Author picture

Annie Bryant

Author of Worst Enemies/Best Friends

27 Works 1,974 Members 38 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Bryant Annie

Disambiguation Notice:

"Annie Bryant" is a pseudonym for a group of writers who wrote the Beacon Street Girls books. The series was edited by Roberta MacPhee.


Works by Annie Bryant

Worst Enemies/Best Friends (2004) 355 copies, 8 reviews
Bad News/Good News (2004) 259 copies, 3 reviews
Letters from the Heart (2004) 145 copies, 2 reviews
Out of Bounds (2004) 124 copies, 4 reviews
Promises, Promises (2005) 104 copies
Lake Rescue (2005) 102 copies, 1 review
Freaked Out (2006) 80 copies, 3 reviews
Fashion Frenzy (2006) 79 copies
Charlotte in Paris (2006) 78 copies, 3 reviews
Lucky Charm (2006) 75 copies, 2 reviews
Ghost Town (2007) 71 copies
Maeve on the Red Carpet (2007) 65 copies, 2 reviews
Time's Up (2008) 51 copies, 2 reviews
Just Kidding (2007) 50 copies, 1 review
Freestyle with Avery (2007) 46 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
"Annie Bryant" is a pseudonym for a group of writers who wrote the Beacon Street Girls books. The series was edited by Roberta MacPhee.



Cute. I'd let my grandchildren read this series (if I had any).
AliceAnna | 7 other reviews | Jul 28, 2023 |
This book is about a girl named Charlotte who love's to write and has a traveling ayher as a dad. She is a new girl at Abigal Adams junior high school.she get's an asinged seats in the cafetiria. At first she hates the people at her table and totaly imbareses herself by forgetting to zip up her jeans in the morning, finds out at lunch and zips it into the tablecloth! she does evechualy become close friends with the girls at her lunch table.They even make a a club called the becon street girls and meet on the ''tower'' on Charlotte's new home.I realy liked this book because the chapters are in all of the different beacon street girls perspective. I also like this book because it is one of my favoite genres.I highly recomend this book to 4th grade girls.… (more)
ChloeM12 | 7 other reviews | Oct 10, 2015 |
Title: Maeve on the Red Carpet (Beacon Street Girls)
Author: Annie Bryant
Genre: Yount Adult
Challenges: 101 Books in 1001 Days Challenge, Book Around the States Challenge, Monthly Mixer Mele (A), Read and Review Challenge 2010, 2010 Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge, 100 Reading Challenge, Young Adult Reading Challenge, Audio Book Challenge 2010, Pages Read 2010,

Rating: 4/5
No. of Pages: Audio (240)
Published: 2007

Back Cover: Dearest Movies Stars in Training,

I am THE happiest girl on the planet. A very famous Holiywood director is coming to our very own Movie House to run a film camp and – hold your breath – she is bringing her dreamy actor son with her. Can’t you just picture moi and the star of my very own romantic comedy?

Of course, there’s the small matter of Madeline, the beautiful, talented, and ultra-rich daughter of the famous Krupcake King (Gotta love those Krupcakes) She wants to star in the movie, too. But hey, I say let the best ach-TOUR win! Honestly, does life get any more fabulous?

XOXO, Maeve

Mine: This is a wonderful Young Adult series. I’ve read 2 so far and would highly recommend. There is wonderful story of relationships (Parents-children, Sister-Brother). It also is a story about listening to each other. Sometimes parents can be totally clueless. Why put two people that you know will not get along together. Maeve is into acting and her father owns a theatre (movie house) what could be better than to have a movie camp come to town. The only problem is the sponsor has a daughter who thinks she rules the world.
… (more)
suefitz1 | 1 other review | Apr 3, 2013 |


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