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Pétros Márkarīs

Author of Deadline in Athens

50+ Works 2,531 Members 141 Reviews 4 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: FOTO: DPA


Works by Pétros Márkarīs

Deadline in Athens (1995) 455 copies, 29 reviews
Zone Defence (1998) 271 copies, 13 reviews
Con el agua al cuello (2010) 254 copies, 20 reviews
Che Committed Suicide (2003) 231 copies, 13 reviews
La balia (2008) 194 copies, 9 reviews
La lunga estate calda del commissario Charitos (2006) 193 copies, 10 reviews
Liquidación final (2011) 182 copies, 10 reviews
Pan, educación, libertad (2012) 137 copies, 7 reviews
Titoli di coda (2014) 97 copies, 1 review
L'università del crimine (2018) 72 copies, 4 reviews
Offshore (2017) 65 copies, 2 reviews
Il tempo dell'ipocrisia (2019) 64 copies, 2 reviews
Balkan Blues (2004) 61 copies, 5 reviews
La muerte de Ulises (2015) 61 copies, 6 reviews
Ética para inversores (2020) 44 copies, 3 reviews
Próxima estación, Atenas (2010) 35 copies, 3 reviews
Quarantena (2021) 22 copies, 2 reviews
La revuelta de las cariátides (2023) 11 copies, 1 review
La conjura de los suicidas (2023) 8 copies, 1 review
Büyük Ortak (2023) 1 copy

Associated Works

Mords.Metropole.Ruhr (2010) — Contributor — 3 copies


Common Knowledge



Un relato corto protagonizado por Jaritos y varios otros sin él (aunque hace un cameo) todos de género negro y relacionados con la situación de los inmigrantes a Grecia. Personajes bien perfilados y situaciones interesantes.
Alberto_MdH | 4 other reviews | Sep 18, 2024 |
Un relato corto protagonizado por Jaritos y varios otros sin él (aunque hace un cameo) todos de género negro y relacionados con la situación de los inmigrantes a Grecia. Personajes bien perfilados y situaciones interesantes.
Alberto_MdH | 4 other reviews | Sep 12, 2024 |
Αν εξαιρέσουμε τον τρομερά έντονο σεξισμό και τη νοοτροπία "όλα ήταν καλύτερα όταν ήμουν νέος", έχει ενδιαφέρον και πολυπλοκότητα, με καλά σκιαγραφημενους χαρακτήρες.
Louisasbookclub | 28 other reviews | Jun 30, 2024 |
This is the first volume in the Inspector Kostas Charitos series. He is the head of the homicide squad in Athens and is supervised by Nikolaos Gikas. They are not always on the same page, as Charitos is a gut man and his boss only works with facts. Despite many misunderstandings, Gikas has Charitos' back. Charitos is married, and even though he loves his wife, they often have arguments.
Charitos investigates together with Sotiris and Thanassis. They are called to a house where two Albanians have been found dead. Despite questioning the neighbours, they make no progress. If it wasn't for the ambitious journalist Jana Karajorgi, who spreads the word that there must be another child. The TV journalist stops at nothing and keeps spreading new stories until she is found murdered shortly before the midnight programme. Now Charitos and his team get a new lead and wonder why the journalist had to die. Her successor is also found dead shortly afterwards. Charitos also realises that there is a mole inside the police department. Who is it?
The case escalates into child trafficking and power games. It is written in such an exciting and varied way that the reader only realises who the culprit is on the last page.
… (more)
Ameise1 | 28 other reviews | May 6, 2024 |



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