Picture of author.

About the Author

Includes the names: W. Connors, William Connors, Willam W. Connors

Also includes: Connors (1)

Image credit: by KL Connors


Works by William W. Connors

Masque of the Red Death and Other Tales (1994) 48 copies, 1 review
The Gothic Earth Gazetteer (1995) 38 copies
Requiem: the Grim Harvest (1996) 32 copies
System Guide to Aegis (2000) 32 copies
Forged of Darkness (1996) 29 copies
The Shadow Rift (1998) 29 copies

Associated Works

Realms of Magic (1995) — Contributor — 338 copies
Relics and Omens (1998) — Contributor — 200 copies, 3 reviews
Fox at the Front (2003) — Maps, some editions — 74 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Connors, William W.



They're all gone now.

Newfoundland was settled by boat. It was fed by the cod and seals caught by its boats. People traveled between towns by boat. Without its boats, there would have been no Newfoundland -- at least not as we know it now. So when Newfoundland became an organized dominion, one of the tasks the government undertook was to set up a regular service of coastal steamers to get people from place to place. (This was in conjunction with the Newfoundland Railroad, which was one of the most improbable projects in the history of government boondoggles, but that's a story for another book.)

The boats became part of Newfoundland folklore, and even the language, as when people counted time by "Bruces" -- that is, the cycle of the transport steamer Bruce, one of the first of the coastal boats. But, eventually, the coastal boats (and the railroad) were abandoned; people used automobiles instead -- uglier, more polluting, and not much faster, given the nature of Newfoundland's highways. But since when has that stopped people from driving?

This is one attempt to memorialize the coastal boats. It contains pictures of many of them, with brief excerpts of their history, usually from newspapers.

If you just want the photos, this book is terrific. The photos are well-chosen and generally well-printed, and there are more of them than I have seen in any other book. The text... urf. It's short, of course, and it's mostly taken from contemporary newspaper accounts, which often were printed before all the facts came in. It's not really enough context to understand the stories of the coastal boats. For that, you need something like Maura Hanrahan's The Alphabet Fleet.

And not every ship is included. Where, for instance, is the famous Florizel? The Stephano?

These aren't quibbles. There are a lot of things not included in this book. The material in the book is worth five stars. But it's not all that should be included. I'd say the book has about 70% of the material it needs to have to be reasonably complete. So... three and a half stars. But, again, it's better than that for the material that it covers.
… (more)
1 vote
waltzmn | Mar 22, 2019 |
Being as Ravenloft is based on Victorian era gothic fiction the creation of this spinoff series seems like a forgone conclusion, why not bring the horror home to roost? It is a very good campagin package except for a few bruises and sore thumbs here and there. Some of the backstory is a bit shoddily written, and occasionally hackneyed. I don’t know about you but when I come across references to Merlin or Atlantis in a game book my mind kind of shuts down and I skim past it. If you can weed out the clichés you have a fine enjoyable game on your hands. I love the artwork, much of which is based on Victorian clip art. It’s different, but that’s not always a bad thing.… (more)
1 vote
cleverusername2 | Aug 18, 2006 |
There are some pretty good stories here, riffs off of gothic fiction novels like Phantom of the Opera and a ripping good pirate yarn. My biggest complaint is the misleading cover which has a sort of Aztec motif and is not reflected in the stories presented therein.
1 vote
cleverusername2 | Aug 18, 2006 |


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