The Commanding Self Quotes

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The Commanding Self The Commanding Self by Idries Shah
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The Commanding Self Quotes Showing 1-30 of 41
“One day we will all wear a garment which has no pockets...”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“The impatient man is his own enemy; he slams the door on his own progress.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“That which is given free is never knowledge. It may be information....but knowledge does not come in that manner.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“The major barrier to understanding is wishful thinking and following that which pleases one.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“With enough information, it is almost impossible "not" to predict people's action.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“Trying to force something is the best way to stop it happening.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“The main problem is that most commentators are accustomed to thinking of spiritual schools as 'systems', which are more or less alike, and which depend upon dogma and ritual: and especially upon repetition and the application of continual and standardised pressures upon their followers.
The Sufi way, except in degenerate forms which are not to be classified as Sufic, is entirely different from this.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“People generally deal with situations by means of assumptions.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“What you have to learn is how to find the unworldly in everything.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“It is the goldsmith who can assay the gold.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“A donkey eats a melon, it remains a donkey”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“Lo que tienes que aprender es cómo encontrar lo no mundano en todo.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“Those who can’t, try: those who can, don’t have to.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“If you assume that it is there, you will generally not be far off the truth.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“Trying to force something is the best way to stop it from happening.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“Nunca llegarás a la Meca, porque te encuentras en el camino a Samarcanda.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“No estarás lejos de la verdad si supones que se encuentra presente…#”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“Un día todos vestiremos una prenda que no tiene bolsillos…”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“Although human mobility has increased, human assumptions have not kept pace. Human knowledge may have increased but human assumptions have remained fairly constant.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“Un asno come un melón y sigue siendo un asno”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“La gente en general maneja las situaciones por medio de suposiciones.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“Si supones que está allí, por lo general no estarás lejos de la verdad”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“Nothing cheap without reason.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“Nada es barato sin una razón.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“No podrás aprender más hasta que puedas aprender más.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“You cannot learn more until you can learn more.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“La puerta de la iluminación se abre para quienes otras puertas están cerradas.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“The door of illumination is open to those for whom other doors are closed.”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“If you assume that it is there, you will generally not be far off the truth…”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self
“…la actitud Sufi es: “Que la auténtica verdad, cualquiera que fuere, me sea revelada”
Idries Shah, The Commanding Self

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