
Reading Habits Quotes

Quotes tagged as "reading-habits" Showing 1-30 of 180
Charles T. Munger
“In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn't read all the time -- none, zero. You'd be amazed at how much Warren reads--and at how much I read. My children laugh at me. They think I'm a book with a couple of legs sticking out.”
Charles T. Munger, Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Master those books you have. Read them thoroughly. Bathe in them until they saturate you. Read and reread them…digest them. Let them go into your very self. Peruse a good book several times and make notes and analyses of it. A student will find that his mental constitution is more affected by one book thoroughly mastered than by twenty books he has merely skimmed. Little learning and much pride comes from hasty reading. Some men are disabled from thinking by their putting meditation away for the sake of much reading. In reading let your motto be ‘much not many.”
Charles H. Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students

Joseph Campbell
“When you find a writer who really is saying something to you, read everything that writer has written and you will get more education and depth of understanding out of that than reading a scrap here and a scrap there and elsewhere. Then go to people who influenced that writer, or those who were related to him, and your world builds together in an organic way that is really marvelous.”
Joseph Campbell, The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life & Work

Jazz Feylynn
“My eyes hunger to read more books then time allows me to devour.”
Jazz Feylynn

Eudora Welty
“I learned from the age of two or three that any room in our house, at any time of day, was there to read in, or be read to.”
Eudora Welty

Aman Jassal
“Read different to think differently; world is already into rat race.”
Aman Jassal, Rainbow - the shades of love

Roy Peter Clark
“All of us possess a reading vocabulary as big as a lake but draw from a writing vocabulary as small as a pond. The good news is that the acts of searching and gathering always expand the number of usable words.”
Roy Peter Clark, Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer

C.S. Lewis
“For I need not remind such an audience as this that the neat sorting out of books into age-groups, so dear to publishers, has only a very sketchy relation with the habits of any real readers. Those of us who are blamed when old for reading childish books were blamed when children for reading books too old for us. No reader worth his salt trots along in obedience to a time-table.”
C.S. Lewis, Of This and Other Worlds

C.S. Lewis
“Naturally, since I myself am a writer, I do not wish the ordinary reader to read no modern books. But if he must read only the new or only the old, I would advise him to read the old.”
C.S. Lewis

John    Leland
“Some men think more than they read. Others read more than they think. Those who practice both, grow wise. Those who follow neither, remain ignorant.”
John Leland (1754-1841)

Thatcher Wine
“Reading is a particularly effective counterbalance to many of the negative effects of other forms of entertainment we consume... Holding a book in your hands and slowing down to read offers an antidote to digital overload.”
Thatcher Wine, The Twelve Monotasks: Do One Thing at a Time to Do Everything Better

Bernhard Schlink
“The disadvantage of reading aloud remained the fact that it took longer. But books read aloud also stayed long in my memory.
عيب القراءة بصوتٍ عالٍ أنها تستغرق وقتاً أطول، لكن الكتب المقرؤة بصوتٍ عالٍ أيضًا تظلَّ فترة في ��اكراتي .”
Bernhard Schlink, The Reader

Pradip Bendkule
“Each Reading is another form of Time Travel or Experiencing the Multiverse.”
Pradip Bendkule

John Leland
“Some men think more than they read. Others read more than they think. Those who practice both, grow wise. Those who follow neither, remain ignorant.”
John Leland

“Some men think more than they read. Others read more than they think. Those who practice both, grow wise. Those who follow neither, remain ignorant.”
~John Leland (1830)”
John Leland (1830)

“Some books are not just meant to be read. They are meant to be felt.”
Garima Soni - words world

Vladimir Nabokov
“to play a solitary game of chequers,
to read, to write – what should I do?”
Vladimir Nabokov

Jane Austen
“Emma has been meaning to read more ever since she was twelve years old. I have seen a great many lists of her drawing up at various times of books that she meant to read regularly through - and very good lists they were - very well chosen, and very neatly arranged - sometimes alphabetically, and sometimes by some other rule. The list she drew up when only fourteen - I remember thinking it did her judgment so much credit, that I preserved it some time; and I dare say she may have made out a very good list now. But I have done with expecting any course of steady reading from Emma.
She will never submit to any thing requiring industry and patience, and a subjection of the fancy to the understanding.”
Jane Austen, Emma

Laura Chouette
“Behind every great line is a mirror - reflecting the reader, only meant to agree with him.”
Laura Chouette

Thatcher Wine
“Remember that you are never wasting time while you read. It’s not always about the content or material you read. The simple act of reading, no matter what you read, focuses your attention and is valuable in and of itself.”
Thatcher Wine, The Twelve Monotasks: Do One Thing at a Time to Do Everything Better

David Finkle
“Why the constant rereading? Is it not obvious? Firstly, reading and rereading distract him from thinking about himself, from enumerating the reasons behind his self-imposed predicament, from dwelling on his endless plight. Secondly, he rereads to remind himself what truly good writing is, how it formidably contrasts with what he published. Perhaps he’ll finally learn something. To apply to what? To apply to nothing.”
David Finkle, Keys to an Empty House

Édouard Levé
“I spend a lot of time reading, but I do not consider myself a big reader. On my shelves I count as many books read as unfinished.”
Édouard Levé, Autoportrait

Juno  Dawson
“You cannot sit in your room reading until the end of time. The world is scary and full of challenges. It's full of unkindness, and unfairness, and you just have to deal with it.”
Juno Dawson, Stay Another Day

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Don’t feed the mouth, and starve the brain.
Feed them both.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Karl Popper
“Anything worth reading is not only worth reading twice, but worth reading again and again. If a book is worthwhile, then you will always be able to make new discoveries in it and find things in it that you didn’t notice before, even though you have read it many times.”
Karl Popper

“If you have friends who say they don't read, you need new friends. That is my final answer.”
Niedria Dionne Kenny

“Thy profit shall be little in any book, unless thou read alone, and unless thou read all, and record after, as the Bereans did the sermons of Paul.”
Henry Smith, The Works of Henry Smith, volume 1

Avijeet Das
“What will history’s verdict be about our time?"
~ Jenny Erpenbeck, Kairos

Yearning like a man yearns for fire on cold winter nights, I have given in to a primal need within me to possess a copy of the book 'Kairos.”
Avijeet Das

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