At the time of the final preparation for the series launch, while this new profile does not yet have a single follower, allow me to address you, my fuAt the time of the final preparation for the series launch, while this new profile does not yet have a single follower, allow me to address you, my future reader, and therefore my respected friend. It is my privilege to have you here. I want to tell you a little more about this book and the series it starts. Things too personal for blurbs and descriptions, but nevertheless things a future follower should know.
It seems unreal that, as I write this, I am approaching the completion of an idea that may be eighteen years old. An almost grownup idea. And I would like to give you a glimpse into it.
For as long as I can remember, I was always preparing to write a long novel, maybe in parts, a book whose plot would be based on a folk epic, and the world in which it is set built on the deep roots of a barely known mythology. That is enough details to know the essence. When the right idea came, I finally started putting my tale to paper in the early 21st century.
From the very beginning, it was my intention that this book be called Tale of Tales, inspired by the title of Song of Songs. My fairy tale would draw upon and include many folk songs and stories, something many think is also true for this famous biblical song. When I look back on these years now, I barely remember how it all started. Did I really come up with that idea in a single endless summer night, in a long conversation with a woman I considered my destiny? Or is it just another of the subsequent memories, illusions that our minds create later, deftly deceiving ourselves and others… Either way, my dear reader, I can now attest that literature is hard work – the idea sometimes really does come easy, but from an idea to a book is a long, long quest. Still, there is undeniable truth in the old saying that even the longest journey begins with a single step. On the pages you are about to read is mine....more