Matthew's Reviews > Bite Me

Bite Me by Christopher Moore
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really liked it
bookshelves: 2016, audio, hoopla, library

Kind of embarrassing . . . I needed an audiobook to read and found this on Hoopla. Since I have read other Christopher Moore, I figured I would give it a go. Part way through and loving it, I went to add it to "currently reading" on Goodreads and discovered it is book three of a series. I was wondering why the first 20 minutes of it or so seemed like a recap . . .

So, I might go back someday and read the first two, but this one seemed to do pretty good on its own. I enjoyed the characters and the humor. I was fully entertained for the entirety of the book.

I feel I can safely say, even without without having read the first two, that if you like vampire stories and you like humor, you will probably enjoy this.
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Reading Progress

November 11, 2016 – Started Reading
November 11, 2016 – Shelved
November 11, 2016 – Shelved as: 2016
November 11, 2016 – Shelved as: audio
November 11, 2016 – Shelved as: hoopla
November 11, 2016 – Shelved as: library
November 11, 2016 –
58.0% "'Kay, so . . ."
November 12, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Lena That is hilarious, because I did the same exact thing!

Matthew Lena wrote: "That is hilarious, because I did the same exact thing!"

Ha! Glad I am not alone! Did you ever go back and read the others?

Susie Apparently it's more common than you'd think. I read #2 first. Still haven't read #1

Lena Matthew wrote: "Lena wrote: "That is hilarious, because I did the same exact thing!"

Ha! Glad I am not alone! Did you ever go back and read the others?"

Not yet, I actually just finished Bite Me, and saw your review.

Matthew Ah, cool - I may, but I may not. I was pretty satisfied with the Bite Me experience so I am not sure I need to go back.

message 6: by English (new)

English I've done this twice now with his books! He should really start numbering after titles lol

Brenda I think Bite Me was the funniest one, and since the other two were recapped, you're not missing much.

Matthew English wrote: "I've done this twice now with his books! He should really start numbering after titles lol"

Some of them have it marked well on Goodreads, but not this one for song reason.

Matthew Brenda wrote: "I think Bite Me was the funniest one, and since the other two were recapped, you're not missing much."

Thanks for the info - and I have never gone back to the others, but it sounds like I am good to go!

message 10: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Van Parys One thing I love about GR is that they always clearly say when a book is part of a series - why would this series not be labeled?? I've gone through my old lists I used to keep of all the book I read and added them on GR and found there were so many book I read in the 90s and 00s that weren't #1 of a series and I had no idea lol!!

Matthew Amanda wrote: "One thing I love about GR is that they always clearly say when a book is part of a series - why would this series not be labeled?? I've gone through my old lists I used to keep of all the book I re..."

I thought this odd as well - I don't think I have seen anywhere else where they failed to mention it is part of a series. In fact, I have seen it a lot where it is not part of a series, and I have not heard word that it will be part of a series, but they still list it as book #1.

message 12: by Katie (new)

Katie Christopher Moore is one of my favorites! I've read the first two, but it had been so long, that I haven't picked this one up yet. Good to know it stands on its own, especially since I don't remember much about (except loving) the first two.

Matthew Katie wrote: "Christopher Moore is one of my favorites! I've read the first two, but it had been so long, that I haven't picked this one up yet. Good to know it stands on its own, especially since I don't rememb..."

:) Yes, you should have no problem catching up! :)

message 14: by Heather (new)

Heather I have read either this one or one of the 3. His books do have a bit of comedy to them!

Matthew Heather wrote: "I have read either this one or one of the 3. His books do have a bit of comedy to them!"

I love his humor!

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