Paula K 's Reviews > The Fish That Climbed a Tree

The Fish That Climbed a Tree by Kevin Ansbro
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bookshelves: fantasy, published-2018, e-book, mystery, humor, crime, read-in-2019

What a whirlwind of a book! Kevin Ansbro’s The Fish That Climbed a Tree is an epic like no other.

This is the story of Henry Drummond and his fascinating life’s journey. At the age of ten, Henry’s parents, the Reverend Ulysses and his wife Florence, are murdered at their vicarage in London. His parents are good people, but beware, the young lad meets many unsavory characters along the way.

This is a tale about good vs. evil and Ansbro is a superb storyteller. This imaginative dark story has everything to offer from humor to frightening realism. This magical murder mystery tells it all about the evils of Planet Earth - bullying, violence, and racism only to name a few. But the good is also explored - friendship, kindness, and hope.

With clever wit, the author has written an unique novel full of twists and turns that had me laughing, but also sad. A very creative and engaging book. I loved the humorous characters and Ansbro’s very descriptive style of writing.

4 out of 5 stars

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Quotes Paula Liked

Kevin Ansbro
“The snow fell as softly as a poet’s tears.”
Kevin Ansbro, The Fish That Climbed a Tree

Kevin Ansbro
“The Earth has music for those who listen." - Kevin Ansbro”
Kevin Ansbro, The Fish That Climbed a Tree

Reading Progress

August 31, 2019 – Started Reading
August 31, 2019 – Shelved
September 12, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 53 (53 new)

message 1: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Splendid review Paula, so glad you enjoyed it 💖🌸

message 2: by Kevin (new) - added it

Kevin Ansbro Oh, Paula, you are just wonderful!
Thank you so much!

Cheri Excellent review, Paula, I loved this one, as well as his others that I've read! Looking forward to reading his newest!

message 4: by Kimber (last edited Sep 28, 2019 03:19PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kimber Silver What a fabulous review, Paula!😊 I'm thrilled that you loved it. You've captured the excitement of this read so well!

message 5: by Deanna (new)

Deanna An excellent review!! <3

Paula K Elyse wrote: "Wonderful review Paula. Absolutely wonderful 💕"

Thank you, Elyse! Such an enchanting book!

Paula K Maureen wrote: "Splendid review Paula, so glad you enjoyed it 💖🌸"

Appreciate your kind words, Maureen!

Paula K Kevin wrote: "Oh, Paula, you are just wonderful!
Thank you so much!"

You are so welcome, Kevin!

Paula K Cheri wrote: "Excellent review, Paula, I loved this one, as well as his others that I've read! Looking forward to reading his newest!"

Thank you kindly, Cheri! This is my first of his books that I have read. I will have to take a look at your review!

Paula K Kimber wrote: "What a fabulous review, Paula!😊 I'm thrilled that you loved it. You've captured the excitement of this read so well!"

Thank you, Kimber! That is exactly what I was trying to convey!

message 11: by Erin (new)

Erin Great review, Paula!

Paula K Deanna wrote: "An excellent review!! <3"

Thanks so much, Deanna!

message 13: by Julie (new)

Julie Awesome review, Paula!! 💖

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fantastic review, Paula!!

message 15: by JanB (new)

JanB Terrific review Paula!

message 16: by Jenna (new)

Jenna ❤ ❀  ❤ Sounds like a fun book from your review, and I love the title!

Paula K Erin wrote: "Great review, Paula!"

Thanks so much, Erin!

Paula K Julie wrote: "Awesome review, Paula!! 💖"

Thanks for your kind comment, Julie!

Paula K Meredith wrote: "Fantastic review, Paula!!"

Appreciate your saying so, Meredith!

Paula K JanB wrote: "Terrific review Paula!"

Thanks so much, Jan!

Paula K Jenna wrote: "Sounds like a fun book from your review, and I love the title!"

The title is one of a kind, isn’t it, Jenna? Thanks for commenting!

message 22: by Wyndy (new)

Wyndy Excellent summary, Paula - and an intriguing title.

Paula K Wyndy wrote: "Excellent summary, Paula - and an intriguing title."

Appreciate it, Wyndy! An intriguing title it is!

message 24: by Ilse (new)

Ilse Lovely review, Paula - so nice to sense the reading pleasure you experienced from this novel coming through your words!

Richard (on hiatus) A fine review Paula :)

message 26: by Katie (new)

Katie Great review, Paola.

Paula K Ilse wrote: "Lovely review, Paula - so nice to sense the reading pleasure you experienced from this novel coming through your words!"

Thanks so much, Ilse. Much appreciated!

Paula K Richard wrote: "A fine review Paula :)"

Appreciate your stopping by to say so, Richard!

Paula K Katie wrote: "Great review, Paola."

Thanks so much, Katie!

message 30: by Debra (new) - added it

Debra Fantastic review, Paula!

Terence M - [Quot libros, quam breve tempus!] Love your review, Paula!😎

Norma ~ The Sisters Wonderful review, Paula! Sounds good!

Paula K Debra wrote: "Fantastic review, Paula!"

Thanks so much, Debra!

Paula K Terence M wrote: "Love your review, Paula!😎"

Appreciate your kind words, Terence!

Paula K Norma * Traveling Sister wrote: "Wonderful review, Paula! Sounds good!"

Thanks, Norma! It’s a wonderful book!

message 36: by Paromjit (new)

Paromjit Oh,’s our wonderful Kevin!.......not surprised it is a great book.....amazing review, Paula! :)

message 37: by Beata (new)

Beata Absolutely oved your review, Paula :)) I'm just about to start it, and now I'm preparing for a grand read :)

message 38: by Diane (new)

Diane What an intriguing title, Paula! You’ve convinced me to add it to my ridiculous TBR list that threatens to topple over at any moment!

Paula K Paromjit wrote: "Oh,’s our wonderful Kevin!.......not surprised it is a great book.....amazing review, Paula! :)"

It is ,Paromjit! Our Kevin and a wonderful book at that!

Paula K Beata wrote: "Absolutely oved your review, Paula :)) I'm just about to start it, and now I'm preparing for a grand read :)"

So glad, Beata!

Paula K leslie hamod wrote: "Wonderful review dear Paula 🌹"

Thank you so much, Leslie!

Paula K Diane wrote: "What an intriguing title, Paula! You’ve convinced me to add it to my ridiculous TBR list that threatens to topple over at any moment!"

Mine is toppling over also, Diane! Thank you!

message 43: by Barbara (new) - added it

Barbara Great review, Paula. So glad you enjoyed it.

Paula K Barbara wrote: "Great review, Paula. So glad you enjoyed it."

Thanks for the kind words, Barbara!

Paula K Nicola wrote: "Terrific review Paula! So glad you enjoyed it. :)"

Thanks so much, Nicola!

Leila Wonderful review Paula. I am a great fan of Kevin's books, especially this one. Magic realism is a new favourite genre of mine too. I.m so glad you enjoyed it.

Paula K Leila wrote: "Wonderful review Paula. I am a great fan of Kevin's books, especially this one. Magic realism is a new favourite genre of mine too. I.m so glad you enjoyed it."

Thanks so much, Leila! Kevin Ansbro is a very fine writer. So glad to hear you are enjoying this new genre!

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) Glad you enjoyed Paula. Fabulous review and book 💖

Paula K Margaret M - (hiatus - wrote: "Glad you enjoyed Paula. Fabulous review and book 💖"

Appreciate your kind comment, Margaret!

Karen Amazing review Paula! 🥰

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