Jilly's Reviews > Needful Things

Needful Things by Stephen        King
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: thrillers, paranormal-mystery

I'm just sayin' if you live in a small town in Maine, you should expect to be killed by some sort of paranormal fuckery. I don't make the rules.

This one is set in Castle Rock which is near where Cujo guarded Shawshank Prison or whatever. They might even have a Dark Tower... or Tower Records. Same thing.

So some old creepy guy opens a new store in downtown and everyone is just dying to see what's for sale. Literally dying.. .buwahaha!

Okay, not right away. The way Stephen King works is to invest you in all of the gazillion characters so that it hurts more when they die. He's such a sadist.

Our most invested-in person is the sheriff, who of course has a horrible back-story of tragedy and loss. The sheriff doesn't get over to the new shop soon enough, so when things go waaaaay south, he realizes he forgot to buy an antique ventriloquist dummy that would have told him to kill everyone. Darn. Missed out on that fun!

But, everyone else has their not-even-good-enough-for-ebay crap, I mean treasures that they must hold on to and never share with anyone ever!!!! And, if some son of a bitch even thinks about trying to get their grubby hands on it, they are perfectly within their rights to kill all the people, right?

Daddy better sleep with one eye open tonight!

Anyway, I couldn't put this down. It was compelling and there was enough bloody killing to satisfy any sadistic fuck horror book lover.

Read this one!
Oh, but keep in mind that it has pretty much ALL the triggers. So, maybe don't read this one. It's up to you. I'm not your mother.
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Reading Progress

September 13, 2020 – Started Reading
September 13, 2020 – Shelved
September 15, 2020 – Shelved as: thrillers
September 15, 2020 – Shelved as: paranormal-mystery
September 15, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by Claude's (new)

Claude's Bookzone Your opening comment! Bahahaha. Brilliant.

Jilly Claude's wrote: "Your opening comment! Bahahaha. Brilliant."

You recognize truth when you read it! ;-)

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Haha, that first line is so true!!

Rani Birchfield I seriously love your review!

Jilly Rani Birchfield wrote: "I seriously love your review!"

Dita wrote: "Haha, that first line is so true!!"

Thanks! :)

Lori Great review!! 😂

Jilly Lori wrote: "Great review!! 😂"

Thank you, Lori! :)

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