Gabrielle's Reviews > The Fisherman

The Fisherman by John  Langan
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it was amazing
bookshelves: fantasy, horror, weird, own-a-copy, american, read-in-2019, reviewed, favorites, desert-island

"I know Dutchman's Creek runs deep, much deeper than it could or should, and I don't like to think what it's full of."

I have never been fishing, so I can’t say that fishing stories are something I care for very much. But If I learnt anything reading a collection of John Langan short stories last October (, it’s that this man knows how to write, and that I trust him to take the seemingly banal and transform it into something I won’t be able to look away from. I picked it up on a quiet Saturday morning: it had to be pried out of my hands at one point, but it essentially gobbled up my whole day, because I was hooked, line and sinker (fishing pun intended) by page 2.

Langan creates literary horror that is as delightful as it is chilling: it’s also not all-out horror, it is much more subtle than that. The strangeness creeps up on you slowly, mixed in with the ordinary so slowly and gently that while you are aware of it for some time, it still manages to surprise you. And then it's just... unleashed.

This is the story of Abe and Dan, and of their friendship, built as a sort of support system for their grief. Both men lost their wives to tragedies, and despite their age difference, found solace in the act of fishing together in the many rivers and streams that flow through the Hudson Valley. One day, on Dan's suggestion, they add Dutchman's Creek to their fishing itinerary, despite hearing a rather disturbing story about the spot from a diner owner. The rest of their story deserves to be read, rather than told by me.

Langan uses a framed narrative structure very cleverly, by having Abe record the story of Rainer Schmidt as told to them by the diner's cook. This adds a timeless quality to the sense of dread that builds slowly through Abe and Dan's story, the menace lurking from a distant past. While he is not the first horror writer to explore the strange and desperate places grief can take people to, he does it with incredible skill - and his cosmic horror is blood-curdling.

If you like your horror stories literary, heart-breaking, deeply human and yet utterly alien, this book is for you. Masterful.
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Reading Progress

October 2, 2018 – Shelved
October 2, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
October 2, 2018 – Shelved as: fantasy
October 2, 2018 – Shelved as: horror
October 2, 2018 – Shelved as: weird
October 25, 2018 – Shelved as: own-a-copy
March 16, 2019 – Started Reading
March 16, 2019 – Shelved as: american
March 16, 2019 – Shelved as: read-in-2019
March 17, 2019 –
page 197
March 17, 2019 – Shelved as: reviewed
March 17, 2019 – Finished Reading
November 23, 2020 – Shelved as: favorites
March 8, 2022 – Shelved as: desert-island

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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Char I wholeheartedly agree!

Gabrielle Char wrote: "I wholeheartedly agree!"

Langan is truly amazing! I hope he writes more like this!

message 3: by Joe (new) - added it

Joe A horror story that needed to be pried out of your hands? You should be writing blurbs, Gabrielle. You just sold me a book anyway.

Gabrielle Joe wrote: "A horror story that needed to be pried out of your hands? You should be writing blurbs, Gabrielle. You just sold me a book anyway."

You won't regret this Joe, this book is amazing!!

message 5: by Lea (new) - added it

Lea this goes on my tbr list, thanks! great review

Gabrielle Lea wrote: "this goes on my tbr list, thanks! great review"

Thank you! Enjoy :-)

message 7: by Scott (new)

Scott "it had to be pried out of my hands at one point . . ." - damn, I love it when books are like that. Nice review, Gabrielle.

Gabrielle Scott wrote: ""it had to be pried out of my hands at one point . . ." - damn, I love it when books are like that. Nice review, Gabrielle."

Thank you Scott! Yeah, I had to be social at one point this weekend, and I'm told reading in people's faces is rude ;-)

Jayakrishnan This is a great review, Gabriel. I am very curious about this book now. Good job.

Gabrielle Cbj wrote: "This is a great review, Gabriel. I am very curious about this book now. Good job."

Thank you, Cbj! I loved this one so much! I am currently reading Langan's newest collection of short fiction, and he is not to be missed!!

Jayakrishnan I see. I'm checking Indian websites and the book is a bit expensive. But I think I'll get it because the plot is so intriguing.

Gabrielle Cbj wrote: "I see. I'm checking Indian websites and the book is a bit expensive. But I think I'll get it because the plot is so intriguing."

I would say it's worth it: I read it last year and I am still thinking about it...

message 13: by Gaurav (new)

Gaurav Excellent review Gabrielle. Though I'm not fan of horror stories but this one sounds intriguing.

Gabrielle Gaurav wrote: "Excellent review Gabrielle. Though I'm not fan of horror stories but this one sounds intriguing."

Thank you, Gaurav! It's literary horror, so definitely not in the same league as Stephen King ;-)

David Masumba It's just WTF horror in a hat. Lovecraft has a son.

Gabrielle David wrote: "It's just WTF horror in a hat. Lovecraft has a son."

It's really an amazing book, Langan's best work so far!

message 17: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi I've just read your excellent review again, Gabrielle! I'm convinced to give this a try. This sounds perfect for those cold, wintry nights when I'm trapped in the house!

Gabrielle Candi wrote: "I've just read your excellent review again, Gabrielle! I'm convinced to give this a try. This sounds perfect for those cold, wintry nights when I'm trapped in the house!"

This is a perfect cold, windy evening read! A nice whisky pairs with this very well ;-)

message 19: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi When you mention whisky, it becomes even more tantalizing :D I'll see to it that I have a good bottle of bourbon ready for this winter :)

Gabrielle Candi wrote: "When you mention whisky, it becomes even more tantalizing :D I'll see to it that I have a good bottle of bourbon ready for this winter :)"

One of my favorite autumnal indulgence is the good horror novel+huge sweater+whisky combo. Heaven.

message 21: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi You really know how to set the mood just right, Gabrielle!!

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