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19 Works 1,065 Members 10 Reviews

About the Author

Jackie Kendall is President of Power to Grow Ministries. She is a National conference speaker and the best-selling author of Lady in Waiting, The Mentoring Mom, A Man Worth Waiting For, Free to Love: The Liberating Power of Forgiveness, and Lady in Waiting for Little Girls. She has been married 37 show more years to Ken and they have two grown children, Ben and Jessi, a son-in-law Drew, and their first grandchild-Emma Grace. show less

Works by Jackie Kendall


Common Knowledge




Writing from her own experiences, Jackie Kendall, author of the best-selling Lady in Waiting, encourages and inspires mothers to develop their ability to mentor their children, as well as to be mentored themselves by God. Using the concept of stamping the image of Christ on the child's heart, with the mother as the ink pad and the child as the recipient of the imprint, she guides readers through her 11 time-tested principles of modeling Christ.
PlumfieldCH | Sep 22, 2023 |
Excellent book for any period of waiting in a woman's life. This book challenged and encouraged me to love Jesus more actively and specifically than ever before. Also, it got me to thinking and meditating on what God's word has to say about singleness and waiting and the attitudes associated with that in our modern times. I will be recommending this book--already have. My only complain is I wish they had a guy's version of this, too.
NatalieMonk | 2 other reviews | Jul 3, 2017 |
This book is one of the best books I have ever read about the subject on controlling women. I am guilty of trying to control everything. Earlier in my marriage, I controlled everything and if it didn't go my way, I found ways to pout . I wanted to make sure everyone knew I was unhappy unless I got my way. I was very overprotective of my children as they grew up . My excuse was that I wanted to protect them, but really I was controlling them while leaving little room for them to grow and become independent .

I loved the author's description od the very first women who "thought she was smarter than God." Thanks Eve for thinking you knew better than God. It is funny how we think once we get married we will be able to change our spouse. "Controlling women think they are responsible to change people who are not going in the right direction." What a funny statement that is. Controlling women thinking they know best and should direct others to the right way to go. How many of us are guilty of controlling and proudly wearing our badge?

What a powerful book that opens your eyes to what being controlling can do to yourself. We can find ourselves anxious, angry , fearful, insecure and have low self-esteem and turn to controlling others to overcome these issues. This book has hit home for me and I saw myself doing many of the things she talked about without realizing I was self destructing . One of the things she talks about in the book is a struggle I have had for many years. I have dealt with anxiety attacks for so long that it can sometimes become overwhelming. But then I read this verse , "Be still and know I am God." (Ps 46:10) I have read that scripture many times but not really thought about it until I started reading this book. All I need to do is give God control and trust Him.

We are all a work in progress and work on our imperfections everyday. The good news is that God is in control. We need to give that control back to Him and find peace and confort in knowing that if we don't get something done or it doesn't go the right way, that the world won't end. "The more secure a woman is, the less likely she will need to be in control."

I highly recommend this book to every woman to feel secure in theirselves and let God be in control. He has this. He doesn't need our help and we don't need to get in His way. At the end of each chapter are discussion questions that I would encourage readers to use as you begin to heal from being a controlling woman.

I received a copy of this amazing book from The BookClub NetWork for an honest review.
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Harley0326 | 1 other review | Jan 2, 2016 |
This book spoke to me so much that I plan to share it with every woman who is tired and afraid of failure. I am one of those women. I have always had to be in control. I felt that if I didn't do it it would not get done. After reading this amazing and enlightening book I know that I need to surrender my Jr God badge. We as women try and control everything and everyone in an uncontrollable world. I know I have felt the rug be pulled out from under me a lot in the past 8 years. But we have to realize we are not in charge, God is and we need to give up our badges.
Yes, I will say it just like the author, I am a control freak. I have to have order and do not like change. I used to be better about this but as I age it seems to get worse along with my anxiety. It's no wonder I am always tired. After reading this I realized that I can't change people, even those I love only God can change a person.
We as Christian's also need to be aware that even though we are close to him doesn't make us immune to disappointment or loss. I love the example the author gives of John the Baptist.
In a few of the chapters she gives us 4 things commonly feared by Controlling women:
The fear of What if?
The fear of Intimacy
Fear of Disappointing people
The fear of failure
Wow, this hit home! We must realize that God knows we are not perfect and he forgives our failures.
Another great point is to know its ok to say NO. This is the one word I have the most trouble with in my life. I want to do it all. As the author states we all try and be Wonder Woman for everyone. But what we don't realize is that we are bringing ourselves down and building resentment. This is when we need to give it to God instead of 911 mom first.
Thank you so much for this book. It truly has changed my life. Another great part of this book was the discussion questions at the end of each chapter.
Thank you and God Bless
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Penny_Burns_Marks | 1 other review | Dec 17, 2015 |

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