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Brian McClellan (1) (1986–)

Author of Promise of Blood

For other authors named Brian McClellan, see the disambiguation page.

27+ Works 6,367 Members 210 Reviews 3 Favorited


Works by Brian McClellan

Promise of Blood (2013) 1,994 copies, 69 reviews
The Crimson Campaign (2014) 920 copies, 26 reviews
The Autumn Republic (2015) 768 copies, 27 reviews
Sins of Empire (2017) 641 copies, 15 reviews
Wrath of Empire (2018) 406 copies, 14 reviews
Blood of Empire (2019) 277 copies, 8 reviews
In the Shadow of Lightning (2022) 271 copies, 7 reviews
Uncanny Collateral (2019) 136 copies, 7 reviews
Forsworn (2014) 107 copies, 4 reviews
Servant of the Crown (2014) 94 copies, 4 reviews
Murder at the Kinnen Hotel (2014) 88 copies, 3 reviews
In the Field Marshal's Shadow (2015) 73 copies, 2 reviews
The Girl of Hrusch Avenue (2013) 73 copies, 3 reviews
War Cry (2018) 71 copies, 4 reviews
Hope's End (2013) 65 copies, 4 reviews
The Mad Lancers (2017) 62 copies, 1 review
Return to Honor (2015) 60 copies, 4 reviews
Ghosts of the Tristan Basin (2016) 59 copies, 2 reviews
Blood Tally (2020) 53 copies, 2 reviews
The Face in the Window (2014) 44 copies, 1 review
The Siege of Tilpur (2018) 30 copies, 1 review
The Powder Mage Novella Collection #1 (2016) 18 copies, 1 review

Associated Works

Unbound (2015) — Contributor — 113 copies, 2 reviews
Beneath Ceaseless Skies Issue #140 — Contributor — 3 copies, 1 review


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208 reviews
I started off this book expecting a continuation of my passive appreciation but general lack of love for this series. Boy, was I wrong. It’s not perfect; the characters still frustrate me often, and multiple-POV storytelling has never been my preferred style to read. But the second half of this book was easily one of the most riveting and well-told narratives I’ve read in a LONG time. Every primary character was pushed into uniquely challenging circumstances that served for their own show more development as well as realistic plot movement. On top of that, several secondary characters abruptly and unexpectedly got bumped from the “ugh why do I care” to the “now that’s interesting” category. And best of all, McClellan managed to incorporate multiple surprising plot twists while still cohesively tying together a multi-country political, military, religious, and personal narrative. 4.5 stars show less
People often speak of the second book of a trilogy as the weakest. No worries about that here. McClellan has written a tense, dramatic read in a series that breathes new life into the epic fantasy genre. This is an almost 600-page book that zooms by and leaves you desperate for the next.

One of the major problems I have with GRRM's Song of Ice and Fire is that I care for only a few of the characters, but have to slog through the rest of the cast. The Powder Mage books feature characters who show more are complex and genuinely interesting. Plus, there's the gunpowder magic and how that changes the dynamics of a battle. This volume also delves more into the logics of running an army--the necessity of a supply train--in a way that reminds me of Elizabeth Moon's Paks series, which I greatly admire for those realistic details. show less
My long and meandering way through this series has come to an end, and it was a very satisfying one, both story- and emotion-wise. I used the words ‘long and meandering’ because I read the first volume Promise of Blood not long after it was published, and although I did like it, I did not feel strongly compelled to move forward with the series, since I had some slight issues with the book, mostly concerning the pacing and some characterizations. Then some time ago I had the lucky show more opportunity of reading the ARC for the first volume of the sequel trilogy, Gods of Blood and Power, and I found there a more mature, more masterful control of story and characters, so that I decided to go back to… the origins so to speak, and discovered that hindsight helped me through the little ‘hiccups’ of the first book, so that once I reached the second, The Crimson Campaign, and this third installment, I could enjoy the tighter narrative and far more engaging storytelling. By now, Brian McClellan has become one of my favorite fantasy authors, one whose books I can always look forward to.

This final segment of the trilogy brings to a conclusion many of the threads that have been developing until now, bringing to a cusp the aftermath of Tamas’ revolution, the renewed conflict with the Kez and the resurgence of the ancient gods, and it does so with a sustained pace that never knows a moment of dullness. As enthralling as the events are, I would prefer to focus my review on the characters that move through them, because in The Autumn Republic they are explored in greater depth, and from new angles. The only one I’m still unable, after three books, to really warm up to is Inspector Adamat: if I can sympathize with his past and present troubles and his ardent desire to keep his family safe, his segments are the ones that elicit the least interest in me as a reader, since I have been constantly incapable of forming any kind of attachment to this character.

It’s quite a different song for all the others, some of which we get to know better in this book, particularly Nila, the young laundress who recently discovered her Privileged powers: if at the beginning I wondered what part she was destined to play in the overall arc, here she fits wonderfully as the foil for Borbador, the only surviving member of the Adran cabal and Taniel’s long-time friend. Bo’s sometimes cavalier attitude toward his Privileged status and abilities might be tempered by what is basically a good nature and his affection for Taniel, but in the end he comes across as something of a spoiled child, and it falls on Nila, who he has taken on as an apprentice, to remind him of his duties as a human being and to cut him down to size when necessary. I enjoyed quite a bit the interactions between the two of them and the way they end up supporting each other: what becomes clear at some point is Bo’s loneliness, and his yearning for the carefree days when he was part of Tamas’ family, so that I want to see this developing relationship between Bo and Nila as a way to re-create that sense of family he so clearly misses.

Vlora’s character enjoys some defining scenes in The Autumn Republic, and knowing the direction of her narrative arc in the following trilogy made me appreciate the hints of the more assertive personality she will develop later: here she is still trying to make amends for her past mistakes, and not for the first time I wondered at some of the comments I read about her not coming across as a very likable person, since I felt great sympathy for her since day one. Granted, she acted improperly and caused a great deal of grief, but almost no one (either readers or other characters) seemed to take into account her sense of loneliness and neglect that others manipulated for their own purposes, and that’s the reason I always felt more inclined to forgive her lapse. Here she is able to mend her fences with both Tamas and Taniel, and at the same time starts on the road toward becoming her own woman instead of someone else’s protégée or betrothed, the beginning of a newfound independence that I can only approve of.

Taniel, for his part, looks far more human than in previous instances: maybe being separated from Ka-poel (whose absence through most of the book is my only real complaint concerning this third volume) and his final admission about his feelings for her managed to shed a better light on him from my perspective. The whiny boy seems to be gone at last, and even though I still see some shadows in his character, he looks like a more grounded person, one who can recognize his failings and start to work on them. This becomes clear in his exchanges with Tamas, where for the first time in the series they actually speak to each other like father and son and not like two estranged acquaintances: their reciprocal admission of love, and the unspoken forgiveness for their past mistakes, is one of the more emotional passages in The Autumn Republic, one I realize I had been waiting for since book 1 and one that the author was able to convey with admirable deftness, down to a wonderful shared laugh that melts all the old misunderstandings and brings them together more than any words could.

Which finally brings me to Tamas, who has remained my favorite character throughout the story – faults included. Here he sees his years-long planning nearing its conclusion, even though he’s aware that this does not mark the end of the struggle or that things did not turn out exactly as he envisioned them. There is a definite sense of needing to finally pass the reins to someone else, to give in to the weight of the years and the big and small injuries sustained during a long, hard career and the tight focus on his goal. Tamas started taking stock of his past since the previous book, where he was assailed by some doubts about his ability to lead, so now that he sees himself at a crossroads and understands he left many things unsaid and undone, he feels compelled to correct any mistake he made along the way. Much as I enjoyed reading about his brilliant military strategy and his unwavering faith in the mission he set for himself, this softer side of Tamas complements wonderfully what was shown of the man until now, making him a more rounded and even more likable character – the true star of the narrative arc.

If I had read this trilogy when it came out, I would now be feeling quite bereft because I developed a deep fondness for this new fantasy genre and even more for the world Brian McClellan created, but as luck would have it, there is now more to be discovered in the next trio of books – and hopefully in many more that could follow. The conclusion to the Powder Mage trilogy felt perfect in its promise for what is yet to come, but even more in the deeply touching feelings it engendered, even though they were tinged with sorrow: unfortunately this end is a bittersweet one, and if I understand the need for some of the author’s choices, I’m still in mourning for some of them – Brian McClellan has shown time and again he never pulls his punches, but when he sacrifices his characters he does so in a way that’s so balanced, in description and emotions, that I can forgive him for the pain we have to deal with…

The Powder Mage trilogy has now taken its place among my favorite stories, and it’s a world I will always enjoy visiting, in any form the author chooses.

Originally posted at SPACE and SORCERY BLOG
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I enjoyed this quite a bit. In McClellan's world, there are what we would call conventional mages or sorcerors, usually known as Privileged and then there are powder mages - people who consume gunpowder to get mage-like abilities. There are also people with specific magical talents, known as Knacks. The magic system is reasonable and this is packed with action. I liked the characters and the writing enough that I'll continue with the series.



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