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Ferenc Máté

Author of The Hills of Tuscany

32 Works 1,116 Members 20 Reviews

About the Author


Works by Ferenc Máté

The Hills of Tuscany (1998) 386 copies, 4 reviews
A Vineyard in Tuscany: A Wine Lover's Dream (1998) 149 copies, 7 reviews
From a Bare Hull (1975) 73 copies, 1 review
Ghost Sea: A Novel (Dugger/Nello Series) (2006) 44 copies, 1 review
Best Boats to Build or Buy (1983) 37 copies
Sea of Lost Dreams (2012) 13 copies


Common Knowledge



20 reviews
Ah, Tuscany! I love you so. I have armchair traveled there many times, and will visit in person someday.

I loved reading about how one couple relocated to a small village in Tuscany and learned to live among the locals. I read with jealousy how they simplified their lives and settled into the slower routine. I would love to be able to do something similar someday. Whenever I read about Tuscany, something pulls at my soul. Having no Italian blood in my heritage, I find it odd, so it must be my show more soul was there in a previous iteration of life. Hunting truffles, gathering the grape harvest, sharing food and drink with friends. Tending my garden and reading books. This sounds like the perfect life. Obviously the author has a different financial and family situation than I do, so I will patiently save up for a trip while he jet-sets around the globe. Jealous. Good for you, sir, good for you. show less
This book makes friends of the reader and admirers out of them for the author and his skills. Based on the concept of guiding any would-be boat builder through the stages of fitting out a (new) bare hull, the book covers every needed skill in helpful detail. Containing many photographs, particularly of gorgeous French yachts, that excite and encourage attention, Mate insist that readers can achieve perfection in the task.
A more entertaining take than most on what's happening in the world environment. Gives his suggestion for how individuals can do their bit to improve things. I've read a fair number of articles and books on this subject, & if I needed to recommend one to someone not so well versed, this is the one I'd recommend.
The part that felt a bit off was his continual reference to "we", meaning Americans. I don't know how much time he spent in the US, but he was born in Hungary & stayed there until at show more least 11, has lived in Canada, and currently appears to have abandoned the US in favor of Tuscany. show less
A clear disappointment. It starts in Tuscany, but it’s a mythical Tuscany that may never have actually existed. According to the author it was, but is not quite now, idyllic in every way. He begins with each of those excellent qualities and then takes you along to other parts of the globe that compare poorly with his ideal.

There are one or two nice thoughts at the beginning, but the book is tiresome after just a little bit.


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