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Zola Levitt (1938–2006)

Author of Satan in the Sanctuary

85+ Works 982 Members 7 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the names: Zola Levitt, Zola Levett, Dr Zola Levitt

Works by Zola Levitt

Satan in the Sanctuary (1973) — Joint Author. — 87 copies, 1 review
The Seven Feasts of Israel (1979) 81 copies, 1 review
The Bible Jesus Read (1978) 42 copies
The Miracle of Passover (1977) 39 copies
An Israeli Love Story (1978) 38 copies
Is there life after death? (1977) 35 copies
A Christian Love Story (1978) 33 copies
Jesus: The Jew's Jew (1973) 22 copies
Meshumed! (1979) 22 copies
The Prophesied Messiah (1985) 18 copies
Jews and Jesus (1977) 17 copies
The transcendental explosion (1976) — Author — 15 copies, 1 review
For singles only (1978) 15 copies
Psychic Healing (1982) 14 copies
The Second Coming (1979) 12 copies
The Passover 11 copies
The house that God built (1989) 11 copies
Dateline Jerusalem (2005) 10 copies
In My Father's House (1981) 8 copies
The Spirit of Pentecost (1978) 8 copies
Return to Galilee (1917) 6 copies
Jerusalem Forever (2002) 6 copies
The Promised Land (1983) 6 copies
Encounters with UFOs (1975) 6 copies
Israel, My Promised (1981) 6 copies
Israel and tomorrow's temple (1977) — Author — 5 copies
How to Win at Losing (1975) 5 copies
Battles with Seminaries (2001) 4 copies
The Stones Cry Out (1996) 4 copies
The signs of the end (1978) 4 copies
Somebody Called 'Doc' (1972) 3 copies
Somebody Called 'Doc' (1972) 2 copies
If you're there, show me (1976) 2 copies
A Child is Born 2 copies
God Where Are You? (1977) 1 copy
The Beginning of the End! (2007) 1 copy, 1 review
The Passover 1 copy
a christian 1 copy

Associated Works

Genesis One: A physicist Looks at Creation (1998) — some editions — 10 copies


Common Knowledge

Date of death
Place of death
Dallas, Texas, USA



7 reviews
NOTE: PLEASE CHECK OUT THE STUDY GUIDE "The Covenants of God: Navigating the Whitewaters of Dispensationalism: Orthodox Study Guide," WHICH CAN BE LOANED SEPARATELY ALONG WITH THIS DVD.

The presence of these DVD's in our parish library is not intended as an endorsement of Zola Levitt's teaching. We include it to serve as a springboard for discussion. This particular series of programs by Zola Levitt entitled "The Covenants of God" speaks of many elements of the unfolding of salvation-history. show more What is often good, however, is also mixed with error. Please consult the Orthodox study guide "The Covenants of God: Navigating the Whitewaters of Dispensationalism: Orthodox Study Guide," which can be checked out from the library separately, and which provides an exposition of the doctrinal flaws peculiar to Zola Levitt's private brand of Dispensationalism which happen to be evident in this series entitled "The Covenants of God." The study guide will contrast these dispensationalist errors with Orthodox teaching. Much of Zola's views is reflective of the most popular forms of Dispensationalism. show less
NO OF PAGES: 62 SUB CAT I: Theology SUB CAT II: SUB CAT III: DESCRIPTION: Zola on Replacement Theology. What can replace Israel and the Jews in God's plan? Certainly not America and not the Church. Nonetheless, well-intentioned denominations seem to have sprouted blinders to their heritage, the very roots of their Christianity. Let us restore the foundation to our Christianity and quit using Grace as an excuse to cast away the Jews and the Promised Land.NOTES: SUBTITLE: Has the Church show more Replaced Israel show less
NO OF PAGES: 111 SUB CAT I: Torah SUB CAT II: Ethics SUB CAT III: DESCRIPTION: Jeff Seif draws on his experience as a police officer and theologian to walk readers through the Law of Moses, the biblical foundation of our Judeo-Christian culture. He describes God?s specific instructions on how to use power to secure justice for all and protection for the weak. Anyone wielding any measure of power and influence?parents, professionals, police, presidents, pastors?can benefit from exposure to show more the writings of Moses, especially since familiarity with God?s precepts guides biblically minded people to the godly use of power in times of war and peace.

Does ?turn the other cheek? condemn abuse victims to accept their tormentors? rage?
Does the Bible ever sanction war?NOTES: Donated by Larry & Joan Hicks. SUBTITLE: God's Formula for Wielding Power and Shielding the Powerless
show less

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