in serious physical relationships; indeed our society is not the simple society of Samoa nor is Samoa now the simple society it once was. show less
One of my Earlier Introductions to Anthropology/Ethnology, a subject I eventually majored at University. It was People Like Ms. Mead and this particular volume from a lecture Series that started me thinking about the subject seriously. In order to do that and make that type of paradigm shift in my thinking; it had to be pretty good. Mead's writing on culture, biology, and evolution demonstrates that contrary to claims of others, Mead favored an evolutionary approach throughout her career. show more Moreover, while Mead's book was a popular text and a bestseller, it was not a sacred text among anthropologists. The volume is a scientific book on what, in later years, Authors like Joseph Campbell would popularize with the lay media. show less
Margaret Mead was famous for keeping in touch with a wide circle of friends as we see in this collection of wonderfully revealing correspondence from the field. Written over a period of half a century, these letters to friends, family, and colleagues detail her first fieldwork in Samoa and go on to record her now famous anthropological endeavors in mainland New Guinea, the Admiralty Islands, and Bali. Enhanced by photographs, these intelligent, vivid, frequently funny, and often poetic show more letters tell us much about Mead's passion for and understanding of preliterate cultures. But they are equally valuable as a fundamental text on the science -- and art -- of anthropology. This edition, prepared for the centennial of Mead's birth, features introductions by Jan Morris and Mead's daughter. Mary Catherine Bateson. show less
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