Alkimeya's Reviews > The Science of Breakable Things

The Science of Breakable Things by Tae Keller
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it was amazing

مثل اينكه تعطيلات مردم را خوشحال نميكند. فقط يادمان مي اندازد بقيه روزهاي سال چقدر بيچاره ايم
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Quotes Alkimeya Liked

Tae Keller
“You can’t always protect breakable things. Hearts and eggs will break but you keep going anyway, because science is asking questions and living is not being afraid of the answer.”
Tae Keller, The Science of Breakable Things

Tae Keller
“Science is asking questions. And living is not being afraid of the answer”
Tae Keller, The Science of Breakable Things

Tae Keller
“A scientist never apologizes for asking questions. Questions keep us alive.”
Tae Keller, The Science of Breakable Things

Tae Keller
“It's always so awkward when adults comment on your age. They look at you and say You're still so young or You're getting so old, and you want to shake your head and say I'm not young or old. I'm just me.
Tae Keller, The Science of Breakable Things

Tae Keller
“Natalie, you aren't the captain because you do everything right and stay out of trouble. You're the captain because you bring us all together" -Twig”
Tae Keller, The Science of Breakable Things

Tae Keller
“Holidays, apparently, don’t make people happy. They just remind us of what we’re missing every other day of the year.”
Tae Keller, The Science of Breakable Things

Reading Progress

April 25, 2019 – Started Reading
April 25, 2019 – Shelved
April 26, 2019 – Finished Reading

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