Author picture

Works by Kathy Lane


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Lane, Kathy
Legal name
Lane, Kathy
c. 1940



Well done from the first page to the last – great story – kept me reading without taking a break!

Clear Springs, NC is a small town in the hills that sounds lovely. Amy Sheridan has come to live there and regroup after psychological fallout from a military situation she has experienced. Joshua Colby, a native of Clear Springs, meets Amy shortly after he arrives for what he thinks might be a bit of R&R. Their meeting was intense and a whole lot more than either of them bargained for as it reveals one set of bad guys. Joshua is tasked by his superior office to keep Amy safe so in comes his wonderful spec ops team members to assist…and boy do the males mentioned make me want to know more about each and every one of them. The thing is Amy is not the shrinking violet that Joshua originally assumed she was and as the story unfolds the strength and depth of her character and how it interacts with his alpha personality and abilities becomes a terrific story that I could not put down until I finished the book.

The Raven and the Hawk…who are they? What do they mean or will they mean to one another? You will have to read the book to find out and if you do, I am sure you will enjoy it. I surely did.

Thank you to NetGalley and Backlit PR for the copy of this book to read and review.
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CathyGeha | Feb 4, 2016 |
Posted on Romancing the Book's blog
Reviewed by Robin
Review Copy Provided by the Publisher

After finally making my way through the story, which to me was rough in spots, I found the end. I can’t say that I really enjoyed this story but, to be fair I think that someone that read the first book in the series and/or enjoys the genre of sci-fi mixed with fantasy will enjoy this story.

Ms. Lane wrote a well put together story that was not only had a fast paced plot that did move quickly but also, had the characters connect with a chemistry that made the romantic side of things tend to be quietly sexy.

Bracca Co-Laurian is a blade, which is an ‘inhabitant of Avalyr who cannot absorb magic unless linked to a blood sworn who then mentally transfers magic. Bracca finds he has a strong connection to Sheran Ni-Annon, a young widowed mother who is an empath. He feels he isn’t worthy of her love.

Sometimes things happen that is beyond anyone’s control. As Bracca and Sheran soon find out when it comes to love. As they each fight against what they feel for the other. Within the story and all that is going on fate steps in. Sheran’s son brings the two of them together in a rather unlikely way. If you want to know how I’ll leave that for you to read and find out. It wouldn’t be fair of me to give all of the storyline away. If you understood anything of what I said than you will most certainly enjoy the second story in the Blood Sworn Series- Linked by Blood.

I know I had trouble at times and found myself re-reading to try and get the gist of the names and terms which were had to keep straight. Ms. Lane has all the right elements in her story she just found someone that was a bit confused throughout. If you enjoy sci-fi and something a little different give this a try.
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RtB | Aug 6, 2012 |
A practicle book about things you or your family members should think about to plan for the future. An easy read, with lots of good advice.
papyri | 5 other reviews | Oct 16, 2010 |
This book is a must read for people of all ages. It is never too early to plan for death or incapacity. We should hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Don't leave the decisions to the courts. This book gives valuable information and is a valuable resource book.
weaverladyllj | 5 other reviews | Dec 6, 2009 |


½ 4.3