Lisa's Reviews > The Choice

The Choice by Nicholas Sparks
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did not like it

The Choice has assured I will never read another Nicholas Sparks book. I found this novel to be a long-winded, tedious waste of time. And I got really irritated with his lack of research. If you are going to write about a dog whelping – get your facts right. If you are going to write about comatose people – get your facts right. Oh yeah, and if your leading lady is an accomplished P.A. , you might want to try giving her a brain. And I’m sorry, but I see nothing redeeming about defying a person’s legally expressed wishes. In real life, this stuff is not reasonable and it’s unfair portraying it with such an unrealistic ending. If you want a romance novel, a Harlequin writer could have told this story in a third the pages, on a higher reading level and probably have added some needed passion to it.
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Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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message 1: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie are you serious??????????? that is why it is fiction for one. and i <3ed it i don't think we read the same book

message 2: by Dom (new)

Dom Sure, sure his books always have that happy ending, but that's what some people read these books for. Not all love lifes are perfect and it's nice to read about something that is completely perfect. It's called a fantasy and everyone has one. And if the book wasn't as long would you still having feeling for the characters?

Benny Did you read the last chapters? The whole book is wonderful, but the last pages could be printed and hung on every wall. They express so much.

Tennille Covington Hun its fiction get over it

Benny ...

Tennille Covington You cant expect serious research on the simple things you complained about. Hell Katniss shoots and hits a jet with a bow and arrow in the hunger games books resezrch into that wouldve proven that thats not likely to happen. Hell that doesnt take research thats just striaght common sense. Comp,aining about lack of research about a dogs whelp is long winded,tedious waste of time....happy reading

Kwynn I am in complete agreement with the first two sentences of this review.

Célia Loureiro Lisa what shocked me the most was precisely the idea that he passes that, if you truly love your wife/husband you'll let her/him live like a vegetable for 50 years, even when he told you that if you ever found him in that condition, you should let him go and be IN PEACE.

My husband - if I'll ever have one - shall know that he will have that kind of love from me. If he trips and falls, and my hand is the only one to lead him to the other side, where he'll find peace and light, I'll get him through.

Caitlin Carr I love this review; completely agree!

message 10: by Racheal (new)

Racheal I agree with your whole review, but the lack of research bothered me, too. Yeah, people aren't using a Nicholas Sparks book as a text book, but all Sparks had to do was some Google searches and maybe talk to a couple people to get his facts straight. I understand why people read these novels, but they're just not for me, either.

message 11: by Tracy (new) - added it

Tracy Loutzenhiser I have read many books from Mr. Sparks and have not come across one I didn't like. Even my best friend, who isn't a reader couldn't put this book. down. I can understand your feelings regarding his lack of research, and appreciate your thoughts on it. However, I am a college educated women and I did not find it troubling to read through those portions, because I understood the context and do not require Mr. Sparks to give me a thesis on dogs, etc. and if I did not understand, that's when you take 15 minutes to google it. I love doing that sometimes because then I have greater knowledge regarding the issue. I love how goodreads provide a platform to read everyones views. Please do not judge Mr. Sparks on just this book...try the Notebook, Nights in Rodanth, Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember. All of these wonderful books have been turned into awesome movies, so several movie executes most have thought his books had enough substance to spend millions turning them into cinematography. Happy Reading Everyone!!!!

message 12: by Lisa (new) - rated it 1 star

Lisa Thank you for your thoughts Tracy. It's wonderful when someone who holds a different opinion than yourself is able to share their thought in an open and friendly manner. I have read other Nicholas Sparks books and have enjoyed them (Nights in Rodanthe a prime example). This one however, was not for me.

message 13: by . (new) - added it

. I for one agree with your review completely! I felt like zero effort went into this book.

Michael I could not agree more with your review. This novel was a complete waste of time. I found nothing insightful or at all stimulating with the world he created it was crass and very predictable with nothing redeeming. Your point about his research was so correct. I cringed at his lack of knowledge and felt sorry for the author who would put this on paper. One other glaring error that he mentioned was when his protagonist went to Cancun he visited some Aztec ruins. There are no Aztec ruins in that state and the Mayans had a very advanced civilization before there decline. I would never recommend this book to anyone.

message 15: by Kim (new)

Kim Kim I have read many of his books and this one was the worst.

Taylor Brown It seems like this book rubbed you the wrong way more than it did me, but it's definitely not my favorite of his books. There were a lot of parts where I didn't enjoy it and I just wanted to finish it to finish it. There are other books of his that I would actually recommend to people who aren't looking for a romance novel or whatever. This, though, is not one of them.

Carrie B "Comatose people"??? Ack!!! Spoiler alert!! :(

Tiffany Probus Person.

message 19: by Judy (new) - rated it 2 stars

Judy Hottman Agree 100 %

message 20: by Emily (new) - rated it 1 star

Emily I agree!!! My review is so long and ranting because of how much I despised this book.

message 21: by Kendalle (new)

Kendalle Dunkle Listen people...ever heard that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, well that's exactly what she's doing. Not everyone likes the same things and everyone has different views. Get over it!

Sandee Lame Read 'A Part of You' by Lynden Renwick. I just finished it. SO good.

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