Taking Root Quotes

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Taking Root (Charmed in Charleston #1) Taking Root by Katherine McIntyre
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Taking Root Quotes Showing 1-6 of 6
“Danielle Reynolds had passed through so many towns that her footprints stopped leaving marks.”
Katherine McIntyre, Taking Root
“She was no better than the shells by her feet, tumbling this way and that at the beck and call of the waves.”
Katherine McIntyre, Taking Root
“Danny grinned, this smile reaching her eyes. “I’m more entertained at your inability to casually do anything—whether it’s friendship, dating, or fucking.”
Katherine McIntyre, Taking Root
“Danny smiled sweetly. “I’m an Aquarius who enjoys long walks on the beach and playing in the blood of my enemies.”
Katherine McIntyre, Taking Root
“He sure as hell hadn’t expected to walk into the middle of a standoff between a big bruiser and a short redhead who prepared to slurp the guy’s spine through a straw.

And when she’d punched the big bruiser square in the jaw?

Well, he just might’ve fallen in love.”
Katherine McIntyre, Taking Root
“So…there’s blood all over your kitchen, and it’s not my fault.”

Oh, fuck.”
Katherine McIntyre, Taking Root