Susan Kay - on vacation's Reviews > Apprentice to the Villain

Apprentice to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: 2024-reads, romantasy, owned

Clearly, I am in the minority here. I'm truly happy for everyone that really liked it, and I wish I was one of those people. Disappointed is an understatement because I genuinely enjoyed the first book and was excited for this one. I gave the first one 4 ⭐ for its lighthearted fantasy elements. It was amusing and charming. It wasn't a literary masterpiece by any means, but it was a cute fun time. This was not those things for me.

This book seemed to suffer from an identity crisis. There were so many plot points that were never fully developed. The magic elements just exist, but they are never truly explained. The chapters were each like 4 pages long, and something new happened in each chapter and half the time we never came back to why it happened or got any reason. This was a classic example of telling not showing. It was a lot of rando events that were often not cohesive and, ultimately, I didn't care about any of them. There is a "twist" I guess which I saw coming a mile away. And the constant repeating of inner dialogue over and over of Evie and Trystan, ugh. I think 50 pages could have been shaved off without all that filler.

I love this cover, so much. Right now, that's my favorite thing about it. I don't know if I can make myself continue with the series or not.
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Reading Progress

December 4, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read (Kindle Edition)
December 4, 2023 – Shelved (Kindle Edition)
September 2, 2024 – Started Reading
September 2, 2024 – Shelved
September 2, 2024 –
page 124
September 5, 2024 –
page 260
70.65% "Give me strength to finish the last 108 pages of this 🤦‍♀️🥱🙄"
September 6, 2024 – Finished Reading
September 10, 2024 – Shelved as: romantasy
September 10, 2024 – Shelved as: 2024-reads
September 10, 2024 – Shelved as: owned

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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Teju  A Im giving myself 2 days to finish this......I hope your light at the end of the tunnel is near!

Susan Kay - on vacation I wish I was better at DNF'ing. I just can't! Best wishes to your on your journey to finish as well :)

Panic!_at_the_Library (formerly known as MonReads) Agree with your rating. This book sucked compared to the first.

Susan Kay - on vacation Absolutely sucked. It's harsh, but after giving the first one 4⭐️, I'm super disappointed.

message 5: by SK (new) - rated it 3 stars

SK Oh no, sorry it disappointed you. But I get it, the first book was much better

Teju  A Girl, better you than me, I gave up!!!!! 😪😢

message 7: by Donne (new)

Donne Lol, one of those stories where the rating says it all.

Teju  A Donne wrote: "Lol, one of those stories where the rating says it all."

you got that right 😅

Susan Kay - on vacation SK wrote: "Oh no, sorry it disappointed you. But I get it, the first book was much better"

Me too! Thanks, SK ♥❤🖤

Susan Kay - on vacation Teju wrote: "Girl, better you than me, I gave up!!!!! 😪😢"

Lol. I don't blame you. I really have to have better boundaries about DNF'ing!

Susan Kay - on vacation Donne wrote: "Lol, one of those stories where the rating says it all."

Haha, yes. Sadly, I probably didn't need a review, but I felt the need to rant a little. Hopefully I can go on with my life now 😆

♥︎ Heather ⚔(Notification Issue) Ooof sorry this one didn't work out too well, Susan. Hope your next ones more impressive 💗

message 13: by Danai (new)

Danai I could not like these either, the writing realllllly didn’t work for me!

Susan Kay - on vacation Danai wrote: "I could not like these either, the writing realllllly didn’t work for me!"

I'm happy I'm not the only one! Yeah, the writing definitely left something to be desired!

Susan Kay - on vacation ♥︎ Heather ⚔ wrote: "Ooof sorry this one didn't work out too well, Susan. Hope your next ones more impressive 💗"

Thanks, Heather 💗. I hope better for the next one too. I hate to be a downer!

message 16: by Cara (new)

Cara Great review, beautiful❤!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry this book fell flat for you😭😭!!!!!!!!!

Susan Kay - on vacation Cara wrote: "Great review, beautiful❤!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry this book fell flat for you😭😭!!!!!!!!!"

Thank you, lovely girl ❤ ! I'm sorry it didn't do it for me too 😢. Onto the next 5 I hope 💖

Dez the Bookworm I saw this in the store the other day and almost picked it up, I’m glad I held off. Great review Susan!

Susan Kay - on vacation Dez the Bookworm wrote: "I saw this in the store the other day and almost picked it up, I’m glad I held off. Great review Susan!"

Thank you, Dez! You might really like it though! Seems like I'm the only one who doesn't 🤦‍♀️, although I think a lot of reviewers agree it was not as good as the first.

Amamnda im with you! ugh.

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