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Works by Eratosthenes


Common Knowledge

276 BC
Date of death
194 BC



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This contains 3 major texts:
-Catasterisms by Eratosthenes (surviving in two forms: one known as the Epitome, covering every constellation, and another known as the Vatican Fragments, which is incomplete, but contains additional information not found in the Epitome)
-Constellation myths compiled by Hyginus
-A prose translation of the poem Phaenomena by Aratus (and extracts from Geminos' Introduction to the 'Phaenomena' included as an appendix)

The constellations are arranged systematically, grouped according to zones within the celestial sphere.

Each narrative begins with Eratosthenes' Epitome (with further information from the Vatican Fragments where this exists), which gives a relatively short mythological & astrological account of the constellation.
Next is an astrological account, followed by a longer, mythological account by Hyginus.
Finally, a detailed and insightful commentary from the translator, Robin Hard.

After 50 constellations, Aratus' Phaenomena is presented which is split into three sections:
I. The Constellations
II. The Measuring of Time through Observation of the Heavens
III. Weather Signs

As well as containing some familiar myths, the book contains some more interesting and obscure myths that cannot be found in Homer, Hesiod, Ovid etc.
The text contains a superb introduction, with detailed notes by the translator.
(As well as looking at the illustrations below, I would recommend becoming familiar with the concept of the celestial sphere, ecliptic etc. (of course the introduction does a good job, but words and still pictures can only do so much in aiding a visualisation of something in 3 dimensions.)
A video such as this is useful)
Below are links to illustrations
I would highly recommend loading these up on a tablet/laptop/desktop (don't use a phone; these are high quality images and are best viewed on a larger screen) and spending some time looking at multiple depictions of each constellation both before beginning to read the narrative for that constellation, and also whilst reading Hyginus' astrological account of the constellation, as you can follow along with the stars he mentions and where the constellations touch, or are intersected by, certain celestial circles, such as the equator and tropics.

I have had a passing interest in the constellations and the celestial sphere for a long time, and looking at the illustrations below greatly enhanced my enjoyment with this book, turning it into a real experience, as well as helping me place constellations in context with each other, within the celestial sphere, and also left a stronger impression of each constellation in my mind than if I had not looked up any depictions of them.
I went down something of a rabbit hole of astrological & astronomical maps & illustrations depicting constellations before starting this book, and I would recommend 3 sources.

1. Alexander Jamieson's Celestial Atlas
This contains almost all of the constellations described in the book (I could not find 3 minor ones). It is (in my opinion), the most beautiful & rich, but also the most detailed depiction of the constellations, as Jamieson includes lines of latitude & longitude, celestial circles, names of major & minor constellations, as well as names of stars.
Wikipedia page

2. Hevelius' Prodromus Astronomiae / Firmamentum Sobiescianum
This is another detailed depiction, although not as detailed as Jamieson's.
Wikipedia page

3. Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens
This is a set of 32 astronomical star chart cards, first published in November 1824 and based on Jamieson's illustrations. They are slightly "cartoony" to my taste, but it's nice to see a different style of illustrations. Wikipedia page
Extra mentions/Illustrations:
i. Johann Elert Bode's Uranographia
This is a very detailed depiction, but the best quality images I could find are spread over two pages, and in my opinion, Jamieson's depictions are more elegant and easier to read.

ii. Photos from a 1482 copy of Hyginus' Poeticon astronomicon in Venice

iii. Cellarius' Harmonia Macrocosmica
A star atlas containing some very interesting illustrations.
Alternative Links
In case any become broken in due time (please do not let this prevent you from using google to find your own sources)
Jamieson i
Jamieson ii
Thank you for reading if you made it this far down, and I hope the links I provided help to you enjoy this book as much as I did.

If you find any other depictions of constellations, feel free to link to them as a comment.
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EroticsOfThought | Feb 28, 2018 |

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