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Julia Leigh

Author of Disquiet

10 Works 724 Members 56 Reviews

About the Author

Julia Leigh was born in 1970 in Sydney, Australia. She is a graduate of the University of Sydney in philosophy and law. She was admitted to the NSW Supreme Court as a Legal Practitioner and worked as a legal advisor at the Australian Society of Authors. In 2009 she earned a PhD in English from the show more University of Adelaide and served as Adjunct Associate Professor of English at Barnard College, Columbia University. She is the author of The Hunter (made in to a feature film in 2011) and Disquiet. Also in 2011 she wrote and directed the film Sleeping Beauty. Her memoir Avalanche was released in 2016. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Includes the name: Leigh Julia

Image credit: Noah Sheldon

Works by Julia Leigh


Common Knowledge



Olivia married her husband and left her family against her mother's wishes. Now, more than a decade later, she's back with a broken arm and two children in tow. Unfortunately, it's not exactly the best time to be coming back to the family. Olivia's brother Marcus and his wife Sophie arrive home shortly after Olivia does, but not with the happy, healthy baby they expected. Sophie isn't handling her stillborn baby well, and for some reason the doctors thought it was a good idea to let her take the baby's corpse home with her. The idea is that she'll get some time with it before the funeral, at which point it will be buried and life will go on. Sure.

I don't understand what I was supposed to get out of this, besides the fact that no one in this family could properly communicate with each other. I'd have cheered at the ending, except that everything that happened then should have happened way earlier. Preferably before the baby's corpse started decomposing.

Overall, this was a frustrating and weird read about people who generally made my skin crawl, and not in an entertaining or even terribly interesting way.

(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)
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Familiar_Diversions | 42 other reviews | Feb 18, 2024 |
Disturbing. Themes of infant loss and delusions. Sophie is a nightmare woman. The children were very well written. I like these points because they fuel the uneasiness of the narrative.
I didn't like how inconclusive everything was. There were too many little things being touched on once and then forgotten or left unexplored. It was like someone was trying to shove as many triggers into my face without any real purpose. The ending was also really lackluster/rushed. Not my favorite.
zozopuff | 42 other reviews | Dec 19, 2022 |
Whoakay.... Well. The cover is pretty. And the opening sequence had some promise. But I don't think I would've missed anything if I hadn't read this.
slimikin | 42 other reviews | Mar 27, 2022 |
Adult fiction. Short, enjoyable, unsettling novella.
reader1009 | 42 other reviews | Jul 3, 2021 |



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