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Includes the name: A.J. Baime (Author)

Works by A.J. Baime


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The full title hints at why this is not just another book about auto racing. This is about the epic battle between Henry Ford II and Enzo Ferrari, who, at the time (early/mid '60's), were the heads of Ford and Ferrari, respectively. The latter insulted the former a few years earlier and, as is said, it was "on"! It helps to enjoy racing but an interesting read as well for those who don't.

The movie is just a partial telling of the whole story with one difference. The movie includes some of the detail about the people and events leading up to the race with almost nothing after. The book has a lot more interesting, rich material about the personalities you'll want to know.… (more)
Wmatthies | 4 other reviews | Oct 7, 2024 |
At some point I know that I have to have encountered Walter F. White in my reading (probably in conjunction with the politics of the Truman Administration), but if you asked me to say something intelligent about his life and career I would have drawn a blank. This is unfortunate, seeing as there are currently people who seem to have plans to essentially reintroduce a race-based society written in law akin to the "Jim Crow" regime that White spent his life fighting. I suspect that what drew Baime to White's story is the man's work as a crusading journalist; White's ability to "pass" as a Caucasian man giving him opportunities to get close to scene of the 'lynching" culture of the first half of the 20th Century. Eventually the stress of it all caught up with White, particularly after his first marriage crumbled, and his second marriage to a Caucasian woman made him a race traitor to many of the people on whose behalf he had fought. A poignant story, and one well-worth becoming acquainted with, though this book does feel a little shallow on context at times.… (more)
Shrike58 | 2 other reviews | Jul 9, 2024 |
The Accidental President is a well-written account of President Harry S Truman’s first four months in office, spanning the period between FDR’s death and the end of WWII. Even with a seasoned president at the helm this would have been a critical time in US and world history which is why a reluctant VP stepping up to make some of the most crucial decisions in history is fascinating to read about. It’s rare to find an author who can explain historical events and timelines this clearly and also describe historical figures so well they come across as convincingly real human beings. Easily 5 stars.… (more)
wandaly | 8 other reviews | Feb 9, 2024 |
It took me some time to get into it, but once I got rolling I couldn’t put it down. Really great writing and storytelling. The history of Motorsports and these 2 teams in particular is really awesome to read.
mcrews3 | 4 other reviews | Oct 18, 2023 |



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