
Getting Unstuck Quotes

Quotes tagged as "getting-unstuck" Showing 1-27 of 27
Elizabeth Gilbert
“If you can't do what you long to do, go do something else. Go walk the dog, go pick up every bit of trash on the street outside your home, go walk the dog again, go bake a peach cobbler, go paint some pebbles with brightly colored nail polish and put them in a pile. You might think it's procrastiantion, but - with the right intention - it isn't; it's motion. And any motion whatsoever beats inertia, because inspiration will always be drawn to motion.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Elizabeth Gilbert
“Passion can seem intimidatingly out of reach at times - a distant tower of flame, accessible only to geniuses and to those who are specially touched by God. But curiosity is a milder, quieter, more welcoming, and more democratic entity. The stakes of curiosity are also far lower than the stakes of passion. [...] Curiosity only ever asks one simple question: "Is there anything you're interested in?" Anything? Even a tiny bit? No matter how mundane or small? The answer need not set your life on fire, or make you quit your job [...]; it just has to capture your attention for a moment. But in that moment, if you can pause and identify even one tiny speck of interest in something, then curiosity will ask you to turn your head a quarter of an inch and look at the thing a wee bit closer. Do it. It's a clue. It might seem like nothing, but it's a clue. Follow that clue. Trust it. See where curiosity will lead you next.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Trevor Carss
“If you are lost, find yourself by filling your days with constant experimentation.”
Trevor Carss

“This is one of the harshest after effects of the pandemicthat I am witnessing someand experiencing some,a diminished ability to deal with resistance,and soa willingness to stay in one place for too long,shut off from the outside world,nose in phone or binge-watchingsome showwhen once upon a timewe used to have to wait a week for the next installmentand discussed it with colleagues over water coolersand over landlines with friends.
We need colleagues.We need friends.”
Shellen Lubin

“This is one of the harshest after effects of the pandemic
that I am witnessing some
and experiencing some,
a diminished ability to deal with resistance,
and so
a willingness to stay in one place for too long,
shut off from the outside world,
nose in phone or binge-watching
some show
when once upon a time
we used to have to wait a week for the next installment
and discussed it with colleagues over water coolers
and over landlines with friends.

We need colleagues.
We need friends.”
Shellen Lubin


Sometimes being stuck means
going deep
and deep discoveries are made there,
but sometimes stuck is just
and some kind of movement is required
to get things going.”
Shellen Lubin

Laurie E.    Smith
“Sometimes, discomfort means we are on the verge of a major turning point or revelation.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Sereda Aleta Dailey
“Happiness is a choice, To make a choice is utilizing your freewill to choose. Courage is getting out of your own way to let Happiness happen in your life in Abundance!”
Sereda Aleta Dailey, The Art of Manifesting Abundance

Emily Grabatin
“Friend, you were on my heart when I mapped out this book. You were made for more than the daily grind. More than making ends meet. More than the list of should's, can'ts or wish I hads.”
Emily Grabatin, Dare to Decide: Discovering Peace, Clarity and Courage at Life's Crossroads

Laurie E.    Smith
“When it comes to accessing intuitive information, it is not so much about certain things we need to do, but rather it is about making space--getting out of the way--so a higher power can connect with us.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“Making the decision to honor the wisdom of one's soul isn't always easy. It can bring into question our very sense of who we are. If we really listen to the truth bubbling up beneath the surface of our lives, things might change. We might have to face the fact that our inner wisdom and that which we have come to accept as true, safe and popular may be very different--a process that can be rather disconcerting, to say the least.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“Something happens when we listen to the soul. The soul gets ecstatic. It's almost as if, after being ignored for so long, our truest, divine self is delighted to finally be noticed and will do anything to keep the relationship humming along.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“Even when I was resisting, one thing that has kept me moving forward on my soul's path has been the joy I feel while doing this work.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“Take breaks. Remember to breathe. Go at whatever speed feels most right to you.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Darlene Corbett
“Engaged communication is a pursuit of excellence. Communicating attentively and engagingly is striving to be the best you can be.”
Darlene Corbett

Laurie E.    Smith
“I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. I now realize that was probably the first sign my soul wisdom--the voice of my inner, truest self--was trying to get my attention.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“For a long time, I felt like I was living a closeted life, hiding what seemed most real to me from the rest of the world...I feel incredibly grateful to all those who have entrusted me with their own deeply personal stories of creative awakening.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“You will remember it as having been a moment of intense and complete joy. Look to that moment. You will know when you are seeing world as Spirit, because you will recognize that feeling of joy.”
Laurie E. Smith

Laurie E.    Smith
“When I'm connecting with a higher source through meditation, I am happy. Life flows. Miraculous things happen. On the other hand, when I am blocking, resisting, or any part of me is criticizing the process by which connection happens for me, I feel deep discontent.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“Set aside a specific time each day to meditate and tune into what your soul's wisdom has to share about the topic you are currently exploring. You can do this by simply connecting with your breath, softening your heart, and opening to whatever is revealed to you.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Laurie E.    Smith
“Whenever we reach an unexpected barrier in the way of honoring our souls' truth through action, it is essential to dust ourselves off and keep flying toward our dreams.”
Laurie E. Smith, Spirit In Disguise: A Guide to Miraculous Living, Book 2

Laurie E.    Smith
“When we honor our souls' truth, in whatever form that comes to us, and have the courage to follow where it leads, in spite of challenges, distractions or unexpected detours that come our way--the reply from the Spirit world is truly miraculous.”
Laurie E. Smith, Spirit In Disguise: A Guide to Miraculous Living, Book 2

Emily Grabatin
“Passion is the fuel that drives you forward, and it’s the contagious energy that inspires others. It’s a directional desire that might start as an interest and turn into growing curiosity. When full throttle, it refuses to be ignored. You won’t always have seasons where you’re doing what you love. Yes, there are seasons where you’re miserable at work, yet you don’t feel free to follow your passion. There are times when you feel as if you are in limbo, waiting for one path to end and the next one to begin, but that’s a great time to take inventory.”
Emily Grabatin, Dare to Decide

Emily Grabatin
“Doubt will creep in. Life will interfere at times, whether that means distractions, financial obligations, or health detours. Yet, in each of these situations you can learn skills and disciplines that can serve as steppingstones. They might not make sense now, but each one can offer something valuable for the next season.”
Emily Grabatin, Dare to Decide: Discovering Peace, Clarity and Courage at Life's Crossroads

Emily Grabatin
“When paralyzed at a crossroads, our stress is often centered around the pieces we don’t know. We worry about the future. We seek to make the unknowns known. We try to pin down the things we can’t control. How can we look at our paths from a place of hope rather than fear?”
Emily Grabatin, Dare to Decide: Discovering Peace, Clarity and Courage at Life's Crossroads

“Sometimes feeling blocked is simply a sign that we need to wait and let the natural course of events to unfold.”
Laurie E. Smith