
Hoax Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hoax" Showing 1-25 of 25
Thomas Carlyle
“The lies (Western slander) which well-meaning zeal has heaped round this man (Muhammad) are disgraceful to ourselves only.”
Thomas Carlyle, On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History

Djayawarman Alamprabu
“An Idea is nothing but Information, It won't do us any harm until we accept it as perception of truth in our mind, which in time will potentially evolve and construct major events in history.”
Djayawarman Alamprabu, Feared Intellectualism

Lila Felix
“I’m here Corinne. I’m here waiting for you to realize that helping you, listening to you, sitting in silence with you, holding you while you cry, kissing you until you can’t think straight—I’m honored to be the one who does those things for you. I’m privileged to hear the words ‘I love you’ from your mouth and have them directed at me. But if you don’t need me, then you don’t need me. So this is me telling you that if you find that you do need me, want me, whatever, it’s your turn. Come find me. I love you. And not just today or tomorrow—I will love you always.”
Lila Felix, Hoax

Andy Rooney
“I just wish this social institution [religion] wasn't based on what appears to me to be a monumental hoax built on an accumulation of customs and myths directed toward proving something that isn't true.”
Andy Rooney, Sincerely, Andy Rooney

Diogenes of Mayberry
“Science Class

Would you invent some irrational explanation for we lost souls that the glaciers aren’t really melting at all, that they are and will remain just as they always have been? Some rationale that claims the whole climate change scenario is really just a satanic plot, concocted by liberal secular humanists to trick the world into thinking that the glaciers have been melting for twice as long as the Bible says the Earth has been around.”
Diogenes of Mayberry, Manifest Insanity, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Think for Myself

“What is the number one cause of death in the United States? It's not high cholesterol or accidents by cars, planes or trains. It's not wars. It's not drug addiction, and it's not even disease, so that lets out heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes and more. In Third World countries, infections and malnutrition are major causes of loss of life. But in the United States the number one cause of death is not any of these things. IT IS PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (Null, TW).”
Dr. Sherry Rogers

Toba Beta
“Hoax needed to complete the premises of truth.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

“Many people are calling Manti Te’o “dumb” or “naïve” because he fell for the “invisible girlfriend” hoax or catfishing but when you think about it. Religion MIGHT be doing the same thing when it tells you that there is a “God” that you cannot see, or meet, that loves you, & “communicates” with you thru a book (bible).Does that make sense?”

Alison   Miller
“In my client who had confessed her “alien abduction” experience, an alter had been instructed that if she began to remember the ritual abuse she was to remember the alien abduction, so that nobody would believe her account of the ritual abuse. This program did not work with us, but you can imagine the larger consequences of such a ruse.
Alison Miller, Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

Donald Firesmith
“Woe to any climate denier who called climate change a hoax when she was nearby.”
Donald G. Firesmith, What Lurks Below

“Kalau masih katanya, kamu harus cari tahu faktanya.”
Iwan Esjepe

Jean Baudrillard
“Satan and witches. If they admit they are in league with him, then they are disobeying him (since he forbids them to admit to being witches) and they are spared. Those who protest their innocence are burned.

A bus driver who falsely claims to have been assaulted is found guilty of wasting police time. A police spokesman declares: 'We already have so many problems with genuine violent crime. What are things coming to if we have to deal with the fake kind?' It is for this reason that a fake hold-up was in the past punished more severely than a real one, for faking evil is even more serious than evil. The hoax is evil raised to the second power.
And faking good? Isn't a fake 'good deed' worse than a bad one?”
Jean Baudrillard, Cool Memories V: 2000 - 2004

Bruce Gilley
“For the past 25 years, the idea of the Congo has been closely linked in the Western imagination to the 1998 book King Leopold’s Ghost by the American journalist Adam Hochschild. The book is widely assigned in high schools and colleges, and it regularly tops best-seller lists in colonial, African, and Western history. Hochschild has become a sort of king of the Congo, or at least of its history. The book is reflexively cited by reputable scholars in their footnotes any time they wish to assert that it is “well known” and “beyond doubt” that sinister men in Europe wrought havoc in Africa over a century ago. Any discussion of the Congo, or of European colonialism more generally, invariably begins with the question: “Have you read King Leopold’s Ghost?” I have read it. And I can declare that it is a vast hoax, full of distortions and errors both numerous and grave. Some people might view “King Hochschild’s Hoax,” as we might call it, as an empowering fable for modern Africans at the expense of the white man.”
Bruce Gilley

Carl Sagan
“After misapprehended natural events and hoaxes and psychological aberrations are removed from the data set, is there any residue of very credible but extremely bizarre cases, especially ones supported by physical evidence? Is there a "signal" hiding in all that noise? In my view, no signal has been detected. There are reliably reported cases that are unexotic, and exotic cases that are unreliable. There are no cases - despite well over a million UFO reports since 1947 - in which something so strange that it could only be an extraterrestrial spacecraft is reported so reliably that misapprehension, hoax, or hallucination can be reliably excluded.”
Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

“One of the most effective ways to empower a group is to help them get finance.

Yes, money.

Whether it be women, minority groups etc.
Without economic independence, freedom is a hoax”
Magnus Nwagu Amudi

Ehsan Sehgal
“Neutrality means abusing oneself, and the height of bias, tagging in a beautiful conception. It is a pure hoax.”
Ehsan Sehgal
tags: hoax

M. Fadli
“Karena media dan netizen sudah keterlaluan,” jawab Gardi tegas. “Mereka berkomentar yang tidak-tidak. Bergosip dan menyebarkan hoax sehingga semua pihak terkait jadi sakit hati. Mereka menyalahkan korban yang menurut mereka materialistis. Sebagian lagi merundung Tirta habis-habisan. Mereka hanya baru mendapatkan informasi secuil dan tidak berada di lokasi kejadian, tapi merasa paling tahu. Kupikir dengan menceritakan kejadian ini dan merilisnya dalam bentuk buku akan menjadi penjelasan yang cukup atas apa yang terjadi sebenarnya di kapal itu.”
M. Fadli, Nostalgia Merah

A.E. Samaan
“There is not a single ecosystem in the Universe that is "sustainable". The planets are not "sustainable". Our solar system is sustained chaos. The best Humanity can do is learn to ride the waves of uncertainty.”
A.E. Samaan

“If we die it will be , because of our mentality or our way of thinking more than the virus itself.

Some think the virus infect certain type of people and it will never infect them.
Some of us think the virus is a hoax and people are paid to talk about it . When they try to warn us.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Bruce Gilley
“How could Hochschild go so wrong? He was highly motivated from the start to “find” a genocide because, as he notes, his project began by reading the American humorist Mark Twain’s claim that eight to ten million people had died in the EIC. But no scholar has ever made such a charge. His source was a chapter by the Belgian ethnographer Jan Vansina, citing his own work on population declines in the entirety of central Africa throughout the 19th century that included only what became the northern areas of the EIC. In any case, Vansina’s own source was a Harvard study of 1928 that quoted a 1919 Belgian claim that “in some areas” population had fallen by half, but quoted it in order to assert that it was almost certainly false.”
Bruce Gilley, King Hochschild’s Hoax: An absurdly deceptive book on Congolese rubber production is better described as historical fiction.

Adam Hochschild
“Prof. Gilley declares that my “central lie,” my “first and biggest deceit,” is to equate the État independant du Congo, the regime King Leopold II of Belgium controlled for 23 years, with colonialism.”
Adam Hochschild, The Ghost Still Haunts: Adam Hochschild responds to Bruce Gilley, who follows in kind

Adam Hochschild
“No one can know, of course, accurate population figures from an era before there was a census, but many officials on the ground at the time and later historians, demographers, and anthropologists have made estimates of great loss.”
Adam Hochschild, The Ghost Still Haunts: Adam Hochschild responds to Bruce Gilley, who follows in kind

Adam Hochschild
“Bruce Gilley is right, that I was misleading in respect to one quotation I cited from another official, Charles Lemaire. I am sorry about that and it should be corrected. Lemaire was a more complicated case. His early diaries, which I quote elsewhere in the book, unroll a lengthy list of villages he ordered burned to the ground and a triumphant roster of death tolls: “20 natives killed” here, “around 15 blacks killed” there, and many more such boasts. But later in life, to his credit, Lemaire had deep regrets, and in fairness to him I should have referred to them.”
Adam Hochschild, The Ghost Still Haunts: Adam Hochschild responds to Bruce Gilley, who follows in kind

Bruce Gilley
“Hochschild is correct that the demographer Léon de St. Moulin assayed the 50 percent decline possibility (in 1987 and 1990 works). But Hochschild fails to mention that Moulin, like the later Vansina, believed that the EIC and rubber had nothing to do with it. The causes for Moulin were, in order, sleeping sickness, smallpox, Spanish flu, and venereal diseases. Moulin did not even mention the EIC or rubber in his 1990 chapter. Like the later Vansina, he recognized that these were footnotes in the demographic history of the Congo.”
Bruce Gilley, The Ghost Still Haunts: Adam Hochschild responds to Bruce Gilley, who follows in kind

Bruce Gilley
“As for the claims by the Congolese historian Isidore Ndaywel è Nziem (“13 million killed” in 1998, then “5 to 10 million killed” in 2008), they are hard to keep track of. Initially, the starting year for his assertions was 1880 (five years before the EIC was founded and ten years before any rubber harvesting) while the latter estimate extended the end year to 1930 (22 years after the EIC). A second edition of the latter estimate, without explanation, moved up the starting date to 1885. Ndaywel cites no data or methods. All three editions of his book merely cite Moulin. It is notable that in a lengthy essay on the EIC published in L’Histoire in 2020, Ndaywel no longer makes any specific population claims, asserting only that the effects of the EIC were “worse than grim” (“plus que macabres”). In the end, Ndaywel is not credible. His works are published by the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Belgium because he is black. This helps them to “decolonize Eurocentric narratives,” which means using blacks as shadow puppets to shield their radical accounts from criticism.”
Bruce Gilley, The Ghost Still Haunts: Adam Hochschild responds to Bruce Gilley, who follows in kind