Anne's Reviews > The Comedy of Errors

The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare
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bookshelves: audio, classics, read-in-2021, libby-app

The story opens with this guy, who is maybe about to be executed, telling a sad tale about the search for his missing family, in an effort to explain to the duke why he is illegally in his city. <--this shit is nuts, let me tell you.
Buckle up.


So way back in the day, his lovely wife gives birth to identical TWIN boys. Because everyone knows Shakespeare fucking loves twins.
They also buy a set of newborn identical twins so they can grow up and be slaves to their own twins.
And in an act of complete idiocy, they name BOTH of their identical twin boys Antipholus, and BOTH of the identical twin slave boys Dromio.


Unbelievably, this causes problems in the future.
I know! Who would have thought?
The happy couple then goes on a cruise with the babies.
And like most cruises, things go terribly wrong.
Except instead of bedbugs or food poisoning, their ship starts to take on water.


The crew jumps in the boat meant for passengers and abandons them.
That's what you fucking get for hopping on a cruise ship, Susan.


The couple ends up each taking one Antipholus & one Dromio apiece, and then lashing themselves to separate masts while the ship swirls around in the storm.
And just when all seems lost?


What ho?! Boats in the distance?!
But before their ship gets close to the boats, a big ass rock (or something) cuts the ship in half, sending Dad & his half of the twins towards the boat headed in one direction, whilst sending Mom and the other babies toward the boat headed in the opposite direction.


Stay with me here.
Our story picks up 30 plus years later, with one set of Antipholus & Dromio showing up in the same town that the other set of Antipholus & Dromio grew up.
What are they doing there, you ask?
Now, it's not long before the visiting Antipholus & Dromio soon become convinced that this town is populated by witches and fairies.


Because how else are they to explain that everyone in this town thinks they know them? I mean, it's not like they're on the lookout for a town that has their identical twin goddamn brothers in it or anything.
So, yeah. William left a few plot holes in his story. <--it's ok. Roll with it, baby.


Now, the other Antipholus & Dromio are plagued by all sorts of problems that these visiting doppelgangers have unknowingly caused as they bumble through their city.
An angry merchant leads to a bit of jail time, and an angrier wife leads to an exorcism. The duke gets called in to referee, which allows the original old man to see the Antipholus & Dromio who don't know him. And that causes even more confusion. But then fate ushers in an abbess who has some pertinent information that might just solve the problem.


I listened to the full-cast audio that included Alan Cox, Brendan Coyle, & David Tennant.
I've said it before, but I highly recommend these full-cast audios because they're just chock full of fun stuff like sound effects and music that make the experience even better.

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Reading Progress

January 14, 2021 – Started Reading
January 14, 2021 – Shelved
January 17, 2021 – Finished Reading
July 31, 2022 – Shelved (Paperback Edition)

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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message 1: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah the energy of this review is so intense and so good

Anne Thanks, Hannah! :)

message 3: by Mir (new)

Mir Shakespeare characters are generally pretty dumb.

Anne I think he would be the Will Ferrell of our generation. *gasp!* William = Will! Omg! Anchorman is a reincarnation of Shakespeare!

message 5: by Amy (new)

Amy Your reviews are always fucking hilarious. :)

Anne Amy wrote: "Your reviews are always fucking hilarious. :)"

Thanks, Amy!

message 7: by Robert (new)

Robert Galaxy Quest was based on an unproduced Shakespeare spec script for Star Trek.


Anne If you put that in an Instagram post 80% of the people would believe it.

message 9: by Dave (last edited Feb 19, 2021 05:38AM) (new)

Dave Adriana.I see two husbands, or mine eyes deceive me.

Solinus. One of these men is Genius to the other;
And so of these. Which is the natural man,
And which the spirit? who deciphers them?

Dromio of Syracuse. I, sir, am Dromio; command him away.

Dromio of Ephesus. I, sir, am Dromio; pray, let me stay.

Comedy gold. And Shakespeare mined it and mined it...the vein lies empty.

Much less misogyny in this Shakespeare comedy. Great review.

Nay, then, thus:
We came into the world like brother and brother;
And now let's go hand in hand, not one before another.

message 10: by Dave (last edited Feb 18, 2021 09:29PM) (new)

Dave I had no idea that Galaxy Quest was based on Star Trek. Who would have thought...

I wonder if my friends know...

message 11: by Anne (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anne It is?! Whhhhhhaaaaaatttttt?!

message 12: by Robert (new)


message 13: by Anne (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anne LOL

MarilynLovesNature Now that you’ve explained it hilariously, I have more confidence to listen to it with the possibility of understanding it somewhat. Thanks, Anne,

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