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Works by Dee Dee Chainey

Associated Works

Hellebore #1: The Sacrifice Issue (2019) — Contributor — 11 copies


Common Knowledge



‘’As people stare off into the curved horizon, disappearing as a watery pathway to the unknown, they dream of far-off shores and distant lands.’’

Water is life. The seas, the rivers, the lakes have always been crucial for the survival of all species. It is only natural that humans have been attracted to the mysteries of water, creating myths and legends to understand the cast universe that lies underwater. Even today, the sea is our main choice for care-free moments and the rivers retain a unique, almost mystical, fascination in our minds with their special - and sometimes eerie - atmosphere. From creatures and deities to sacred landmarks and mysterious incidents, the Folklore of seas, rivers and lakes is an endless source of excitement. Dee Dee Chainey and Willow Winsham are here to guide us on this journey.

‘’We have looked upon the face of the spirits of our waters, and while they might look different - from Mami Wata to Poseidon, from the fossegrim to the naiads - their role in our lives is the same. They aid us when we are lost. They offer us healing. We plead and bargain with them for their gifts and blessings. Humans everywhere look to the water and see the possibilities it holds in its depths. It is cathartic, cleansing and majestic, with a power to consume all; a regenerative, a force that ebbs and flows like time, with the power to give life or take it away.’’

From Coleridge’s haunting The Rime of the Ancient Mariner to the myth of Atargatis. The most beautiful, moving narration of Andersen’s The Little Mermaid. The Sirens of Homer, the Selkies of the Northern Seas, and the African Mami Wata. Learn how to summon a Selkie lover (brilliant!) and find out about the frightening results of the steel factory in Taranto. Comfort the priestess Io, persecuted by Hera. Meet the Mesopotamian Tiamat, the Leviathan of the Jewish tradition, the Nordic Jörmungandr and the Kraken, Scylla and Charybdis from The Odyssey.

Travel to underwater realms and legendary kingdoms. Read about the Breton kingdom of Ys, the moving tale of Urashima and the Palace of the Dragon King. Encounter powerful deities of the sea. Sedna, the Inuit Mother of the Sea, Arnaguagsaq from Greenland, Iemanjua whose origins can be found in the Yoruba tradition. Learn about mysteries and superstitions. Uncover the legends of The Flying Dutchman, the Mary Celeste, the Caleuche and the Bermuda Triangle. Read the tales of smugglers and their crimes that inspired Du Maurier’s masterpiece Jamaica Inn.

Wander by the banks of sacred rivers and mysterious lakes, with the deities, the spirits, the mythical creatures. The Acheron and the Styx, the gates of Hades. The moving legend of St Christopher who carried the Saviour on his shoulders. The Arthurian myth of the Lady of the Lake and Excalibur. Maria Enganxa, the water hag of Majorca, Lorelei of the Rhine, the legends of Father Thames, the myth of Oba. Melusine, the Naiads, the Anguane of Italy, the Fenettes of France, the Fossegrim of Norway, the Bean - Nighe of Scotland.

Kelpies and water horses, the Loch Ness monster, the swamps of New Orleans and their secrets, the bog lights pointing the way. Sacred and frightening wells, from the terrifying myths of Malta to the Clootie wells of Scotland, Ireland and Wales, and naturally, the Legend of the Fountain of Youth,

Perfection! Dee Dee Chainey and #FolkloreThrusday, you make our days brighter!

‘’Dare you delve further, reach tentatively beneath the dark swell, to see what you might find? Pirate treasures await you, yet take care when your fingers dip into the deep blackness that their tips don’t brush against steely scales lurking under the surface. And don’t forget: when you do dare to peer below the dancing waves, always listen well for the siren’s call…’’

Many thanks to Pavillion Books, Dee Dee Chainey and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

My reviews can also be found on
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AmaliaGavea | Apr 4, 2021 |
Even in these days of 24/7 news, a world of knowledge at your fingertips and the ability to talk to almost anyone else on the planet, there are still things that we do and say that can trace their origins back hundreds of years. Some of the stranger ones have sadly vanished from the common vernacular, but thankfully we have people like Dee Dee Chainey who has scoured the legends, crept past the giants and kelpies and learnt about the customs and included them in this charming little book.

So if you want to know who the green man was, which tree it is rumoured to be safe to stand under in a thunderstorm and when in the farming year they would shout 'Hurrah! Hurrah for the neck. As you'd expect, there are hounds, white harts and fairies. You can discover which fairies like to help and which use blood to dye their caps. The supernatural gets a section to itself as well as the hatched, matched and despatched themes that still dominate life today.

It is a good overview of the weft and weave of folklore that permeates our lives even today. If it does lack a little depth, but it is a concise summation of all things folklore. That said, there is an extensive bibliography and references and more importantly a comprehensive list of places to find folklore for those that want to uncover much more about this fascinating subject. I loved the bold woodcut illustrations by Joe McLaren too, they are a certain gravitas to the book
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PDCRead | 2 other reviews | Apr 6, 2020 |
''As we get older, we still sense the wonder of those takes we know from childhood. They whisper to us with every fleeting glimpse of what might just be a fairy in the woodlands, or a giant peering through a crevice in the rock.''

Dee Dee Chainey is a world treasure. She is a cultural icon for those of us who adore Folklore and recognize its vital importance and impact on all aspects of our life, and the way tradition has the owner to many issues we face. The online magazine #FolkloreThursday is a wealth of knowledge of World Folklore and probably the only reason making Twitter useful. This beautiful volume, wonderfully illustrated by Joe McLaren, is a true treasure covering every ''branch'' of British Folklore, the dark and supernatural, the human and earthly.

Folklore of the land and the animal kingdom, the seasons, the holy wells, the mountains and the seas. Giants, witches, kings and heroes, elves and fairies. Ghosts, changelings. Death, birth, work and marriage. Did you know that in Lincolnshire it is unlucky to eat the whole Christmas cake on Christmas Eve? In Suffolk, the light are turned off that night and I was surprised to find that we have a similar custom in Greece, related to New Year's Eve. 'First footing' is very important in Scotland and one of my favourite British celebrations is Up Helly Aa taking place in Shetland, possibly commemorating the Viking heritage of this beautiful Scottish corner. Beltane, Lughnasadh, Lammas, St. John's Day and the custom of jumping through a bonfire for luck are well-known festivities, each one steeped in legend.

We are tracing the steps of the Druids. Rocks come alive stull retaining healing powers in Wiltshire, Glamorgan, Argyllshire, Orkney. We stand at the banks of mysterious rivers, full of myths and legendary creatures, waiting for a Scottish Kelpie to appear. Well dressing reassures us of nature's blessings and in Derbyshire, a drum over water will reveal where a corpse lies. Mystical forests hide centuries-old secrets. Birch woods, chestnut and apple trees, the sacred elder tree, the acorns and yews to ward off thunder and witches, and the mandrake with its dark spells. One of the greatest gifts of Nature, the bee is a companion to be revered and should always be informed of a death in a family, as is the robin that plucked away the sharpest thorn from Jesus' forehead, easing His unimaginable pain.

We visit legendary places like Glastonbury Abbey and the Mount Badon, where Arthur fought the Saxons. We walk in the steps of Emrys, our Merlin, and his vision of the two dragons, the red victorious and immortalized on the Welsh flag. Boudicca, Robin Hood, Lady Godiva, St. Winifred and a surprisingly ''alive'' pantheon that populates a vast wealth of beautiful myths. The Green Man is watching us along with a very particular (and arguably unwelcome...) guest. Only in the folklore of the Czech Republic have I found so many myths related to the Devil. Fairies, elves, goblins, the night raids in Northumberland and the Fairy Flag of the MacLeods of Dunvegan Castle on the island of Skye. Scottish redcaps, will-o'-the wisps, brownies. The Lancashire Witch Trials, John Dee, the ghost of the unfortunate Anne Boleyn and Halloween divinations that reveal a future husband to young women. Customs related to cooking and the gatherings at the table. Selkies, sea legends, and superstitions. Yorkshire harvest traditions and the haunting procession on St. Mark's Eve of those who are going to die within the year.

This is only a small reference to the plethora of customs and traditions that can be found in this superb volume. Embellished with an extensive Further Reading section and an informative list of folklore events and festivals for each month, Dee Dee Chainey's work must find a place in your collection.

''Even now, walking ancient pathways, our legends unravel before us. If we listen carefully, we might fancy we can still hear the whispers of giants, witches, fairies, and the ghosts of the warriors that still sleep under verdant mounds. When we gaze over the meadows, we might just glimpse the elf-arrows glittering in the sunlight, peeking through ploughed fields from their hiding places in the ancient brown loam of history.''

My reviews can also be found on
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AmaliaGavea | 2 other reviews | Dec 21, 2019 |
A very good little book which serves as an introduction and brief overview of folklore in the uk, with various chapters alluding to different facets. It's not comprehensive and would not work well as a reference book in particular, but to give a flavour, or a steer in a certain direction for a researcher then it has merit. Some interesting woodcut illustrations as well. Certainly good for the casual interested reader.
aadyer | 2 other reviews | Dec 29, 2018 |

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