Girls Can Kiss Now Quotes
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Girls Can Kiss Now Quotes
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“I’ve spent more than a decade examining why I feel this insatiable need for attention and external gratification, to make people laugh, to feel seen and noticed and understood; trying to make sense of why nothing I ever do or say or create feels good enough without a financial reward or widespread appreciation, things I’ve tied to my own self-worth, which I can’t seem to untether. But how can I? Once you tie anything to survival, especially in those adolescent years, untangling that knot is tough stuff.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Recently, I’ve discovered something troubling about myself, that it’s the wanting that I actually yearn for. The only exciting part of life is the part where the Thing hasn’t happened yet, where I’m still chasing it. When we want something, we’re living in a fantasy of having that thing—whether that’s a person, success, a new job, whatever—”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“We romanticized things. We built up this grand idea of what a first kiss was supposed to look like, based on all the movies we'd seen and sweet stories we'd heard about that first kiss that's impossible to forget. And yet, ours was so forgettable. Had it even been with someone we actually liked, it still could never have lived up to the impossible expectations we had foisted upon it.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“You can’t choose your trauma soundtrack; your trauma soundtrack chooses you.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“The point is: if an activity or a show or a thing is only (or mostly) adored by men, that's a red flag.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“For queer people, there's something special about finding another queer person. And we do--we find each other, don't we? "Gaydar" feels like a term invented by a straight woman for the sole purpose of outing closeted men, but there's an underlying and universal purpose to the concept of gaydar. It's finding your pack; it's survival. Queer people have never, ever-even now, when so much about the world is objectively better than it used to be-been able to live our lives as freely and openly and spectacularly as straight people have. We've always had to find each other, in dark corners of gay bars, in back alleys, in niche Tumblr fandoms, to survive.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Where did I get the idea that love is strictly about yearning, or yearning followed by tragedy? Oh yeah, from like, the five lesbian movies that existed.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Women are told that so much of his behavior is normal, par-for-the-course male ego, rage, sexuality. It's not. You're going to learn that very soon, and then you're going to be angry with yourself for not knowing. Don't be. Be angry at the world that told you to weather it, and told him that he was right.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“I knew that I could never truly be seen by these boys, be respected by these boys, if they didn't also want me. That was the power I needed to maintain over them: You should think I'm funny and smart, but you should also want to fuck me. Because if you don't want to fuck me, then I am worthless to you, and thus, this world. It's fun here, isn't it?”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“There used to be Famouses and Normals. Now the concept of fame itself has been cremated and sprinkled over the gen pop. We are all living in a sliding scale of visibility: some people are just more visible than others, as in, have more followers.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“I wrote these essays, selfishly, as a stab at healing my own wounds, but I also wrote them for you: for every LGBTQ person who has felt weird about their queerness, for every woman who’s struggled with self-worth, for every person who has felt othered, ashamed, ghastly.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Take a look at the bridge of “Mean” by Taylor Swift: “Someday I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me” says it all. Becoming something so supermassive that you transcend your self, your human form, and metamorphose into a larger being: a billboard, an icon, a thing that’s representative of a groupthink, a collection of a generation’s conscious thoughts—that’s the goal, right? One can harm a person, but one cannot harm an idea.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“I’ve always cared—probably too much—about pop culture because I’ve always been transfixed by the ways other people’s stories affect our own, my own.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Maybe I don’t need to be special anymore. Maybe I can let that go.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Lang covered a 1993 issue of Vanity Fair, intertwined with a scantily clad Cindy Crawford. (Fuck, that photo shoot is so hot. Please google it immediately. It’s an emergency.)”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“So when I came to reconcile myself with queerness, and found peace with it, I felt lighter in many other ways, ways that opened me up to new experiences, new interests, newfound appreciations.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“But most times I was an observer, soaking up my upperclassmen teammates’ behavior and trying to mimic the good and dispose of the bad. I was such an empty canvas that it scared me, always afraid to show my hand, in that I had no hand, knew nothing about anything, and felt embarrassed to even be alive near such cool, older tennis girls who had done things like drink beer and get fingered.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Everything about being alive today, with so, so, so much human suffering, feels like an abomination. I just need to remember that this too is being written.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Some days I wish I could throw my phone and all its dumb little apps into the sea, follow it briskly into the waves, and free myself from the chains of being Severely Online.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“I’m tired of lugging around the big bag of little traumas I’ve collected”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“That’s what I was really looking for: an escape from who I was, a trapdoor I could crawl through to leave my own body, my own self—anything that could make me not me, not this thing I didn’t want to be.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Having nosedived off the precipice of innocence and blind trust—surviving, but with a permanent crick in my neck”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“I wish I didn’t romanticize self-torture so much, or feel like the suffering was the correct feeling, just because it was the strongest one.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“I don’t think I ever envisioned a happy ending as being a possibility, or a choice.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“The hours of the day alternated between absolutely horrifying and excruciatingly dull.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Nowadays, queer teens have no idea how good they have it, with their lesbian-outfit Instagram accounts and their dreary homophobia movies and their JoJo Siwas. Back in my day (2003), finding something gay to be horny over was like navigating the Oregon Trail. You'd have to run home from school and sit in front of the TV for hours waiting for the "Me Against the Music" video to play on MTV, just so you could get a sliver of gay, and that would be your only shot at seeing gay that whole day. No quietly streaming Netflix on your laptop in your room, no saving photos of Cara Delevingne and Selena Gomez showering together to camera roll, no "every Jamie and Dani scene in The Haunting of Bly Manor" compilation video on YouTube. Just a single queerbait moment of the day with absolutely no idea when it would come or ability to plan for it. Just sit and wait for Britney and Madonna to flirt. Oh, you have to go to the bathroom? What if you miss it? No, you'll be fine, just go. You missed it. The flash of a moment where Britney pins Madonna against the wall and they almost kiss is gone. Sorry you ate too many SunChips and got diarrhea and blew past the only possible lesbianism you could find today. You died of dysentery. You missed the gay; try again tomorrow.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Right now, it seems scary, I know. But trust me, this will be the most freeing, healing, terrifying, awesome, excruciating, magnificent, supermassive thing you will ever do with your life. And you know what? The experience is all yours. No one can take that away from you. Are you going to have to learn how to feel a sliver of control over your body again? Yeah. You will. Is your relationship with sex going to morph and suffer? Yeah. Big time. But then it really will change for the best, and you'll be better off. You're going to meet so many women who make you feel so many things, who make you feel sexy, and safe, and dangerous, and alive in ways you didn't know were possible for you. They're going to rip your heart out and stomp on it, but that's okay.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“Sometimes you sit around and think, Is it normal to love your friend this much? Am I obsessed with her? Am I creepy? I know you just asked your therapist that for the first time too. No, don't put this letter down-I didn't mean to embarrass you. It's okay. In hindsight, it is mildly funny that you felt so much for Darcy that you were scared you were obsessed with her in an American Psychotype way-like you would've rather come out as a psycho-killer than a lesbian.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“But watching Orange, alone in my new bedroom in my new city, on the starting line of my new life, I began to really feel something gay wiggling inside me, slowly moving its way through my gut, into my lungs, and eventually, out of my throat and into the world. You have to be able to see yourself to see yourself. I didn't know that being a lesbian was an option for me, because I didn't think lesbians were real.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
“I realized that the guy she was kissing in the bathroom, lan, and I all had something in common: we were all yearning for something that Darcy would never give us. Because Darcy and I hadn't fully crossed that line, and still considered each other to be "best friends," I felt as though we shared something even more sacred than one might have with a romantic partner. Romantic partners tend to come and go, but at the end of the day, your best friend is supposed to be that constant, the one who stays, the one you can run screaming and crying back to when your lover leaves.”
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays
― Girls Can Kiss Now: Essays