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War of Roses #2

VII: Seven

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WHEN OBSESSION BECOMES DESIRE…Ellen Winthorp has no choice but to rely on the protection of Mischa Stepanov—the vicious mafia leader who captured and disfigured her.But the more she learns about him, the deeper she falls into a world of violence, deception and intrigue where danger lurks around every corner.As long as she plays by his rules, Mischa seems content to drip-feed her information about her family and the secrets shrouding her past.But her innocent questions may lead to devastating answers…

230 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 12, 2019

About the author

Lana Sky

68 books1,307 followers
I am a quirky writer from the US who dabbles in dark, paranormal and contemporary romance. My stories aren't always typical, but contain a little something for everyone.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 143 reviews
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,862 reviews2,837 followers
June 4, 2019
description CHRIST ON A CRACKER...Two books down, one to go. And this book was just as fantastic as book one. The writing is phenomenal. It is well paced. The plot continues to be crazy engaging with twists and turns galore. Mischa was slightly more palatable in this book. SLIGHTLY (lol) The guy acts like a serious child sometimes, but the character showed growth and that is what you want to happen in any multi book series. The same goes for Ellen. I wasn't sure which way her character was headed after the end of book one. In this book she is a strange mix of weak, yet strong at the same time. I can't wait to see what will happen to these two in the next book. As with the first book there was no OW or OM drama. Last, it all ends on yet another cliffhanger. I will admit I saw it coming, but I am certain with that bomb dropped all hell will break loose in book three. And this reader will be along for the ride.



January 1, 2020
Audio...4 stars
Story....2.5 stars

Not enough happened in this book to move the story along which makes me wonder if the only point of the trilogy was monetary. I get that authors have to make a living, but writing pointless books in a series will only make a reader like me hesitant to buy any more books by such an author.

At this point, I'm in no rush to get to book 3.
Profile Image for daemyra, the realm's delight.
1,134 reviews37 followers
May 6, 2022
Reverse Rebecca. If you like heroes who are obsessed with the heroine, oh boy you will love this. Mischa constantly wonders about Robert to Ellen, wondering how Robert is in her when he is literally inside her. Robert haunts Mischa's brain in a way that reminded me of how Rebecca haunts the unnamed narrator, Mrs. De Winters. Constantly wondering how he stacks up to the ghost.






Some reviewers have noted it is repetitive, and yes it is but rinse, wash, repeat to infinity!

Mischa also reminded me a lot of Sinden West's hero in Scars series. The hero thinks that the heroine is playing mind games with him to make him fall for her. With Lana Sky's heroines, it's more of a question mark if they are. I shelved this under "femme fatale" because of the hero, not necessarily because the heroine acts like a traditional femme fatale. This also reminded me of Sky's The Ellie Gray Chronicles a lot in that the vampire thinks Ellie is playing the innocent girl with him when she "knows what she is doing to him."

I quite enjoy the seductress archetype. Keep. Em. Coming.

Another thing that Sky's heroes and heroines enjoy is brutal/broken lovemaking. It does disturb me to read about a torrid lovemaking session with the heroine sporting a puffy eye, or multiple casts, can't walk, broken femur kind of thing. This also happened in the Savage Duet where the ugliness, the beauty of being broken is appealing, erotic to the hero.

The heroine is physically broken down and it transmutes into her breaking free of an old identity to become who she is, underneath. This is a major theme time and time again in Sky's works. The heroine has a public mask but the hero smashes it up, literally, and she is forced to be who she really is. The violence serves a purpose, and there is no one who can write it like Lana Sky <3

Er, there's some things with the mafia. I live for this ghost love triangle, and yes I like a jealous hero too. I'm still highly intrigued by the secrets that continue to unravel. I inhaled this last night and am on the last book to the series! Quite looking forward to wrapping it up and beginning another series by Lana Sky with a very similar premise to War of Roses.
Profile Image for Cécile Smits .
1,314 reviews246 followers
September 18, 2024
VII starts where XV ended,and races towards another cliffhanger that i knew was coming.
The road to that cliffhanger is filled with more pain,and more secrets coming to light.
Like who Ellen really is,her connections to not only her husband’s family,but others as well.
About her life until now,and how awful it must’ve been…..
And what happened to Misha to make him the man he is today.
In the meantime,her “father-in-law” seems to be dead,her “husband” still tries to get her back,at the cost of her sister Briar,and Misha’s leadership is being questioned.
But at least now i know more,and the rest will be revealed in I…..and that’s where i’m heading now.
Profile Image for BLuvsBooks.
650 reviews120 followers
December 23, 2021
Still feeling unsettled and questioning if I love or hate the characters.
More secrets unveiled and vulnerability shown between Ellen and Mischa in book 2 of this dark trilogy.
There are still mental games at play and enemies at war however we do see glimpses of strength for Ellen and caring for Mischa.
The cliffy has me Going into book 3 next.

Contemporary. Dark. Violence. Triggers.
Single pov
Profile Image for W.B..
439 reviews7 followers
October 21, 2021
How much pain can the girl Out-stand. This book is very twisted beginning with her cutting of her own Ring-finger.
I know it’s supposed to be symbolic but it was horrific to read about. She becomes reborn only to find out that Robert is still alive.
In this book the romantic aspect Grows more, we get to see That he is starting to care more about her. Even though he still don’t trust her. This book was much better than the first one in my opinion can’t wait for the next one.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jewel.
823 reviews17 followers
July 21, 2019
I really don't know how to rate this book. Some parts of this story were engrossing and beautifully written. And other parts were repetitive and tedious.

Profile Image for Morgana Books.
151 reviews15 followers
April 8, 2021
Bueno, bueno, sinceramente esta trilogía (más específicamente su primer libro) me dejó sentimientos encontrados, así que es difícil para mí saber por dónde empezar esta reseña. Voy a comenzar diciendo, que dado que estos libros literalmente me hechizaron así que no tuve tiempo de parar entre libros para hacerles una reseña a cada uno, así que directamente voy a dar mi opinión en general de la saga, enfocando en algunos puntos de cada libro y tratando de evitar spoilers.
Okay, les voy a decir en primer lugar que la forma que encontré para avanzar con el primer libro, fue no verlo para nada como un libro romántico, y voy a resaltar esto NO ROMANTICÉ ABSOLUTAMENTE N A D A de lo que sucede en XV Fifteen (el primer libro), sino que más bien lo tomé como una novela de thriller enfocada en el mundo de la mafia, con sus secretos, conspiraciones, peones inocentes y otros no tan inocentes, guerras, víctimas y verdugos, y sobre todo mucha violencia, donde cae cualquiera sin importar si se es bueno o malo. El bien y el mal se desdibuja bastante en estas novelas.
ACLARACIÓN: cuando digo violencia, me refiero a violencia jodidamente en serio, palizas, mutilaciones, amputaciones, secuestros, incendios, violaciones (o pseudo violaciones -no estoy segura de nada-), accidentes automovilísticos y mucho más (tener en cuenta si decides leer esta saga).
Ahora bien, luego de terminar el primer libro, el cual literalmente no pude soltar porque a pesar de la violencia es MUY INTERESANTE, desde un primer momento no entendía nada, y quería saber qué papel jugaba cada quien en esa guerra, sus orígenes, sus baches en el medio y demás. Simplemente no podía dejar de leer aunque mis ojos ardieran (casi literalmente)... cuando llegué al segundo libro las tornas empiezan a cambiar paulatinamente (lo que me gustó: que el cambio no sea nada abrupto), con el protagonista. Ya que XV es el libro donde se conocen los secretos y el papel de Ellen en esta historias, pero en VII conocemos la historia de Mischa, y el porqué del que esté tan empecinado en esta guerra. Y si bien en el segundo libro, las cosas no se tornan tan románticas, si evolucionan, Mischa y Ellen comienzan a volverse aliados y su retorcida relación adquiere un nuevo foco, ya que Ellen dejá de ser una mera cautiva, aquí se convierte más que nada en un peón, uno fundamental en esta guerra.
Es apenas en el tercer libro I One, donde yo comencé plenamente a verlos a Mischa y a Ellen como una pareja, como un romance, y es en este libro donde la mierda estalla por todos lados, donde se descubren todos los secretos tan estratégicamente guardados por los diferentes jugadores de esta sangrienta partida. Es en este libro donde Rose (Ellen), ya no es una cautiva, ya no es un peón, se convierte aquí en una jugadora más, en una loba dispuesta a cazar, porque tiene por primera vez motivos para luchar.
En fin chiques, qué decirles, si yo (que soy totalmente, totalmente antiviolencia, que me cuesta muchísimo leerla), no pude soltar ni por un segundo estos libros, es porque -a mi parecer- son malditamente buenos, y la autora tiene una forma magistral de jugar con la intriga y el misterio en su escritura, que simplemente te atrapa, cual gacela que cayó en trampa, como yo jajaja.
Por último, les recomiendo no hacerse spoilers si van a leer la trilogía, ya que le sacarían toda la gracia y lo que hace a estos libros tan buenos.
Nos vemos en la prox reseña, se les quiere.
Profile Image for Natalia.
1,122 reviews86 followers
June 14, 2019

Ellen aka Rose its time to get your shit together!!
1,631 reviews1 follower
May 21, 2019
Pure Helll with a side of Heaven!👍👍👍👍👍
Incredibly twisted and I demand more. Powerful dominating and disturbing is the best way to describe the brilliance of this amazing read. It's cold cruel riddled in darkness and cripples you with emotions rattling your senses and stirs your arousal for more. The storyline pushes you harder drilling deeper making me feel and see with a realistic hold that is impossible to escape and at times hard to digest dominating your control feeding your addiction page by page unwilling to release the thunderous hold it has on you until you you hit the shocking cliffhanger ending that has me furious with Lana screeching nasty words to hurry the eff up and give me MORE! This series is a festering addiction to me as is all of Lana's stories. I had this book for 2 days refusing to read it because I had already anticipated that it was going to be fantastic only I was so wrong it was phenomenal but my biggest downfall was I couldn't put it down I had to quickly devour it so now I'm sad and anxious because I desperately want MORE! Brilliantly written story that quickly draws you in unfolding with ease never wavering keeping you infused with adrenaline and spiraling with shock and bursts of fear. Edgy, nail-biting suspense, excitement, intense, violence, adventure, hot chemistry with explosive drama, a whirlwind of emotions and a thunderstorm of twists and turns that held me glued to my kindle until ever damnn ink stained word was read. I Flipping LOVED It.
Profile Image for Hot Mess Sommelière ~ Caro.
1,408 reviews194 followers
May 12, 2022
Ugh, bye.

Short version: I could support the heroine, despite her self-mutilation, her eagerness to swallow plastic bags of cocaine and her tendency to orgasm at the sight of the dude's monster cock


Mischa is a total nutcase. I want to drill holes into every side of his head in front of an audience and see if his general outlook on life changes. Because he is that insane. There is a world of arguable facts in this book, and then there is the Mischa Approved Version of Facts, in which the heroine, who wears huge ugly scars all over her torso from years of torture, has somehow contrived to get herself kidnapped and made into a sex slave by Mischa, only to invade his brain with a hostile virus (her sexiness) that makes him want to rape her instead of killing her.

I was really annoyed with his insanity, stupidity and outrageous "logic" in book 1, but this takes the cake.

And his sob story?

Puhleaze. Satan can judge you in hell my friend, no need to bother living beings with your issues
8 reviews
June 4, 2019
It is a great book and read. You get further into the psyches of both the main characters. The book is filled with many revelations that will weave you into a more entagling web of the stories, theroies, your hunches, etc.

You get more details about both the characters and it makes you understand them a little better. Mischa is the most fascinating one from all. He tries so hard to be a monster but there are small things that prove the opposite to be true. Similarly, Ellen tries so hard to be that obedient puppet Robert made her into but her inner warrior comes out fighting.

The build up of the story between them is just as addicting. Mischa keeps denying feeling anything for her but he can't escape her. Same is the case with her, since the first book. Mischa may keep denying that she can't change him and that what Ivan believes is all bull. But both the books make it so obvious that she keeps affecting him and not to forget about his moments with mouse.

Since their first ever contact, he goes against his usual modus operandi and bent the rules for her. He kept her alive, just because he couldn't let her go. In the second book you'll see even more of such instances which show how hard he fights to keep her by his side, to what ends he'll go. Just as he resides deep within her soul, how he has carved his space, same way, she has carved herself in him too. She resides in his soul, without him realising it. He keeps on denying and fighting and thrwoing tantrums like a child because of the same. It is frustrating to see him try to hate her, make her into something she is not, how he keeps on attributing roles to her that she doesn't know how to play. Alas, you'll love their budding and complex relationship.

In short, this book will make you feel what Mischa says to Ellen in the first book that he won't let her escape him even in her dreams. It is the same with this story, it is going to follow you in your dreams. Like she always does, Lana has left us with a huge cliff-hanger, though it is something I think most of us suspected. Can't wait to read the next part. Great work!
Profile Image for Jennifer / JG's Reads.
157 reviews8 followers
June 9, 2019
This book picks up right after the end of XV (book 1) and is written in first POV (Ellen). Like I said in my review of the first book, Ellen and Mischa's story is not a romantic love story. Their story is brutal as they continue to battle each other and all of the other outside forces that trying to get to them (or get Ellen away from Mischa). During the course of this book, Ellen experiences even more physical trauma, but none of it is from Mischa. The author starts showing a subtle shift in the "relationship" between Mischa and Ellen and gives the reader glimpses of a slightly softer side of Mischa. We also get to see a different side of Ellen where she decides that she is going to start taking more control in her life and no longer allow herself to be a pawn in this chess game between the Winthorps and all of the Mafiya families. Towards the end of the book, Ellen and Mischa strike a type of truce. Throughout this book, Ellen learns more about her family, the Winthorps, Mischa, and so many other things. But I still have a lot of other unanswered questions that I hope will be answered in the third book. This book does end in another somewhat cliffhanger-type ending with Ellen being given some life-changing information. While I was reading this book, I found myself continually questioning what was going on. Mischa accuses Ellen of being manipulative and of knowing more than she let on. And I found myself wondering the same thing, wondering if she is going to eventually be revealed as a n unreliable narrator. There were also times during the book that I got frustrated with both characters and needed a break from the angst and almost constant conflict between them. But, that's the kind of book that this is. It is an angsty, dark, mafia "romance." Even though those last few sentences may make it seem like I didn't enjoy the book, the exact opposite is true. I did enjoy it and think that all of those thoughts and feelings are to be expected from the way Ellen and Mischa's story has been crafted and told. This series is dark and doesn't have any "romantic" scenes in it (so far), so it's not going to be for everyone. But if you like dark and twisty stories, then this series is worth checking out.
75 reviews1 follower
May 20, 2019
Holy moly! If you thought Book 1 was intense book 2 is going make you reevaluate what intense really means.

Poor Ellen. How much can one person go through? She never asked to be any part of this war and somehow she ended up smack dab in the middle just trying to survive. She just figured out how to play Robert’s game and now she has to figure out Mischa’s.

Mischa. You just want to reach through the pages and shake that man. He is so frustrating!! On way hand you can totally sympathies with him but on the other you just want him to grow the heck up and be a man!! That being said he is still way sexier than he should be lol

Book 2 is an intense ride. The twists and turns never stop. As soon as you accept the last twist *bam* the next one smacks you in the face. Everything you thought you knew from book 1 upside down all over you. How much longer for book 3?! I thought book 1 had one heck of a cliffhanger, but book 2 just laughed and said “Hold my beer...”
Profile Image for Monique.
713 reviews53 followers
April 18, 2020
Rating: 3.25 Stars

In the second installment, we learn more about Ellen and Mischa. And it was slow, long and painful. We had the standard mafia drama and a bunch of reveals, one small slither at a time. I felt like this really did not cover much ground. I felt like this book did not advance the story forward. Yes, we learned more, but it was a slow death to get those few details. Another book inside of Ellen's head. I wonder how many times she thought of Robert. It was just too much. I needed her to move on. I hope Ellen and Mischa get their stuff together, but I'm not sure if I care enough to find out.
Profile Image for Autumn.
977 reviews47 followers
April 14, 2021
What's going on????

I might be more confused now than I was when I started this journey.

I would so love for these two knuckleheads to get it together? I understand that to get each have their own issues and trauma but like sometimes you gotta give a little to get a little. One 5 minute conversation could had free them week and truly working together.
Profile Image for Johanna Bixby.
121 reviews16 followers
June 13, 2019
A most brutal and excellent series!

This series is brutal, devastating, and so good I sat and read it in one sitting! I'll leave the story replay for other reviews and just say this. I rarely review books, but when I do they are a 5 + stars from me and strangle me emotionally! It is of course one hell of a cliff hanger, but Lana Sky is so gifted a writer that I cannot wait for the series to conclude before I dive in! Excellent and totally worth the $📚💜
Profile Image for Aysha.
466 reviews9 followers
June 21, 2019
This book was really dark and not for the faint of heart. I had issues sometimes connecting with the characters’ intimate scenes because at no point in the book was the h actually not wounded or in pain.

The author really took her time with the h working through her abuse. I wanted her to snap out of it sometimes. Eg - The h was “missing” her abuser because she couldn’t understand her feelings for the H and was very upset when she thought the abuser was killed by H.

Most books I read, by middle of the first book maybe the h would have overcome or almost overcome her abuse. Not this book.

Can’t wait to read the third book though.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
May 22, 2019
“Humanity is a battle for him, one he has to fight tooth and nail”.

F*ck me running! This cliffhanger was EPIC!
This series is so good but it’s killing me..slowly. I need more. Lana Sky take pity on me.
So many twist and turns. Please..take my recommendation and read this series!

Plot~ 5/5
Main Characters (hero/heroine)~ 5/5
Secondary Characters~ 5/5
The Feels~ 5/5
Pacing~ 5/5
Angst~ 5/5
Steam/Hotness/Chemisty ~ 5/5
Theme or Tone~ 5/5
Flow (Writing Style)~ 5/5
Backdrop (World Building)~ 5/5
Originality~ 5/5
Ending~ 5/5 - cliffhanger
Book Cover~ Dark and beautiful
Series~ War of Roses Book 2
Source~ Kindle eBook ~ ARC for honest review

Would I read more from the author? Hell Yes
Would I recommend this book? Hell Yes
Profile Image for hadessinners.
180 reviews56 followers
June 13, 2019
Holy heck what have I read?

VII is the second book of the series War of Roses. It is the story of Ellen, the woman who is caught up in 2 mafia freud and Mischa, the lead Mafia.

The further you read the book the more details and information are revealed about Ellen and Mischa. VII is a captivating story with so many secrets and so many revelations.

In the last book, I personally found Ellen very interesting however in this book, I just can’t get my head around Mischa. Mischa’s character is just so phenomenal. Through the book we see him to be the ruthless monster yet there is something about him that makes him human.

Talking about Mischa and Ellen. As the book goes on Mischa is this person who seems to hide his feelings and always pushes them away. He says he doesn’t like Ellen yet he can’t let her go. There is this bond between both of them that doesn’t allows them to move away from each other. It’s almost like she had tattooed herself onto him. As the story goes further, Mischa tries to hate Ellen, he tries to make her someone who she isn’t, someone who she can’t be. And as much as that can be maddening, it keeps the readers hooked to the story.

Overall, Mischa and Ellen’s story is very complex and yet again has Lana done herself good. Can’t wait for the third book!
Profile Image for Melissa.
153 reviews11 followers
April 26, 2022
I am not able to connect with the story 😵‍💫. The raw intensity between the MC were missing . I had no clue what the fuck was happening in half of the book . Really this one didn’t gave the mafia vibes at all 😅. Heroine has cut herself and she was drowning in a blood bath but she’s okay without seeing a doctor 👀(eye roll) . Well even the sex scenes were not sexy 😣. We still don’t know why she married her husband . I mean whyyy . From where her mother really came from and became the victim 🤯. This author really has a lot of potential but this book is not what I was expecting. I am not finding it dark as well like the previous book I’ve read from this author (xxx club) . Let’s say a little bit disappointed 😔. Just going to read the last one in order to finish the story ✌️.
Profile Image for Hannah.
57 reviews
November 18, 2020
DNF at 50%
Mischa is a fucking baby. He whines so much and the only one who's actually gots guts is the h. Ellen. He's so damn paranoid. It's a crazy kinda paranoid. He doesn't give the h a break and everytime he goes to see her it's either 'wake up', or 'get up'. I don't know how many of those phrases there are in there in the book but there's definitely a lot. He acts as if he knows all and for no reason he hates the h. IDK WHY!!!! FOR NO REASON. Just bcoz she the wife of the bad guy doesn't mean she's a bad guy. He knows that she was forced but he's got selective hearing.
The book could've been really good without him.
Profile Image for Kelly_Reads_Books.
2,076 reviews173 followers
May 20, 2019
OMG Lana! That ending was EPIC!
I thought that was going to happen earlier in this book but decided it wouldn't. What a shocker!
Ellen is such a different character. Sometimes I want to shake her and tell her to smarten up and other times I want to hold her and hug her.
Whereas Mischa, sometimes I want to slap him and the other times I want to smack him. I wish he would give her what they both want.
But that ending, I am still sitting here saying WOW!
Profile Image for Jade.
210 reviews20 followers
January 10, 2023
mischa’s character seemed to do a complete 180 as he was suddenly obsessed and desperate for ellen’s affections. he was very detached and just beginning to show signs of attachment to her in the first story only to be practically begging for her love in this one. the chemistry just wasnt as strong idk. ellen having a child was hinted at yet the shock value of revealing her son is alive didn’t do it for me.
Profile Image for The Aqua Pisces.
251 reviews13 followers
April 8, 2024
Little Rose

I have read book one and two in two days! I couldn’t put either book down and looking forward to reading the last book in the series. My review for book one is lengthy and I’ll leave this one short! I really hope that little Rose finds her Happy Ever After! She’s been through a lot that’s all I’m gonna say on this topic.
Profile Image for KittyLuvr.
571 reviews46 followers
June 10, 2019
Mischa & Ellen's story continues in 'VII: War of Roses Book 2', & what a story. It is intense, horrifying, dark, haunting, brutal & utterly mesmerizing.
Ellen (Rose) continues to be swirled deeper & deeper into the dizzying, dangerous & absolutely vicious world of Mischa & the Mafiya of which he is one of a few terrifying controllers. She is swept into the riptide known as Mischa, & every time she thinks she may get a few strokes ahead, catch her breath, that she is beginning to understand at least a tiny portion of Mischa, his goals, his plans, she is sucked deeper than before.
And the reader is in the same situation as Ellen. We think we know the important things about Mischa: he's brutal, cold, vicious, laser focused on power & dominance & whatever it will take to obtain them. He's a cruel & heartless monster that tortures Ellen mentally & physically with seeming enjoyment, that torments her to the point of near catatonia & thoughts & threats of suicide.
And yet, and yet, both Ellen & the reader see a few tantalizing layers of Mischa exposed: how he rescues & cares for her when another Mafiya power player kidnaps & beats her, how gently he acts with a rescued young girl when he thinks no one sees him. But these all too brief snatches of another side of him are swiftly & always subsumed by the monster that guides his actions, words & deeds.
The one thing Ellen craves more than her freedom, more than the end of Mischa's abuse & imprisonment, is knowledge. And Mischa parcels out tempting bits & pieces of knowledge to Ellen but she's never quite sure if these bits are truth or lie. So again, Ellen remains agitatingly off balance, confused, second guessing her beliefs, assumptions & reality.
I was snapped back & forth like Ellen, hating Mischa, fearing him, distrusting him, & yet HOPING that there IS something, ANYTHING redeemable in this monster who saved Ellen as a child.
This story is daaaark, has triggers, is intense, mesmerizing, enthralling. It is all these things & MORE because the author has a superb method of writing that pulls the reader in at the beginning & never lets you go. And the twist at the very end is a direct hit in the gut to Ellen & the reader . . . .
A stellar gutting read I found fascinating & loved.
Profile Image for Katie Bug.
64 reviews10 followers
May 25, 2019
VII: Seven War of Roses Book 2 by Lana Sky

Ellen has been through hell and back after being taken by Mischa. Memories that she had long forgotten have come back to haunt her.

Mischa Stepanov has taken the one thing that could break Robert, his wife. He can’t kill her like he thought but instead he will protect her even if it makes him look weak.

Ellen Winthrop has been pulled into a blood feud between the Winthrops and the Mafia that has been going on longer than she has been alive. Stuck between a man that saw her more as a trophy and man who is slowly building her into someone or something, she barely recognizes. With Robert she was meek and quiet but with Mischa she has a voice that is heard and a reason to speak. Mischa knows answers to the secrets that elude Ellen, but some things are better left long dead in the past. Mischa tells her that she is no longer his captive, but she will have to prove her loyalty. But at what price? With more secrets revealed she is unable to decide who to trust. With new lines in the sand, which side will she choose? Can she gamble when its her life on the line?

This book crushed me and then built me back up again to crush me yet again. Mischa is strong but at times he lets Ellen in to see that small part that still belongs to the boy that told her to get under the bed and just breath. He has saved her so many times physically as well as emotionally. He is slowly making her stronger while she is tearing down the walls that he has built around that heart that he thought was black. *sigh* With Mischa it’s almost as if he is daring you to get in his head and not giving a shit about what you find. Love me or hate me. It’s Ellen that is slowing it down because she is afraid of what she will find in him. She is using Robert to shield herself from Mischa because if she looks to deep, she may see a reflection of herself or what she might become. The sensations that Mischa can bring out in Ellen scares the hell out of her because she isn’t used to being touched with tender strokes but only with pain.

Profile Image for PP's Bookshelf.
2,564 reviews385 followers
June 12, 2019
Lana Sky has written another riveting tale of secrets, survival and seduction in VII : Seven. Where the angels hide behind the tainted souls, beauty hides behind scars of ugly trauma and love hides behind betrayal but when they come out of their dark corners even momentarily, that is a spectacular and overwhelming feeling.

The story of Miscah and Elle continues in VII. And the more the story progresses, the more I get intrigued by Miscah. He is an enigma. He has layers that I have not even started to peel off. He is a study of contradictions. Ruthless, cruel, violent, hurtful, dominating, caring, protective, loving. These adjectives don't make a sense in a same line but Lana Sky makes it work perfectly. And Elle is becoming a stronger and more resilient woman. She is battered and bruised. She is tired, angry and hurt. But for the first time she may have some sense of control in her life. In typical Lana Sky way, the story line will feed you tiny morsels of secrets to make you even more restless and impatient to know what's going on between the Mafiya and the Winthropes. But she has delayed gratification down to an art! The "relationship" of Miscah and Elle is unconventional to say the least. But in some deep primal instinctive ways, they connect in their souls. They can never be normal people. They have enough blood, nightmare and sins in their heads to make them untrustworthy and reluctant to embrace the goodness in their hearts. But they have it. And I was fascinated with the interplay of white, black and red.

You can call it an erotica, a psychological thriller, a taboo romance, a dark romance, a contemporary romance and so many things. But VII: Seven by Lana Sky is ultimately the celebration of the demons in your head and the light in your soul. It is about embracing the good, bad and ugly of life fully.

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