
Vaccines Quotes

Quotes tagged as "vaccines" Showing 1-30 of 104
Bill  Gates
“So it's an absolute lie that has killed thousands of kids. Because the mothers who heard that lie, many of them didn't have their kids take either pertussis or measles vaccine, and their children are dead today. And so the people who go and engage in those anti-vaccine efforts -- you know, they, they kill children. It's a very sad thing, because these vaccines are important.”
Bill Gates

Robert W. Sears
“Most anti-vaccine books claim that all shots are bad, the diseases aren't really anything to fear, and as long as you live a natural and healthy lifestyle, you don't have to worry. I think this is a very irresponsible approach to the vaccine issue. Vaccines are beneficial in ridding our population of both serious and nonserious diseases.”
Robert Sears, The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child

Karen Thompson Walker
“By now, certain alternate theories are beginning to circulate online. It's the government, they say. Or it's Big Pharma. Some kind of germ must have gotten loose from a lab at the college.

Think about it, they say: Do you really believe that a completely new virus could show up in the most powerful country on earth without scientists knowing exactly what it is? They probably engineered it themselves. They might be spreading this thing on purpose, testing out a biological weapon. They might be withholding the cure.

Or maybe there's no sickness at all—that's what some have begun posting online. Isn't Santa Lora the perfect location for a hoax? An isolated town, surrounded by forest, only one road in and one road out. And those people you see on TV? Those could be hired victims. Those could be crisis actors paid to play their parts. And the supposedly sick? Come on, how hard is it to pretend you're asleep?

Maybe, a few begin to say, Santa Lora is not even a real town. Has anyone ever heard of this place? And look it up: there's no such saint as Santa Lora. It's made-up. The whole damn place is probably just a set on some back lot in Culver City. Don't those houses look a little too quaint?

Don't be naïve, say others—they don't need a set. All that footage is probably just streaming out of some editing room in the valley. If you look closely, you can tell that some of those houses repeat.

Now just ask yourself, they say, who stands to benefit from all this. It always comes back to money, right? The medical-industrial complex. And who do you think pays the salaries of these so-called journalists reporting all this fake news? Just watch: in a few months, Big Pharma will be selling the vaccine.”
Karen Thompson Walker, The Dreamers

Steven Magee
“Smart people learn from the experiences of others.”
Steven Magee, Long COVID Supplements

Anthony T. Hincks
“Zoonotics seem to be in the hews for one or another reason of late.
From coronavirus (covid-19), bird flu (H5N1) and now monkeypox.
Scientists say that there are no connections between them, yet bird flu turned up in coronavirus hotspots around the globe.
Monkeypox attacks the same areas as covid.
I don't think so.
It's time that we looked more closely at how these zoonotics work and why they share a penchant for the same human body areas.
There may be no connection, but what if there is.
It's like yesterday and tomorrow. They are both separate, but they are connected by a thing called, today.
We should look at what is their food source. That is, the proteins in our bodies that they feed off. We should also map out the areas to see where they overlap.
With monkeypox we should also look at what vaccines were administered just in case there is a connection there as well.
I know that there is a connection there somewhere. All we have to do is look at what may be possible.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Mitta Xinindlu
“9 out of 10 times the Government will tell you exactly what is going on (... through declassified docs, movies, court processes, etc.) But the same Government also relies on the fact that 9 out of 10 people will ignore the Truth and call it conspiracy theories. Therefore, all planned Agendas will always be executed accordingly.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Chris von Csefalvay
“The word 'vaccination' comes from vacca, the Latin word for 'cow'. This is a poignant recapitulation of the history of vaccines. The first vaccine properly so called had, as its active ingredient, the cowpox virus, a close relative of smallpox that however was much less likely to cause severe, disfiguring or lethal disease. Edward Jenner observed that milkmaids, who were often exposed to cowpox, suffered a relatively mild disease, but would be immune to the much more serious smallpox.

In an experiment that would unlikely pass muster in the modern world, he infected James Phipps, then an 8-year-old, with cowpox. He suffered a mild and transient illness, but when he was later exposed to scabs from a smallpox patient, he proved immune.

Unlike the earlier practice of variolation, which has been practised in late Song dynasty China that sought to induce the cutaneous form of smallpox, variola minor, to protect against the more severe forms of smallpox (variola major), Jenner's vaccination used a less pathogenic virus.
He relied on what would later be called 'antigenic similarity', but which was at the time hardly understood.”
Chris von Csefalvay, Computational Modeling of Infectious Disease: With Applications in Python

Chris von Csefalvay
“Vaccination has made smallpox extinct in the wild, as well as rinderpest, a relative of measles that affects cattle and buffalo, among others. Poliomyelitis, which has in its heyday killed and maimed millions of children and adults alike, is close to eradication, with fewer than 200 wild-type cases documented in 2020. Vaccines are some of the most effective public health interventions against infectious disease.”
Chris von Csefalvay, Computational Modeling of Infectious Disease: With Applications in Python

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
“Free speech stands no differently than freedom from vaccination.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Neal Stephenson
“Here in the First World, everyone has already been vaccinated, and we don't let religious fanatics come up and poke needles into us. But we do take a lot of drugs.”
Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash

Steven Magee
“I am prepared for death, just in case the science is wrong!”
Steven Magee

Aviel Oppenheim
“It was as though a memo had been forwarded to every government body demanding all nations sing the same tune. The official narrative was to hibernate, with the threat of fines and imprisonment, and await a vaccine; a vaccine that would be wielded as a stick to an obedient dog”
Aviel Oppenheim, Ethics of Vaccine Passports: A Poor Bargain

Aviel Oppenheim
“It was as though a memo had been forwarded to every government body demanding all nations sing the same tune. The official narrative was to hibernate, with the threat of fines and imprisonment, and await a vaccine; a vaccine that would be wielded as a stick to an obedient dog.”
Aviel Oppenheim, Ethics of Vaccine Passports: A Poor Bargain

Jeffrey Hann
“In May 2018, Bill Gates, during an interview with MSNBC, said he convinced President Trump to stop looking into vaccines as a problem and to move away from using Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr. as an adviser, which President Trump listened to and removed RFK Jr. from an advisory position at the White House.”
Jeffrey Hann, COVID19 - SHORT PATH TO 'YOU'LL OWN NOTHING. AND YOU'LL BE HAPPY.': Welcome to the new Age of Tyranny

“Pets that never go near areas in which a given disease is reported are routinely vaccinated against it anyway. A cat living alone on the twelfth floor in downtown Manhattan can receive up to ten vaccines at a time every year for life. A dog that never goes beyond the fire hydrant at the corner can be inoculated with up to twelve diseases each time.”
Charles Danten, Un vétérinaire en colère - Essai sur la condition animale

“Encouraged by relaxed licensing requirements, pharmaceutical companies have flooded the market with unnecessary, poorly tested, and ineffective vaccines since the late 1970s. The focus is on creating wealth and jobs rather than quality products backed by sound medical and scientific evidence. In the United States alone, there are currently eighty trademarked canine vaccines, and as many for cats. It is possible to vaccinate animals against thirty diseases and counting. In 1998, vaccination specialist Dr. Richard B. Ford warned, “Most of these vaccines are so useless as to be called ‘vaccines in search of diseases.”
Charles Danten, Un vétérinaire en colère - Essai sur la condition animale

Steven Magee
“Do you find it unusual that the medical profession can develop a COVID-19 vaccine in just one year but do not understand Long COVID and how to treat it?”
Steven Magee

“Vaccines save lives. To prevent infections from spreading and affecting not just individuals, but also whole healthcare systems strained by outbreaks, it’s important that everyone who can be vaccinated is. Vaccination is our collective firebreak when outbreaks happen.”
Megan Coffee, Vaccines For Dummies

Jonathan M. Berman
“We will see in a later chapter that religious exemptions are rarely based on the teachings of any religion and often invite parents to lie.”
Jonathan M. Berman, Anti-Vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement

Jonathan M. Berman
“The diagnosis of autism increased from 1988 to 1999, by seven times, but the vaccination rate had remained relatively stable at about 95 percent.”
Jonathan M. Berman, Anti-Vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement

Jonathan M. Berman
“Ableism has been defined as “the term used to describe the discrimination against and the exclusion of individuals with physical and mental disabilities from full participation and opportunity within society’s systems and activities.” Ableism is a useful lens through which to examine much of the rhetoric generated by the anti-vaccine movement as it pertains to autism.”
Jonathan M. Berman, Anti-Vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement

Jonathan M. Berman
“… as of 2008 over half of the search results returned for “vaccine safety” and “vaccine danger” were inaccurate. About one-quarter of these websites aspire to claims of authority by imitating those of official organizations or by citing dubious literature, and many frame vaccination as a “debate” occurring within the medical community and offer “unbiased” information.”
Jonathan M. Berman, Anti-Vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement

Jonathan M. Berman
“The religions of the world are diverse, representing many different supernatural explanations for the nature of reality, beliefs, and practices, so it is difficult to make blanket statements about whether a religious objection to vaccination can ever accurately reflect a person’s religious beliefs. However, the majority of world religions don’t hold an objection to vaccination as actual official belief. Because many states allow for religious exemptions to vaccination, in effect, religious belief becomes a convenient scapegoat for vaccine objections.”
Jonathan M. Berman, Anti-Vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement

Jonathan M. Berman
“Undervaccinated children are likely to be children whose parents want them to receive health care but cannot afford it, whereas unvaccinated children are likely to be children of parents with vaccine doubt. Indeed, the strongest predictors of vaccine exemptions in California are median household income, higher percentage of white race in the population, and private schools.”
Jonathan M. Berman, Anti-Vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement

Jonathan M. Berman
“Rather than being low-information parents, these are parents who are, if anything, less selective in choosing the sources they get information from. Rather than using information arrived at through the scientific method, they have also incorporated information from websites, alternative health practitioners, and religious leaders.”
Jonathan M. Berman, Anti-Vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement

Jonathan M. Berman
“Human life has always been stalked by disease. For bacteria, viruses, and parasites, our bodies and our cells are perfect incubators. Every life saved and every quantum of suffering avoided by a vaccine is the legacy of all the physicians and scientists who have ever devoted themselves to developing or disseminating these life-saving technologies. The anti-vaccination movement has worked its way into the public discourse, motivated by compassion and distrust of authority, experts, corporations, and governments.”
Jonathan M. Berman, Anti-Vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement

Jonathan M. Berman
“The very presence of those who oppose vaccination are in that way a testament the effectiveness of vaccines.”
Jonathan M. Berman, Anti-Vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement

Jonathan M. Berman
“When opposition to vaccination becomes attached to a person’s identity and values, contradictory information can feel like an attack on that identity and those values.”
Jonathan M. Berman, Anti-Vaxxers: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement

Stephen Heartland
Solution #4: DELAY HEP-B VACCINATION UNTIL A PRE-TEEN YEAR. This is not a vaccine for infants. Hepatitis B vaccine should not be administered to infants directly after birth, unless the mother is infected with this virus and could pass it along to the child. All pregnant women should be screened for hep B infection. Recommended age of hep B vaccination should be changed to a preteen year just before high school. Notify the parents/guardians and mandate that a warning label be placed on hep B vaccines indicating aluminum levels within the vaccine exceeds FDA safety levels for parenteral aluminum, which may result in aluminum toxicity.”
Stephen Heartland, Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma: Vaccines, Drugs, and Healthcare in the United States

Stephen Heartland
“The only reason for a newborn to be infected with the hep B virus is that the mother who is infected can pass this virus to her child during the birthing process. Therefore, any vaccine injuries or related deaths for infants caused by the hep B vaccine for other than an infected mother are unnecessary.”
Stephen Heartland, Louis Pasteur Condemns Big Pharma: Vaccines, Drugs, and Healthcare in the United States

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