Prostitute Quotes
Quotes tagged as "prostitute"
Showing 1-30 of 65

“You're nothing more than a clever prostitute. You accepted the conditions in which you found yourself and you triumphed.”
― Ragtime
― Ragtime

“If I were going to put a price tag on my lady parts, I’d find a more appetizing buyer.”
― Call Me Irresistible
― Call Me Irresistible

“In the end, she realized that anytime you weren't fucking for fun, regardless of what you told yourself, honey, it was hooking.”
― Heat
― Heat

“The bitch-goddess, as she is called, of Success, roamed, snarling and protective, round the half-humble, half-defiant Michaelis’ heels, and intimidated Clifford completely: for he wanted to prostitute himself to the bitchgoddess, Success also, if only she would have him.”
― Lady Chatterley's Lover
― Lady Chatterley's Lover

“Prostitution is the admission of the fact that in some cases all the man wants from the woman is sex; and/or all the woman wants from the man is money.”

“From twelve stories up it was easy to be fooled by the city's rain-swept beauty, by the millions of lights twinkling in the night. But all I had to do was turn my head to see the truth: a child-whore asleep in her hospital bed. It could rain forever and the city would never be clean.”
― Nobody's Angel
― Nobody's Angel

“Prostitutes hire out one tiny portion of their bodies. Employees sell countless huge portions of their lives.”
“Prostitution arrests are racist. They have always been racist. In 1866, San Francisco police arrested 137 women, 'virtually all Chinese'; the police boasted that they had 'expelled three hundred Chinese women.' In the 1970s, the American Civil Liberties Union found that black women were seven times more likely to be arrested for prostitution-related offenses than white women. This disparity is no relic of the past: between 2012 and 2015, 85 percent of people charged with 'loitering for the purpose of prostitution' in New York City were Black or Latinx- groups that only make up 54 percent of the city's population. Increases in prostitution enforcement mean increases in the arrests of women of color. Between 2012 and 2016, the New York Police Department stepped up enforcement mean increases in the arrest of women of color. Between 2012 and 2016, the New York Police Department stepped up enforcement targeting massage parlors. As journalist Melissa Gira Grant details, during this period the arrests of Asian people in New York charged either with 'unlicensed massage' or prostitution went up by 2,700 percent. Arrests on the street target Black and Latina women - who may not even be selling sex - simply for wearing 'tight jeans' or a crop top. The NYPD do not arrest white women in affluent areas of the city for wearing jeans.”
“Anti-prostitution feminism is a place where men can participate in flinging slurs like "holes," "whores," "orifices," and "cum dumpsters" at sex workers– and call it feminist analysis. It's a place where men who consider themselves feminist-aligned can patronize and dismiss prostitute women, as men have done for centuries. It's a place where a police officer can rifle through the bathroom bin at a sex worker's flat, retrieve blood-soaked tampons, publish photographs of them in his memoir (with a touching dedication to sex workers he has met in his work: 'this is my attempt to describe your reality'), and still be treated like a feminist activist. As sex worker Charlotte Shane observes, anti-prostitution feminism makes it progressive for men to dwell incessantly on violent, coercive sex and abject bodies while at the same time enjoying praise and even Pulitzer Prizes.”
“In men, there is the familiar distinction between the Madonna on a pedestal and the lowlife whore, in the sense that they elevate the love object to unknown—and, above all, unattainable—heights. These are the super-conventional husbands who respect their wives. They often respect them so much that they become psychologically impotent. The shadow of the for-bidden mother covers the beloved in this cloak of respect, so that any sexual approach becomes impossible. However, this impotence wholly melts away, together with the respect, when such a man goes to a whore, either in his imagination or in reality. The pendulum swings the other way, because in this case the woman, in the figure of the whore, is humiliated just as much as the wife-mother is extolled. The dimension of lust appears here, inevitably accompanied by feelings of guilt. It is in this context that we come across the typical male fantasy, well known to every prostitute, of 'saving' a woman. A large number of her clients want to 'save' her from her ruin. They want to restore to her the status of being an object of love. In other words, they want her to become a wife-mother, which brings them back to respect, and completes the circle. Interestingly, in either case, whether he saves her or humiliates her, the power lies with the man. This in itself is a rewrite of the original mother-child scenario. His position has shifted from passive to active.”

“Most of those who look down on people who sell their bodies look up to some of those who sell their souls.”

“Father xmas is like the love from a prostitute, it doesn’t exist and it makes you spend loads of money.”
― running is flying intermittently
― running is flying intermittently
“But our position is so weak. I mean, we are sleeping with different guys every night. So even if you want attention, you can't say anything so selfish as that. You aren't even sure if you're an item. You give yourself insurance, like, It wont last, anyhow, but all you can do is hold on to a faint hope along with your knees—but you never know.
That's a prostitute's love.”
― JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World: Summer
That's a prostitute's love.”
― JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World: Summer
“The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and covered with gold ornaments, precious stones, and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and uncleanness of her whoredom. The name written on her forehead was a mystery: babylon the great the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.”

“To be a prostitute like Mary of Magdalen is better to me than to live with pretense, or to live with someone I love but who never desires me, either as a prostitute or even more so as his lover.”

“It's very important for me to live my life the way I want and do everything I love. People can judge me however they like. They may judge how poor I am. Living in a dilapidated house, without furniture, without a vehicle, with nothing of value in it. However, I live my life and feel fulfilled. I am grateful and happy without having to stretch out my hands to ask for or hang my life from the help of others. I do not live off the prestige and views of others. They are not the ones who feed me, but the work I carry out as a path of happiness. I never mortgaged my life to become a prostitute working for a living and earning money. A prostitute who has no choice but to swallow her pride in order to please others. I don't live that way, and I don't want to die that way.”

“It will seem absurd to many people, but I have an unbounded sympathy to women of this kind, and I do not think it necessary to apologize for such sympathy. One day, as I was going to the Prefecture for a passport, I saw in one of the neighboring streets a poor girl who was being marched along by two policemen. I do not know what was the matter. All I know is that she was weeping bitterly as she kissed an infant only a few months old, from whom her arrest was to separate her. Since that day I have never dared to despise a woman at first sight.”
― La dame aux camélias
― La dame aux camélias

“I have more honour for a prostitute, who does not hide from the view her profession than a woman, who stays in the filth but pretends as the noble and the good character”

“Those who think they are against prostitution are in fact merely against sex being sold directly.”
“In one recent case, a Florida police department outed a sex worker who tried to trade sex work with an undercover officer for a fast-food meal. Her legal name and photographs were reproduced widely in the press, as if this were an amusing rather than horrifying abuse of a vulnerable person.”

“Every surface encouraged the viewer to call and order a prostitute for fewer than fifty dollars. This did seem like a deal, but I did not know the going rate for a sex worker in this economy.”
― Holidays with Bigfoot
― Holidays with Bigfoot
“Like clutch ballplayers, prostitutes perform beautifully in the awkward spaces.”
― Road Dog: Life and Reflections from the Road as a Stand-up Comic
― Road Dog: Life and Reflections from the Road as a Stand-up Comic
“Consensual sex almost always comes in the form of either direct, or indirect, prostitution.”

“تف! ...جناب سرهنگ! کارمان رسیده که باید یک روسپی آبرویمان را بخرد.
سرهنگ می خندید و می گفت: « نه جناب قاضی. ناراحت نباش. ما کسانی نیستیم که آبرویمان لکه دار شود. برات ننگ است؟ ها؟ اما بدان که خداوند استان های روسپی و نادان را برای این آفریده که آبروی ما را حفظ کند. کار آنها صرفا این نیست که آبروی خودشان را ببرند...نه جناب قاضی! کار دیگرشان که فقط در چنین روزهایی می توانیم ببینیم، این است که آبروی ما را حفظ کنند.»”
― مرگ تکفرزند دوم
سرهنگ می خندید و می گفت: « نه جناب قاضی. ناراحت نباش. ما کسانی نیستیم که آبرویمان لکه دار شود. برات ننگ است؟ ها؟ اما بدان که خداوند استان های روسپی و نادان را برای این آفریده که آبروی ما را حفظ کند. کار آنها صرفا این نیست که آبروی خودشان را ببرند...نه جناب قاضی! کار دیگرشان که فقط در چنین روزهایی می توانیم ببینیم، این است که آبروی ما را حفظ کنند.»”
― مرگ تکفرزند دوم

“Every prostitute I have seen up close looks sick. They used to hang around the city hospital where I worked.”

“Un día, después de hacer el amor, se sintió generoso, lo que no le ocurría casi nunca, y preguntó a Tránsito Soto si le gustaría que le hiciera un regalo.
-¡Préstame cincuenta pesos, patrón! -pidió ella al punto.
-Es mucha plata. ¿Para qué la quieres?
-Para un pasaje en tren, un vestido rojo, unos zapatos con tacón, un frasco de perfume y para hacerme la permanente. Es todo lo que necesito para empezar. Se los voy a devolver algún día, patrón. Con intereses.
Esteban le dio los cincuenta pesos porque ese día había vendido cinco novillos y andaba con los bolsillos repletos de billetes, y también porque la fatiga del placer satisfecho lo ponía algo sentimental.
-Lo único que siento es que no te voy a volver a ver, Tránsito. Me había acostumbrado a ti.
- Si nos vamos a ver, patrón. La vida es larga y tiene muchas vueltas.”
― The House of the Spirits
-¡Préstame cincuenta pesos, patrón! -pidió ella al punto.
-Es mucha plata. ¿Para qué la quieres?
-Para un pasaje en tren, un vestido rojo, unos zapatos con tacón, un frasco de perfume y para hacerme la permanente. Es todo lo que necesito para empezar. Se los voy a devolver algún día, patrón. Con intereses.
Esteban le dio los cincuenta pesos porque ese día había vendido cinco novillos y andaba con los bolsillos repletos de billetes, y también porque la fatiga del placer satisfecho lo ponía algo sentimental.
-Lo único que siento es que no te voy a volver a ver, Tránsito. Me había acostumbrado a ti.
- Si nos vamos a ver, patrón. La vida es larga y tiene muchas vueltas.”
― The House of the Spirits
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