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About the Author

Chet Bowers is a semi-retired university professor who has written 23 books that examine the linguistic/cultural roots of the ecological crisis-and their implications for reforming universities and public schools. He has been an invited speaker at 40 foreign and 42 American universities.

Includes the names: Chet Bowers, C. A. Bowers

Works by Chet A. Bowers


Common Knowledge



I have to admit I only really read about 35 pages before getting so fed up that I mostly skimmed and flipped through the rest of this book.

Just another white guy who assumes that his interpretation of how to solve the ecological crisis is indeed the best interpretation, even as he rips apart others who behave similarly.

What is at root of my being so fed up with this book is this: How are we supposed to opt out of the capitalism-industrial complex impelled upon us here in the West (and specifically in the US)? I went to engineering school. Most of my friends graduated and took jobs with corporations. Where else were they supposed to work? I went to grad school and got some military funding. How else was I supposed to get research published to get my PhD? Were we all supposed to just "opt out" of getting any type of funding to do research? Should none of us have gone to grad school, because our research could be used for nefarious aims? It's not like any of us got to choose these things. It was either: here's some money to do research so you can get a PhD, and hopefully better the world somehow, or you can leave and get a job in one of those evil corporations that are ruining the environment.

How are we supposed to opt out when the 1% lie and cheat their way to the top? (Don't believe me: who's currently president of the US? Why?) How are we supposed to opt out when we are given no other choices?

Believe me. I don't think that science is somehow pure and in and of itself can do no wrong. I am completely aware that science brought us nuclear warfare (and Fermi himself thought that science in a vacuum was OK, which was a really stupid way of thinking, especially for the guy who brought us both the fission and fusion bombs), eugenics, our current inability to spend even 30 seconds of our lives without being surveilled somehow... But again, I ask: HOW CAN WE OPT OUT? This book does not answer that question.
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lemontwist | Jun 25, 2017 |




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