
New Eyes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-eyes" Showing 1-8 of 8
“It is naive to think you know someone so well.

To think that whatever time you have shared in knowing their

habits, their history, their stories, their weaknesses, their

strengths, their wounds, and deepest corners of their heart could ever sum them up-- is unjust.
It is a shame to be unaware of the shifts and changes that happen every day, every moment, right before your eyes. The little crinkles around her eyes that get ever-so-slightly deeper and wiser. The silver linings of her hair. The wonders of time and how they show their presence in such ways. You may think that a flower is simply a flower. A flower that looks and smells just as simply as it always has. Or that the ocean is simply salt water and blue. The flower is always moving, changing, blossoming, and giving life to the birds and the bees. The ocean's tides rise and fall with the phases of the moon. The currents change direction. And depending on how the sun hits the water, the colors and shades of blue are in fact, infinite. Everything around you and everyone is always changing. Take time to smell the roses. Take time to watch the tide. Take time to see your love with new eyes. It would be a shame to miss it.”
Kayko Tamaki

Richie Norton
“Every sunrise begins with new eyes.”
Richie Norton

Edward R. Tufte
“We shouldn’t abbreviate the truth but rather get a new method of presentation.”
Edward Tufte

Richie Norton
“Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Every sunrise begins with new eyes.”
Richie Norton

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Young children remind us how to see.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman