Kelly_Reads_Books's Reviews > VII: Seven
VII: Seven (War of Roses #2)
OMG Lana! That ending was EPIC!
I thought that was going to happen earlier in this book but decided it wouldn't. What a shocker!
Ellen is such a different character. Sometimes I want to shake her and tell her to smarten up and other times I want to hold her and hug her.
Whereas Mischa, sometimes I want to slap him and the other times I want to smack him. I wish he would give her what they both want.
But that ending, I am still sitting here saying WOW!
I thought that was going to happen earlier in this book but decided it wouldn't. What a shocker!
Ellen is such a different character. Sometimes I want to shake her and tell her to smarten up and other times I want to hold her and hug her.
Whereas Mischa, sometimes I want to slap him and the other times I want to smack him. I wish he would give her what they both want.
But that ending, I am still sitting here saying WOW!
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