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2+ Works 10 Members 5 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: Frog Jones taken by Jerry Jones


Works by Frog Jones

Grace Under Fire (The Gift of Grace, #1) (2014) — Author — 9 copies, 4 reviews

Associated Works

Straight Outta Deadwood (2019) — Contributor — 19 copies
The Reinvented Detective (2023) — Contributor — 7 copies
Zombiefied! An Anthology of All Things Zombie (2011) — Contributor — 5 copies


Common Knowledge



Grand Adventure! Nonsense

Come on in folks! We're going to have a grand Adventure! Never mind if everything is contradictory nonsense, if you believe, it will happen. That's what I see coming, though I will admit I didn't get far into the first chapter before I got disgustipated. Maybe it should be listed as children's lit?
acb13adm | 3 other reviews | Sep 13, 2023 |
This sequal to Grace Under Fire surpassed the first book in the series, IMHO. We get to see Grace in a new politicized setting, and the difficulties involved in trying to revive the nostly massacred Spokane Grove. The politics sometimes seem pretty simplified considering these people are both powerful mages and being hunted on a round the clock basis. Their continued dismissal of Grace and her abilities seems short-sighted and venal, given the overall situation, as if this were all taking place in academia (where things commonly get bloodier the smaller the stakes are). Grace, however, always has one more trick up her sleeve (literally), and a do or die attitude that keeps the reader on her side. Her new little coterie, however, leaves more than a little to be desired in terms of competence and loyalty. Her apprentice, Robert Lorents, comes off better than he did in the first book, with less angst, more determination, and a backbone that makes him a bona fide hero this time around. I won't give away the ending, which depends on some truly clever rune spells and a willingness to sacrifice whatever it takes, but it's worth the ride. Again, there is some repetition to the other tricks used, but many of them make intelligent use of the magic system set up herein, and some are downright inspired.… (more)
pat_macewen | Jul 27, 2018 |
The lead character, Grace Moore, strongly reminded me of someone I know in real life, but that is not the only reason I found her sympathetic. She is strong but not egotistical about it, and has a work ethic I can admire, and more common sense than most. That she's considered expendible by her superiors in her own grove adds to her appeal. I was somewhat less sympathetic to the apprentice she acquires along the way, but that is largely because Robert Lorents is a teenager, and going through more than the average teenager. Their prickly relationship helped keep the story moving along, with lots of action along the way. If I could ask for more, though, I would want to get a much better feel for the villain of the piece, a murderous sort from a neighboring dimension. We never get much more than his name, and I finished this book with no idea what his ambitions are, or who he really is. There was also a lengthy car chase where the various exchanges between our heroes and the demonic creature chasing them got repetitive. There were a lot of very inventive uses of the landscape, however, and I really did end up rooting for Grace, despite the occasional urge to slap Robert.… (more)
pat_macewen | 3 other reviews | Jul 27, 2018 |
One day I was surfing the 'Net and I decided to Google my own name for fun. I wanted to see what I would find. I found a blog written by a woman named [a:Esther Jones|6540663|Esther Jones|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1350222867p2/6540663.jpg] and her husband [a:Frog Jones|6540664|Frog Jones|http://www.goodreads.com/assets/nophoto/nophoto-U-50x66-4df4c878d4149c45fac159e88cb784ad.jpg]. I was intrigued to discover that, like me, Frog and Esther are writers. Not only that, they write my favourite genre: fantasy. I had to read their debut novel, Grace Under Fire. I would have been very disappointed if it hadn't been good. I was not disappointed.

The story is written in first person POV with two narrators, which could be a confusing mess, but isn't. The two voices are distinct and clear. Grace is a wonderfully interesting, well-rounded character. We are given glimpses of her backstory: just enough to make me want to know more. Robert sounds like the teenager he is; the most important thing in his life is the girl he's crushing on. That is, until he meets Grace and ends up in the fight of his life.

There are some heavy themes here. On the personal level, Robert learns that angry, thoughtless revenge can have far-reaching, unintended consequences. On a more global level, summoners are illegal just because of who/what they are, and are arrested for existing.

I loved this book, and cannot wait for the next one in the series.
… (more)
EstherSpurrillJones | 3 other reviews | Dec 11, 2017 |

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