Chelsea (chelseadolling reads)'s Reviews > Dark Lover

Dark Lover by J.R. Ward
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bookshelves: did-not-finish

DNF @ 18%: Oooof, I tried lol. I picked this one up bc I was in the mood for something urban-fantasyish but this was just too dated for me. Oh well!
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Reading Progress

July 10, 2020 – Shelved
July 10, 2020 – Shelved as: to-read
August 13, 2020 – Shelved as: dnf
August 13, 2020 – Shelved as: did-not-finish

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Hebah (new)

Hebah I've heard rave things about this series, but I just couldn't get past the names.

message 2: by Chelsea (new) - added it

Chelsea (chelseadolling reads) Hebah wrote: "I've heard rave things about this series, but I just couldn't get past the names."

I could handle the names, but I couldn't get past the constant misogyny and cringe dialogue lol

message 3: by Megan (new)

Megan I read the series a long time ago. I can see how it would be dated and cringe.

message 4: by Hebah (new)

Hebah Chelsea wrote: "Hebah wrote: "I've heard rave things about this series, but I just couldn't get past the names."

I could handle the names, but I couldn't get past the constant misogyny and cringe dialogue lol"

Oof. Good to know about the misogyny and bad dialogue. That takes it permanently off the list instead of on the "maybe it'll be better in audio" list.

message 5: by Lana (new)

Lana I tapped out when the guy wore sunglasses in a dark night club. I felt my age, so hard.

Alicia Day I’m on book 16 of the series and it definitely does get better but book one is definitely not good :/ and I get it

message 7: by Becz (new) - added it

Becz Oh I feel you. I don’t even think I made the 18% mark, this book did not age well. I was really keen to read the series but I just can’t get past the 1st one.

Jill Wymer Oh wow! I read this over a decade ago for the first time and loved it. Have you tried the audio? The narrator is amazing. Maybe that would help?

message 9: by Jaime (new)

Jaime West try Nalini Singh's 'Guild Hunter' series :D

message 10: by Shannon (new)

Shannon You should try the THIRDS series by Charlie Cochet. Not very well known but one of my favourites. It’s funny and well written and focuses around a m/m romance between a shifter and a human on what is basically that worlds equivalent of a swat team. There’s politics and mystery as well. On kindle unlimited if you have a subscription!

AFrolicInTheTomesXx This is a paranormal romance lol... so maybe it’s more so that it just wasn’t the genre you wanted?

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