Jilly's Reviews > Blood Shadows

Blood Shadows by Lindsay J. Pryor
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it was amazing
bookshelves: paranormal-romance, urban-fantasy, vampires, werewolves-and-other-furry-shifters

This series hit my radar when I saw that the lead male in this book, Kane, actually beat-out Jerricho Barrons in an "Alpha Showdown". Really? Color me intrigued because Jerricho Barrons is alphalicious.

To be hotter and more alpha-y than Barrons, this Kane guy must be on fire, baby!

Yeah, this was worth an investigation. And, being the giving, self-sacrificial girl that I am, I decided to take one for the team and meet our mystery man myself.

Let me start by saying: Dibs!

Okay, now that this most sacred of all verbal contracts from childhood has been established, I will now report my findings about our new alpha hunk.

At first, things weren't looking too good for bachelor number one because his name is Kane. Y'all know how I hate names that are either spelled weird or are simply not names just for the sake of being different or hip. I don't need no special name to make me love a character, but a bad name can really sink them. The one that famously comes to mind is when there was a series where the girl was named Deuce. I could never, in a million years, consider a girl with the nickname of some old fat guy in a bowling league a romantic lead. Deuce is probably the worst name I have ever heard of for a girl. I won't even mention some of the other beauties we've dealt with through the years.. Peeta! But, in spite of Kane being named for a famous chicken joint, I found that he was able to overcome it. In fact, he is such an alpha that the chicken place is now named after him!

Kane made them change the spelling of their name because he could do what he wants

Next, I need to address my very outspoken thoughts on alpha males. As you all know, I'm an alpha female, so I often want to kick an alpha male's ass. It's just part of my charm. But, I do actually love an alpha who can walk that delicate tightrope of perfection without falling into the asshole zone. Kane is one hell of a tightrope walker.

That's right, Kane doesn't even spill a drop of milk. Like a boss.

Now, a good alpha also needs to be complicated. He usually needs to be carrying more baggage than Lady Gaga going on a road trip. And, we also need to have those moments where we wonder if he's playing us - not sure of his motivations. Kane keeps us guessing. Every time we are sure we know what he's going to do next, and we think we have him figured out, he does something unexpected.

um, okay. That's really polite, I guess. Thank you?

Kane has layers and layers of plans for our girl in the story, Caitlyn. Every time we think we have the plan figured out, another layer comes in. And, then we think that he's a good guy - but no, maybe not. We root for Caitlyn to love and trust him, then we want to tell her to run for her life. On facebook, under their relationship status, they totally qualify for the "it's complicated" button.

Complicated and TMI

And, of course a good alpha must be a sexy beast. He has to exude sexuality so much that women are simply compelled to throw their panties at him as he walks by. That's right, he must be the star of a non-stop panty parade.

"you're not the only hunter around here, Caitlin."

"What do you want with me?"

"If you hadn't upped the ante, you would have known by now. But don't worry, you will soon enough."

"Is that a threat?"

"I prefer to call it foreplay. But whatever works for you."

that works just fine for me!

So, Kane's a good alpha. But, my main goal here was to decide if he is a better alpha than Jerricho Barrons. For me, the answer is "no", but, I haven't gotten to know him as well as I know Barrons, so I am thinking that this whole matter is worthy of further investigation. I might need to read the rest of this series in hopes that Kane will show up again many times. And, as your good friend, I am willing to do this. What can I say, I'm a giver.
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Reading Progress

June 16, 2016 – Started Reading
June 16, 2016 – Shelved
June 16, 2016 – Shelved as: paranormal-romance
June 16, 2016 – Shelved as: urban-fantasy
June 16, 2016 – Shelved as: vampires
June 16, 2016 – Shelved as: werewolves-and-other-furry-shifters
June 16, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-31 of 31 (31 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

FIVE STARS?! Ok, I'm reading this next to see what all the fuss is about.

Jilly Yeah, Sh3lly! It was really good and the world is cool. It has the makings of the start of a great series. Lots of set-up for some epic shit coming down the road. ;)

Lakshmi C Jericho Barrons is in which book? I need to get my hands on it asap....

Jilly Lakshmi wrote: "Jericho Barrons is in which book? I need to get my hands on it asap...."

Haha! You really do! It's the Fever series.


Lakshmi C Thank you Jilly :) Basket of Brownies for you.

Abby ~ Bringer of Chaos Will you please stop finding new series for me to read? You are single handedly killing my tbr shelf.

Choko O, WOW!!! So you are saying I should read this??? OK.... Great review, Jilly, as always:-)

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

OMG your reviews just get better and better lol.

Abby, um, I plan on reading this soon. Like tomorrow or this weekend? Vampire month is starting early for me.

Totally agree on Jilly killing the tbr shelf.

Coming from someone who lurvs the vampurrs, I just don't know if anyone can ever beat Barrons, though. But, like you, I am willing to find out.

Jilly Lakshmi wrote: "Thank you Jilly :) Basket of Brownies for you."
Baskets of Brownies buys my eternal love and affection. I'm a total brownie-whore! ♥

Velma ~~The Book Slayer ~~ (Because Daddy says: Abby) wrote: "Will you please stop finding new series for me to read? You are single handedly killing my tbr shelf."
Sorry, Abby. *Hangs head* ;P

Choko wrote: "O, WOW!!! So you are saying I should read this??? OK.... Great review, Jilly, as always:-)"
Yes, girlfriend! We have such similar tastes that I think you will like it for sure. :)

Sh3lly ✨ Bring on the Weird ✨ wrote: "OMG your reviews just get better and better lol.

Abby, um, I plan on reading this soon. Like tomorrow or this weekend? Vampire month is starting early for me.

Totally agree on Jilly killing the..."

I lurbs the vamps too, so I'm an easy sell with the blood suckers. ;)
Barrons is still the ultimate in alpha non-humans in my heart! ;)

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Barrons is right up there with Eric Northman for me. They best not be puttin' this Kane character up against the North Man. I'll have to sic a bunch of Alexander Skarsgard gifs on a biznitch.

Sarah I was curious about this after the Alpha Showdown but your review has sold it Jilly! I have GOT to see what all the fuss is about :o)

message 12: by Jessica's (new)

Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession Great review hun :)

Jilly Sh3lly ✨ Bring on the Weird ✨ wrote: "Barrons is right up there with Eric Northman for me. They best not be puttin' this Kane character up against the North Man. I'll have to sic a bunch of Alexander Skarsgard gifs on a biznitch."
I agree with you there, girl. Eric Northman is pretty untouchable. But, I would have thought Barrons untouchable too. But, if you are threatening Alexander Skarsgard gifs as a punishment, I think you need to rethink what the word "punishment" means, cuz I call that threat more of a reward! ;) As a matter of fact, please punish me now! ;P

Sarah wrote: "I was curious about this after the Alpha Showdown but your review has sold it Jilly! I have GOT to see what all the fuss is about :o)"
It's not perfect, but it also has that potential going where you know this world is going to be awesome once things really get going.

Jessica's wrote: "Great review hun :)"
Thanks, Jessica! :)

Tracey Haha! Excellent review. Wait until you meet Kane in Blood Dark!

message 15: by Mel (last edited Jun 17, 2016 05:20AM) (new)

Mel I was curious about this character book due to the "Alpha Showdown" as well. That said, I'm not a JZB or Fever fan. Kate Daniels got my vote because she's a fantastic alpha and I would not frak with her. Ever.

Thanks for the great review. I bought this book (with Whispersync audio for a total of $4!!!) and plan to read it soon.

Jilly Tracey wrote: "Haha! Excellent review. Wait until you meet Kane in Blood Dark!"
Thanks! I can't wait because he is pretty intriguing. The thing I liked about this book was how there were never info-dumps and you instead got glimpses of things that you wanted to know more about. That included Kane. ;)

Mel wrote: "I was curious about this character book due to the "Alpha Showdown" as well. That said, I'm not a JZB or Fever fan. Kate Daniels got my vote because she's a fantastic alpha and I would not frak wit..."
Hmm, I wonder if you would like this, then. Do you like Paranormal Romance in general?

message 17: by Dawn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dawn Higgins Fantasic review Jilly......glad u liked Blood Shadows,the Blackthorn books get better and better....if u love Kane wait till u read the 5th book Blood Dark.

Jilly Thanks, Dawn! You are the second person to say that so now I am going to be reading like a maniac to get there as quickly as possible! ;)
Caleb is shaping up nicely too! ;)

message 19: by Dawn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dawn Higgins Im so glad u r enjoying these books,wait till u read the next book Blood Torn all about Jask Tao,u will def fall in love with him im sure.....

Jilly Dawn wrote: "Im so glad u r enjoying these books,wait till u read the next book Blood Torn all about Jask Tao,u will def fall in love with him im sure....."

Oh, he should be fun too. I remember him from the last book. :)

Mellissa Monteforte Jimenez Awesome review. Love Kain, and you get why those who love him and this series are supportive. Yes most definitely keep on reading, the best part of a series is getting to know the characters and you do, they don't disappear as many books have done, Kane is up in the mix as well as Catlin. ( To Me, she is one strong female. Maybe not the physical alpha female, but mentally she has strength and stubbornness you will keep on seeing as well). Just wait. BYW, love the gifs. Hilarious.

message 22: by Mal ✨ (new)

Mal ✨ | Tales Of A Bookbug Ooh!sounds interesting!An alpha competing for Barrons' position is definitely worth my attention..Adding this to my TBR

message 23: by Alp (new) - added it

Alp I'll read this book because 'Kane isn't a better alpha than Barrons'. LOL (Barrons is my no.1 PNR hero of all time!) Well, I'm sold. Added it already! Great review, btw. :)

Tracie Delaney All the books are fabulous and the story builds magnificently as you devour each one (that's certainly what happened to me), but Kane was, is, and always will be my fav. And Blackthorn #5 - Blood Dark......oh my goodness. Put the 'do not disturb' sign up when you get to that one, Jilly.....
Great review btw - totally unique and entertaining :-)

Jilly Mellissa wrote: "Awesome review. Love Kain, and you get why those who love him and this series are supportive. Yes most definitely keep on reading, the best part of a series is getting to know the characters and yo..."
Thanks, Mellissa! I'm looking forward to seeing them again. :)

Shrimalya wrote: "Ooh!sounds interesting!An alpha competing for Barrons' position is definitely worth my attention..Adding this to my TBR"
Yes! I couldn't believe anyone could be voted as a bigger alpha than Barrons. :)

Alp wrote: "I'll read this book because 'Kane isn't a better alpha than Barrons'. LOL (Barrons is my no.1 PNR hero of all time!) Well, I'm sold. Added it already! Great review, btw. :)"
haha! Barrons is awesome! So far, this series is more PNRy than the Fever series, but I think they are setting up for some bigger world things. ;)

Tracey wrote: "All the books are fabulous and the story builds magnificently as you devour each one (that's certainly what happened to me), but Kane was, is, and always will be my fav. And Blackthorn #5 - Blood D..."
Thanks, Tracey! That is what I like about the series, so far. You really get to know these characters - get into their heads. Plus, the whole upcoming conflict that is being hinted at is intriguing. I'm looking forward to number 5 now! ;)

Suzanne Loved your review!!! You know, I was a newbie with PNR when I started with Blood Shadows, but once I read it, I had to get the next... I devoured Blood Roses (its dark and dangerous vamp Caleb actually dethroned Kane as my alpha of the series)...and I bought the others as they came out, knowing how amazing the first ones had been. I was not disappointed and have loved each successive book in the Blackthorn series...and yes, Kane is definitely an amazing alpha, esp. after Blood Dark (bk 5)...you'll need a fan for that one...and some tissues nearby... I also was thrilled by the Alpha Showdown - Since I had not read any with Barrons or most of the other characters, I found the showdown candidates' descriptions & promotions wonderful recommendations for other authors/books to read in this genre. To me, everybody was ultimately a winner...it wasn't about the contest as much as everyone recommending books and characters they love. If anyone has a suggestion of other great PNR, let me know. Happy reading! <3

Jilly I love Caleb too! He is an awesome alpha! I'm reading book number 5 right now and the fact that you say I might need tissues has me very concerned. ;)

You should try reading the Guild Hunter series if you like this book. I love that one! Angels' Blood

message 28: by Dawn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dawn Higgins Thankyou for that tip Jilly as regards reading The Guild Hunter series as not read this series before and by the comments it looks right up my street to read....I see u r getting through the Blackthorn books very quick,did u just LOVE book 5? wait till u read book 6.....rollacoaster of a book is all im saying.

Jilly Dawn wrote: "Thankyou for that tip Jilly as regards reading The Guild Hunter series as not read this series before and by the comments it looks right up my street to read....I see u r getting through the Blackt..."

I'm on book 5 right now and I really like it. I couldn't wait to get to it because of how much everyone has been telling me that it's the best one. The whole world is really great, but these alpha guys are amazing. :)

message 30: by Jen (new) - rated it 4 stars

Jen Brilliant review!!! Love your humor and how it is through the whole review! Now I totally need to meet this Kane dude! When you mentioned he beat Jerricho Barrons...well....I like you just HAVE to see for myself!!! I also need to check out way more of your reviews...as I gotta say....I LOVE your style!!! ;-D

Jilly Jen wrote: "Brilliant review!!! Love your humor and how it is through the whole review! Now I totally need to meet this Kane dude! When you mentioned he beat Jerricho Barrons...well....I like you just HAVE to ..."

Thank you, Jen!! He beat JB in a blog contest back then and everyone got curious about Kane. I did it for science. ;)
(But, JB forever, yo! Nobody can actually beat Barrons.)

Here's the results from the contest I was talking about:


I don't actually visit this blog (or any blog), but I think they do this thing every year and people vote.

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