Chirag Arora's Reviews > The Longest Night: A Collection of Poetry from a Life Half Lived

The Longest Night by Ranata Suzuki
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it was amazing

Started reading her words back in 2017. It was a period of vulnerability of me when I was fighting myself and killing my emotions with rationalism and I thought I was all alone. But somehow, maybe a coincidence, drew me to her profile and I started resonating with her words. After reading those close to heart and close to life excerpts/poetries I felt even if I'm ripped at every edge, I'm a masterpiece.
Slowly, her words started depicting every part of my psyche and broken pieces. Slowly I started healing with her words and realized that I'm not alone in this Journey. I realize instead of self destruction for all the wrongs that happened to you could choose to be an art only if you would be soft on yourself. I've read and I'll keep on reading her words till her very last excerpt and till my last breath. Reading and resonating with her I can finally say that finally "I let the bird go".
Much love to Ranata Suzuki for her works ✨.

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October 9, 2019 – Shelved

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Chirag Arora The Longest Night by Ranata Suzuki marks her much avaited debut as a published poet. Known as an anonymous poet Ranata has always touched people with her words through various platforms like Tumblr, Instagram, your quote etc.

Talking about the book. The book is divided into three sections : Sunset, Darkness and First Light with the Darkness section being the longest as is the case in our Dark Times. It can be perfected described as "A collection of Poetry from a life half lived".

The book consists of various poetry and proses and some great artworks in between. Every write up in one way or another makes it relatable to the core. For anyone looking for something other than romanticism or Rupi Kaur kind of stuff this book is a perfect delight.

As the name and the works added in the screenshot suggests the book is perfect for someone who is a feeler, an ardent lover or is distant from a loved one. For sure this book is a keeper.

PS: Though I've not purchased it from Amazon I gave a review here so that those who want a detailed review or wish to buy it could read this.

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