Tao Quotes
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Tao Quotes
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“Always remember that when a new moment, a new insight, hovers around you, choose the new because the old has not done anything for you, so what is the point of going back? Even if the new proves wrong, then too, choose the new. At least it will be a new adventure; you will come to know something.”
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
“This should be one of the basic attitudes—not to think about what the other is doing. That is his life. If he decides to live it that way, that is his business. Who are you even to have an opinion about it? Even to have an opinion means that you are ready to interfere, you have already interfered.”
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
“Have you not seen it? Whenever you choose happiness, you become the victim of unhappiness; whenever you want success, failure comes in; whenever you hope, frustration is waiting for you; whenever you cling to life, death comes and destroys. Have you not seen it happen every day, every moment? These are not opposites, they are together. When one sees them together, then what is there to choose? There is nothing to choose, one becomes choiceless.”
― The Path of Love: On the Songs of Kabir
― The Path of Love: On the Songs of Kabir
“Taoism is the profoundest nonconformism that has ever been evolved anywhere in the world, at any time in history; essentially it is rebellion.”
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
“The attitude of Tao is of cooperation, not conflict. The attitude of Tao is not to be against nature but to be with it, to allow nature, to let it have its way, to cooperate with it, to go with it. The attitude of Tao is of great relaxation.”
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
“Who is a rebellious person? The rebellious person is one who does not bother about the society at all. He simply lives through his innermost core; he is one who follows his Tao.”
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
“You can be a Taoist if you simply live your life authentically, spontaneously, if you have the courage to go into the unknown on your own, individual, not leaning on anybody.”
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
“Taoists don’t have any maps.”
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
“A Taoist is a man who does only that which is absolutely necessary. His life is almost like a telegram.”
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
― Tao: The Pathless Path: The Pathless Path
“La felicidad no es algo que acontece y no acontece, la felicidad es algo que siempre está allí.”
“sé anárquico, sé auténticamente verdadero con tu propio ser. Escúchate únicamente a ti mismo. No permitas que nadie te discipline. No permitas que nadie te esclavice, no permitas que nadie te condicione. Curas y políticos: evítalos, evita a los que “lo hacen por tu bien”. Recuerda que tienes que ser simplemente tú mismo y no alguien más. Esta anarquía, esta libertad caótica…Y no seas ambicioso, porque eso es algo mediocre. Simplemente vive tu vida tan completamente como te sea posible. No trates de dejar una impronta en las páginas de la historia; no tiene sentido. Y no te preocupes siempre por los demás. Poco a poco aprende a estar solo, disfruta de la soledad: ése es todo el significado de la meditación.”