
Love Is Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "love-is-love" Showing 1-30 of 68
Kamand Kojouri
“You know how it goes:
at some point in your life,
you fell in love with someone
and had a glimpse of God.
Then you abandoned life and lover
and started celebrating
your love for God.”
Kamand Kojouri

David Levithan
“We come to a corner where there are a few people protesting the festivities. I don't understand this at all. It's like protesting the fact that some people are red-haired.

In my experience, desire is desire, love is love. I have never fallen in love with a gender. I have fallen for individuals. I know this is hard for people to do, but I don't understand why it's so hard, when it's so obvious.”
David Levithan, Every Day

Benjamin Alire Sáenz
“He was still experimenting with kissing girls even though he said he'd rather be kissing boys. That's exactly what he said. I didn't know exactly what to think about that, but Dante was going to be Dante and it I was going to be his friend, I would just have to learn to be okay with it.”
Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

“Worry about yourself; Your own behaviour. Regulating that and trying to be the best person you can be. Instead of focusing on what others are or are not doing for you. You will be a lot happier.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

Elisa Fumis
“La musica ha il potere di unire le persone» dissi. «Non importa l’età, il colore della pelle o l’educazione che ci è stata imposta, non siamo soli se condividiamo una canzone con qualcuno.”
Elisa Fumis, Sarang: Il coraggio di amare

Annie Chopra

Just because it wasn't right one time, or two, or three, or more, doesn't mean you shouldn't fall in love.


The people, the oceans, the world.


Beyond all your meanings of love.

Annie Chopra, Sayings For A Good Life

“Of course, every time you have sex, it will not be identical: moods, spaces, times, touches, intentions all drift and mingle, forming new pathways, reflecting and drawing from past journeys, and ending somewhere that may look similar. But isn’t.”
Uvile Ximba, Dreaming in Colour

Paul Auster
“Nessuna delle due era mai stata con una donna, eppure eccoci qua, disse Sidney, una docente universitaria e una maestra di terza elementare, una donna di oltre quarant'anni e un'altra di venticinque e passa, un'ebrea di New York e una metodista di Sandusky, Ohio, travolte dal più grande amore della loro vita. L'assurdo, continuo Sydney, era che non aveva mai considerato le donne, era sempre andata matta per i maschi e anche adesso che conviveva con una donna da quasi tre anni non si considerava una lesbica, era semplicemente una persona innamorata di un'altra persona, e siccome l'altra persona era bella e fascinosa e unica al mondo, cosa cambiava se era innamorata di un uomo o di una donna?”
Paul Auster

Nina LaCour
“Would you really fight for him?"
I nod. But the nod isn't enough, so I add, "I would fight for him." And that's still not enough, so I go on. "In fact, I would tear through rubble with my bare hands to get to him. I would lift cars. I would wrestle down anyone who said we should't be together. Because if you want to know the truth - if you really want to know the truth - none of that could be nearly as hard as being in love with him and not being able to tell anyone about it. Including him. I have this thing inside me,, and it's angry and it's scared and it's uncertain and most of all it's so completely in love with him, and it would do anything to keep him, even if it means things staying the way they are now."
"I can't let him fall in love with someone else. I can't let it happen. Not like that. I am so mad at him and I am so in love with him, and it hurts to be realizing it like this. Would I fight for him? I have been fighting for him for years. And I'm losing. No matter what I do, I'm losing. But I have to fight anyway."
"You never told him," Violet says. It's not a question. It's obvious.
"I tell him all the time - I just make sure it's never when he's listening.I say it when he's in the other room, or when he's asleep, or when the musics really loud. Sometimes he asks me what I just said. And I tell him never mind. Or I make up some thing else. Something that isn't 'I love you'.”
Nina LaCour, You Know Me Well

“Even after you've spent years staying together with someone, you'll never truly know them if they are emotionally not connected with you.”
Garima Soni - words world

“The nights aren't dark now, babe you came as moonlight in my life.”
Wrushank Sorte

“We talk about
what love is and what it isn't
self-assuredly, telling each other
what looks right and wrong.”
Olivia Barnes, Bramble

Charlotte McConaghy
“He smiled. And as I looked at the naked beauty of the expression, I fell in love with him. It was that simple, that complicated.”
Charlotte McConaghy, Avery

Anjutha Ranganathan
“For only love has got that overwhelming, undeniable and irresistible power to babble.”
Anjutha Ranganathan, An Unquenchable Excess of Love

Jodi Picoult
“Gay teenagers are four times as likely to attempt suicide as straight ones. I wish they knew that there’s nothing wrong with them; that they are just a different shade of normal.”
Jodi Picoult

Laura Chouette
“There is still time to love -
even if it seems more precious each day.”
Laura Chouette

Laura Chouette
“Our morality changes everything
that holds truth
- while the hate you paint with
just recolours the lines of history.”
Laura Chouette

“Who said after closing eyes, you can't see anything whenever I close mine I see you everytime.”
Wrushank Sorte

Laura Chouette
“We die daily by trying to love something that the world created.”
Laura Chouette

“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anaemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”
Dr Martin Luther King, Jr

Ulonda Faye
“Love within the wound
Love within the pain
Love within the flame
Love within the sacred temple of the Soul,
and love unfolding everywhere we go.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Drops of kindness, dripping down to another, as a drop into the ocean
watering, our own heart.
Love is the guide, teacher
and humble servant-
It waters our cells.
Open to love,
be love.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Marc Levy
“Det finns en märklig paradox i en spirande kärlekshistoria. Man blir ängslig. Rädd för att tala om för den andra parten att man inte kan låta bli att tänka på henne eller honom hela tiden. Man vill ge allt, men man snålar, hushållar med lyckan som om den gick att spara, lägga på hög.
Kärlekens begynnelse är lika idiotisk som bräcklig.”
Marc Levy

Avijeet Das
“They say that love has never been immortal. That it is only the songs, books, and movies which instill this thought in our mind. But tell me then why does my heart yearn to just have a glimpse of you every moment of my life? Why do I see you in every sunrise? Why do I see you in every sunset? Why do I think of you when I walk down the lane of my apartment? Why do I imagine you sitting beside me while riding my bike? Why do I inhale your fragrance around me in my days and in my nights? Why do I keep missing you? Why do I feel restless untill I have spoken to you? Why do I keep thinking about you every night lying there in my bed? Why do I feel incomplete without you in my life? Why do all my memories smell of you?”
Avijeet Das

Abhijit Naskar
“After everything I have worked for over the years, people unfamiliar with my work still ask me, do I support the lgbt movement? And with my habitual patience, I respond - what's there to support! Do you support people drinking water? Water is not something you support or don't support - water is the fundamental of life. Likewise, love is not something you support or don't support - love is the bedrock of life - or better yet, love is life.”
Abhijit Naskar, Either Right or Human: 300 Limericks of Inclusion

James Ramos
“My parents have always taught us that love is love, and even though Mom is a firm believer that all of her children should get married, settle down, and have a family, she's never insisted on what kind of family that should be.”
James Ramos, Daniel, Deconstructed

Ritu Negi
“And they will put you in exile
And will make you behave,

But you must show them,
Love has more shades than
all the colors combined could have.”
Ritu Negi, Ethereal

Sarina Bowen
“I love you. - I could say it without guilt. Because loving someone wasn't a sin. Other things...sure. But love could never be a crime.”
Sarina Bowen, Goodbye Paradise

“If you are in a relationship be true and honest. don't be tempted or influenced and overthink because it doesn't help in building a strong relationship. calm your heart and mind to be more secure with the person you love and who loves you.”
Roger Castillo Jr.

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