I bought this book as an acknowledgement of gratitude to the school of life crew, for promoting my self-understanding and emotional intelligence (as fI bought this book as an acknowledgement of gratitude to the school of life crew, for promoting my self-understanding and emotional intelligence (as far as I believe).
Their simplified and entertaining youtube channel was my ultimate destination , whenever I caught my self red-handed escaping from an awkward feeling, instead of accepting and trying to understand it.
Compared with other relationships' books, this one offers no “how to make things work- recipes”. It helps rather keeping in touch with the little child hiding beyond our mature character. Trying to figure out his complicated psychological and emotional map and the reasons behind his outbursts and joys. How the parental relationships , experiences, fears, disappointments and whatsoever reflect on his subconscious ,control our perception of life and lead us through it, adopting selected packs of actions and reactions.
The more we get aware of our human nature, full of unclear drives and motivations, the more we are able to give others the space to be on their own nature and to reveal their real personalities, without flooding them with our judgments and anticipations or imposing our points of view on the way they see the world. keeping in mind that they too have their own inner unsolved issues and undiscovered childish jungle.
Us giving others personal space to naturally behave and our ability not to push them to meet our expectations, is something I find cherishable and as highly valued in any kind of relationship as respect and communication. On the power of understanding and creation of this holy space has this work focused.
An easy material and worthy one to read. Both the fluent language and the simple and almost predictable content made me flip through the pages and finAn easy material and worthy one to read. Both the fluent language and the simple and almost predictable content made me flip through the pages and finish it in couple days.
I highly admire the braveness of the girls to speak up about the whole subject and to offer the author such a close-up to its different aspects. This openness is in my opinion the first step to face the dramatically changing and sky high sexual criteria, dictating the girls all over the world how a sexy girl should look like ,wear and behave. And to escape the stigma toward a normal and not distorted self image , self esteem and a following sex life.
I know hardly a girl, not excluding my self, who was not at least once, either mocked for not meeting the standards of an attractive girl, or shamefully catcalled for being too sexy.
Well, as a girl i feel comfortable dealing with girls having high self esteem, and I like to work with them and have them as friends and colleagues. That type of girls who don't have to punch someone in the face to prove and protect themselves in advance and who know how to stay in harmony with their own female nature no matter what it is. But the narrower becomes the image of the perfect lady the less will ladies be able to accept and love their bodies and original characters.
I see that extreme feminism-seeing men as enemies and convicted creatures- could be to some extent a rough reaction to a not pointed out self-objectification experienced by some women....more
الأفكار الواردة في الكتاب تتراوح بين الجيد و المميز، و يحتسب لها أنها مكتوبة أصلا باللغة العربية و ليست منقولة أو مترجمة ًعن لغة أخرى. لكن قالب الطرح والأفكار الواردة في الكتاب تتراوح بين الجيد و المميز، و يحتسب لها أنها مكتوبة أصلا باللغة العربية و ليست منقولة أو مترجمة ًعن لغة أخرى. لكن قالب الطرح و الاستدلال الذي اعتمده الكاتب ضعيف جداً. فقد أكثر من الحجج الكلامية و الأسلوب الأدبيّ الخطابيّ، و هذا ما جعل منه عندي كتاباً ثقيل الظل ....more
الشكر بداية و نهاية للصديقة الاستثنائية جداً ، و التي لولا جرأتها التي لا تقلّ عن جرأة الكاتبة ، لبقيت على جهلٍ بهذا المرض و بهذه السيرة الذاتية شديدة الشكر بداية و نهاية للصديقة الاستثنائية جداً ، و التي لولا جرأتها التي لا تقلّ عن جرأة الكاتبة ، لبقيت على جهلٍ بهذا المرض و بهذه السيرة الذاتية شديدة الخصوصية . أشكرها على مشاركتها الوجدانية الصادقة ، و قدرتها - أيا كانت نتائج الـ-أنا- أن تشبه أناها و نفسها وحسب ، و أني لامست يوماً مساحة ثقتها التي تعني لي الكثير.
و سأبقى ممتنّة لأنها كسرت بثقةٍ حواجز ألفي عامٍ من المخاوف والتهيؤات حول المرض النفسي ، وأطلعتني على عالمها المليء بالتحديات و المزايا غير القابلة للقياس . كما أعتذر إليها عن أي سلوانٍ ساذجٍ قدمته بحماسة المكتشف الجديد ، ثم أدركت لاحقاً -أثناء قراءتي للكتاب- أنه كان في أحسن أحواله مثل قشةٍ في وجه عواصفها الذهنية العصية على الترويض. كان جديراً ببوحها أن يحتوى بالقليل من الحنان !
كلٌّ من المرض و حديث كاي عنه يتسمان بثنائية القطبية . فبيـن مذكرات المريض المشوشة و ملاحظات الطبيب المتمكن استطاعت كاي أن تشبه مرضها بجدارة ، و صورت حياتها من زاويتين مختلفتين حدّ التناقض. التشويش والتناقض أضافا للعمل بنظري بعداً وطابعاً إبداعياً . شيئ ما متفرد كالذي نرفع له القبعة و ندعوه باللوثة الفنية.
من الجميل أن تقرأ هذا العمل ، ومن الأجمل أن تتعرف أحد أبطاله النجمة الخامسة لبطلتي أنا ...more
"لقد اختبرت بجسدي و روحي ، أني كنت محتاجا إلى الخطيئة ، إلى الشهوة و الغرور و الطمع بالأملاك ، أني كنت محتاجا إلى أردأ يأس لأتعلم العدول عن المعاندة، "لقد اختبرت بجسدي و روحي ، أني كنت محتاجا إلى الخطيئة ، إلى الشهوة و الغرور و الطمع بالأملاك ، أني كنت محتاجا إلى أردأ يأس لأتعلم العدول عن المعاندة، لأتعلم أن أحب العالم، لأكف عن مقارنته بعالم أرغب فيه و أتخيله ، بنوع من الكمال الذي ابتدعته، لا بل لأتركه كما هو و أحبه و أحب الانتماء إليه"
" لا يمكن الإفضاء بالحكمة ، فالحكمة التي يحاول الحكيم الإفضاء بها تبدو دائما كالحماقة "...more
I really enjoyed my time reading this book , even though it could barely bring new ideas! It’s like a practical review to How to Talk So Kids Will LisI really enjoyed my time reading this book , even though it could barely bring new ideas! It’s like a practical review to How to Talk So Kids Will Listen Listen So Kids Will Talk adapted for teachers and supported with plenty of stories and feedbacks from homes and schools . Like the former one it focuses on the positive verbal messages that help your kid to see himself differently and encourage the good behaviors. Each chapter is summarized at the end in the form of a Quick reminder including the key points and strategies to put the new learned skills in practice. What I adore about this series are the drawings that show the common negative conversations and the positive alternative ones , here is an example :)
The frustrating conversation: [image][image]" alt="" />" alt="" />"width="40" height="100" alt="description"/> A positive alternative: [image][image]" width="40" height="100" alt="description"/>
OK... OK... I know .. She's an attractive , smart, funny , cool, skinny and pretty girl . and yeah .. I LIKE HER !!! Can you just give a clue how to mOK... OK... I know .. She's an attractive , smart, funny , cool, skinny and pretty girl . and yeah .. I LIKE HER !!! Can you just give a clue how to make a good proposal ?!! O_o'
Murphy used to repeat himself again and again , giving no practical way to move from REALIZING the importance of your "Subconscious mind" to ACTIVATING your "Subconsciousness" positively.
It's difficult to classify such a work as a Psychology book ( cuz it has nuttin to do with psychology) , or as a Self-help book ( cuz it didn't help!) . am still not sure what kind of books it is ! It was like a non-oriented book.
I do appreciate that , it was first published in 1962. May be for this reason the writer was just trying to attract everyone's attention to the great presence of the " Subconscious mind", but for a 2014 reader it was a bunch of unfounded facts mixed with the writer's zealous attitude. Most of the stories mentioned were lacking the reference and those with a reference date back to 1880s.
this added nuttin to me , I just forced my self to finish it . and I barely did!
If you are looking for a good practical book of New Age 'philosophy' , I do recommend The Secret by Rhonda Byrneinstead ...more