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Showing 21 of 21
This book is weird. The illustrations are great, but the story is just odd. I was looking for some good kid's books that deal with death, and this isn't really the sort of thing I was hoping to find. It's pretty entertaining as a weird, hipstery story, but not so much as a kid's book. Also, the flap-copy calls this "strangely heart-warming" which is a lying lie.
bookbrig | 17 other reviews | Aug 5, 2020 |
Introduces children to the concept of death. A gentle and thought provoking picture book, although not suitable for everyone, some children may find it a little frightening.
ThePinesLibrary | 17 other reviews | Jun 10, 2020 |
A book about death and dying aimed at children.
LibraryPAH | 17 other reviews | Jan 10, 2019 |
Duck, Death and the Tulip- what a unique and original book! This book is about death and it does something that I didn't see in the other books on the topic- it represents death as a living, breathing person named Death. I loved the book and the illustrations and I would definitely recommend.
albethea | 17 other reviews | Nov 6, 2018 |
This is one of the most moving books I have ever read. The illustrations are beautiful and haunting. I loved the sentiment toward death (nothing to be afraid of, we live with death every day). I read it to my young niece, and she liked the book and was not disturbed. For a lot of Americans, though, who are not very comfortable with the idea of death or children reading heavy, thoughtful, possibly "upsetting" stories, this little book will not be read, which is a shame.
jtdancer | 17 other reviews | Jun 30, 2018 |
Retrieved a record: Bibliographic match uncertain.
glsottawa | 2 other reviews | Apr 4, 2018 |
A sweet, simple and sad story about death. The drawings add depth to the text, which became quite poignant towards the end. From the moment Duck became aware of Death's hovering presence, their inevitable relationship deepened into friendship. In the drawings, Death's gifts Duck with a tulip - but the text makes the assumption that the reader will know the significance. Perhaps that was deliberate - ultimately death cannot be fully known, only guessed at.

While I enjoyed the book, especially the smiling, skull-faced Death and the quaintly appealing Duck, I was left feeling only sadness, where a similar book "Cry, Heart, But Never Break" uplifted me despite the poignancy.
JudyCroome | 17 other reviews | Sep 24, 2016 |
The art is really gorgeous. It's a serious topic, to be sure, and it's not addressed with any subtlety. Erlbruch uses more of a calm, direct approach. Death simply is. At one point duck asks, "Are you going to make something happen?" but death says, "Life takes care of that." I'm not sure why, but I keep coming back to this story.
CALammert | 17 other reviews | Apr 13, 2016 |
Un ours qui devient papa
bibliotheque34 | 2 other reviews | Apr 4, 2016 |
Life embraces death in this wonderfully witty, profoundly moving, elegantly crafted story.
Sullywriter | 17 other reviews | May 22, 2015 |
Leonard confronts his fear of dogs in a most unusual way.
Sullywriter | 1 other review | May 22, 2015 |
Piu' che il Libro Tibetano, più che Seneca, piu' che Kierkegaard: a volte basta molto, molto meno per dare l'immensa sensazione della finitezza, dell'eternità e del loro straziante connubio.

Basta un'anatra e un tulipano.
bobparr | 17 other reviews | Dec 14, 2014 |
Wolf Erlbruch is amazing. The book has quirky illustrations and the story is quirky and wonderful to match.

This goes on the "Stuff I love about Germany" list.
tercat | 1 other review | Nov 19, 2013 |
A simple story about fear of death. Duck fears death but can't escape him. An odd friendship is established and death quietly sees duck off on that final journey. An interesting story in that it scares adults while children seem to take it for what it is, a lesson in peaceful acceptance.
rata | 17 other reviews | Oct 24, 2011 |
From August 2011—A toad, a spider, a bat, and a rat are commiserating over their repulsive appearance when they are visited by a hyena who as a musician, teaches them that people are defined by what they do rather than by their looks. The other critters each pick up a instrument and they all make music together, save for the toad who doesn't play any musical instruments. But he does know how to make crepes, so they decide to open a restaurant serving crepes with live music, and sure enough, everyone flocks over to their happenin' place. A great message to teach kids, and a good reminder for big kids too.½
Smiler69 | 1 other review | Sep 1, 2011 |
The title asks "Me, a Papa Bear?" a short and sweet story about a bear who, coming out of hibernation in the spring, realizes he longs to have children. But he has no idea how they are made, and goes around asking various animals for their advice to comic effect. All's well that ends well when he meets a female who assures him that they'll quickly figure out how to go about it. I don't usually read Children's Literature for the very young, but borrowed this book from the library to get a glimpse of German illustrator Wolf Erlbruch's work, recipient of the Hans Christian Andersen illustration award for 2006.
Smiler69 | 2 other reviews | Sep 1, 2011 |
hendrixbowie | 3 other reviews | Jul 14, 2010 |
A simple story about fear of death. Duck fears death but can't escape him. An odd friendship is established and death quietly sees duck off on that final journey. An interesting story in that it scares adults while children seem to take it for what it is, a lesson in peaceful acceptance.
ecumenicalcouncil | 17 other reviews | Apr 25, 2009 |
Svona bækur er erfitt að fjalla um. Maður getur eiginlega ekki krufið hana á vitsmunalegu stigi, þetta er saga sem lesandinn verður að upplifa með tilfinningunum. Að því marki virka myndskreytingarnar fullkomnlega. Góð bók til að kynna ung börn fyrir viðkvæmu umfjöllunarefni.½
arazone | 17 other reviews | Mar 24, 2008 |
Retrieved a record: Bibliographic match uncertain.
glsottawa | Apr 4, 2018 |
Showing 21 of 21