
Lens Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lens" Showing 1-30 of 32
Stephen R. Covey
“We see the world, not as it is, but as we are──or, as we are conditioned to see it.”
Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

Erik Pevernagie
“If we only see things through the cold-eyed lens of factuality and don’t listen to the yearning and screaming of unexpressed feelings, life may remain bleak in a mire of clinical hollowness, sodden in apathy and indifference. ("Morning after")”
Erik Pevernagie

Stephen R. Covey
“We must look at the lens through we see the world, as well as the world we see, and that the lens itself shapes how we interpret the world.”
Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

Criss Jami
“One does not have to be a philosopher to be a successful artist, but he does have to be an artist to be a successful philosopher. His nature is to view the world in an unpredictable albeit useful light.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Mladen Đorđević
“All paths are seen, through the prism of fate”
Mladen Đorđević, Svetioničar - Vesnici oluje

“If you want to see a better world, change the lens through which you see it and do the work to make it better.”
Jeffrey G. Duarte

“Photography is not a lens but eye, not a business but art”
Farid F Ibrahim

Marius Vieth
“The less gear you use, the more you grow as a photographer. Although there are fewer options available, you'll find more creative ways to capture what you feel! In a way, all your technical options before turn into creative solutions that improve your photography even more.”
Marius Vieth

“Photography saved my life by opening my eyes to the beauty that surrounds me each and everyday. Life look much richer from behind the lens.”
Donna Kasubeck

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“We must clean the lens of our hearts to see the state of our souls. However, too often the former is too dirty to even know that the latter exists.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Too often, opinion is a lens polished by the grit of bias. And as I stare through my own lens, I might ask how much polish can the grit of bias actually create?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Paul Kalanithi
“I began to see all disciplines as creating a vocabulary, a set of tools for understanding human life in a particular way.”
Paul Kalanithi, When Breath Becomes Air

Nisha Sharma
“Winnie, when I first saw you, the giant lens that I've had on my future came into focus. It was like everything was blurry before, and then when you arrived, it was crystal clear.”
Nisha Sharma, My So-Called Bollywood Life

Elizabeth George
“When you view yourself through the lens of God’s Word, you will better understand God’s love for you and the worth you have in His eyes.”
Elizabeth George

J.R. Rim
“A goal gives you the lens to see the future with clearer vision.”
J.R. Rim

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Our agenda is the lens through which we view the world that is in reality a blindfold through which we miss the world.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Israelmore Ayivor
“The hopeful lenses of our eyes are fixed on the busy hands of our dependable God... He is working hardly on our prayers... Don't be afraid!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Israelmore Ayivor
“When the lenses in the eyes of a leader captures tomorrow, they don't print the passport size of it. They make enlargements.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Ladder

“Are you prepared to look through new eyes or at least changed lens?”
Jeffrey G. Duarte

“You have the ability to adjust the lens through which you view the world.”
Jeffrey G. Duarte

J.R. Rim
“What we should focus on are not events or people or things, but our thoughts that control how we see the world through our lens..”
J.R. Rim

“Every time we add a lens, it modifies how we experience the world. The difference between that contraption and a world view is that each time a new lens is added to our world view, the lenses remain in place. We must be vigilant about the lenses we admit, because they colour our view of the world, sometimes to our disadvantage. They can limit us, encourage us to seek to confirm evidence and make us hold on to mental models, business models and convictions even when they no longer serve us.”
Aidan McCullen, Undisruptable: A Mindset of Permanent Reinvention for Individuals, Organisations and Life

Steven Magee
“The atmosphere of Earth acts as a lens to sunlight and adding atmospheric pollution to it modifies the characteristics of it.”
Steven Magee

Richie Norton
“Watching Natalie navigate life through a lens of love is inspiring. She’s the captain. I’m the crew. ⁣⁣”
Richie Norton

Julieanne O'Connor
“It is not my job to change the minds of those who desire to harshly judge me. It’s merely my mission to love them too. This does not pose a threat. Only the jealously of my willingness to love can pose a threat. Still, we are all capable of loving each other. Love is a choice. The appearance of neutrality is merely an interpretation from the lens of your own understanding. It’s neither truth nor fact. Merely the meaning you have given to what you perceive.”
Julieanne O'Connor

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Christmas is a vivid and brilliantly revealing lens. And if we dare to look at ourselves through this rich and telling lens, we are able to clearly see the majesty within ourselves that we’ve so foolishly forsaken. But rather than leaving us saddened and forlorn by what we’ve abandoned, this lens also possesses ample power to give us back what we threw away.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“A good idea is like a lens. It keeps you focused!”
Abhijit Kar Gupta, Scientific Computing in Python

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I have learned that an attitude of thankfulness is not simply an attitude. It is a perspective brazenly empowered to shape the lens through which I look at the world. And I have likewise learned that such an attitude is one of the very few things in life that not only has the ability to clean such a lens to perfection, but it has the power to render it crisp and sharp. And once you look through a lens such as this, no other lens will suffice and neither will any other attitude.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Christopher Manske
“A group of investments isn’t something people can touch or examine in the physical world. Instead, the statement is the lens that investors use to view and understand their finances. It is what’s inserted between the observer and the observed, which, it’s important to note, is not created by the investor.”
Christopher Manske, Outsmart the Money Magicians: Maximize Your Net Worth by Seeing Through the Most Powerful Illusions Performed by Wall Street and the IRS

“When in doubt, keep the lens out!”
Dipti Dhakul, Quote: +/-
tags: doubt, lens

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