
Fantasy Series Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fantasy-series" Showing 1-30 of 357
“There will be a time when I will answer everything, Avelyn. But it is far in the future for you.”
Jack Borden, The Lost City: An Epic YA Fantasy Novel

Christelle Dabos
“I've been reading all sorts of objects for years, and yet I feel as if I know nothing. An Earth shattered to pieces. Deliberately forgetful family spirits. Indecipherable Books. You.”
Christelle Dabos, Les Disparus du Clairdelune

J.R.R. Tolkien
“If you're going to have a complicated story, you must work to a map; otherwise you can never make a map of it afterwards.”
J. R. R. Tolkein

“I could leave it no longer. No-one had taken steps to ensure that he would reach Herron. I had to do it myself. I felt cold at the idea that I had almost decided that it was pointless seeking truths in Rael’s past. I had almost not been here and then he would never have lived in Herron. My life had almost not happened – everyone who had ever lived in Herron had almost not lived - more lost possibilities in the endless possibilities floating in the universe. It was terrifying to me, although I suspected the universe was resigned.”
Aaron D. Key, Damon Ich

Melissa McPhail
“Fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches, your Grace. That’s my motto.”
Melissa McPhail, Cephrael's Hand

Virginia Mary
“Men often like to pretend their weaknesses don't exist, as if they are gods. But who would want to be a god? I would rather be a shag lion in a field, with no worry but my next meal, than to an all-knowing being with the weight of the sun and the stars on my shoulders.”
Virginia Mary, Across the Great Ocean: Awakening

Virginia Mary
“The truth is always revealed, even if it is just in the shadows.”
Virginia Mary, Across the Great Ocean: Awakening

Virginia Mary
“Laago is as free as the wind that blows through your hair.”
Virginia Mary, Across the Great Ocean: Awakening

Adele  Rose
“Hecate smelt the odour of death as clearly as she might smell the wonderful, scented fragrance of blooming flowers in springtime or the delicious smell of dinner wafting down the hallway.”
Adele Rose, Possession

Virginia Mary
“We were alone in a world had taken so much from us, struggling to hold onto hope amidst the wreckage that remained.”
Virginia Mary, Across the Great Ocean: Awakening

Virginia Mary
“Like a meteor drifting through space, we were surrounded by both everything and nothing at once.”
Virginia Mary, Across the Great Ocean: Awakening

Virginia Mary
“Sometimes it feels as though I have spent more time reading than living.”
Virginia Mary, Across the Great Ocean: Awakening

Virginia Mary
“Do you want me to go insane?
Yeah I could use some company.”
Virginia Mary, Across the Great Ocean: Awakening

Virginia Mary
“As long as there is a night full of stars, we will never lose our way.”
Virginia Mary, Across the Great Ocean: Awakening

Virginia Mary
“I am no fool-
And I would not waste my breath on one.”
Virginia Mary, Across the Great Ocean: Awakening

Claudia Merrill
“There was no way of seeing forward, and no way back, only a trail ahead. Worn by the ancestors and those that came before. With tentative feet she would have to walk it, whether she liked it or not.”
Claudia Merrill, The Last Oracle

Marilyn  Velez
“The taste of victory enticed me, and the fact that they were led by a squinted-eye lord with a stentorian voice moved me...
Tundra The Darkest Hour”
Marilyn Velez

Marilyn  Velez
“The taste of victory enticed me, and the fact that they were led by a squinted-eye lord with a stentorian voice moved me...”
Marilyn Velez, Tundra: The Darkest Hour

Marilyn  Velez
“If moving on a fast foot, one would hardly notice, but for the limpers like myself, one noticed many things. And on that eve, I noticed a myriad of things that on a regular day, my eyes would not see. Souls of men whose faces all never meet another patch of light, touch grass, or raise a ripe melon to their face, isolated from the rest of the world. That’s when I knew our time was fleeting.”
Marilyn Velez, Tundra: The Darkest Hour

S.J. Reid
“I'll stand with you, shoulder to shoulder, in the dark. No matter what you do or how far into the shadows you go.”
S.J. Reid, City of Dust and Blood

Ryan Null
“What is the lesser of two evils? Bad or worse?”
Ryan Null, The Flare Chronicles: Into The Blaze

Red Tash
“Life was complicated enough without word getting around town that she and her friends were forming some kind of midlife coven.”
Red Tash, Miss Fitz Discovers Midlife Magic

Megan Mary
“It is beckoning you to discover, to unearth your darkness.”
Megan Mary, The Dream Haunters

Isekai Tempo
“+ Dunque è qui che perirai, impotente e senza eguali? +

+ Qual tristezza, così mi deludi +

+ Non sei forse tu il guerriero leggendario? +

+ Il combattente della vita, il trionfo dei preludi +

+ Dov’è finita l’ode, il canto temerario? +

Come posso rispondere a queste domande? Non sono che un ragazzo, di un altro mondo,

— di un altro piano. —”
Isekai Tempo, iCORE Synchrony on the Waves of Another World: Slot 2 Staccato (iCORE - edizione italiana)

Rick Riordan
“You drool when you sleep”
Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

Erika Leigh Agnew
“You cannot make a mountain from a mouse. It is magic, not a miracle- Seraii”
Erika Leigh Agnew, Dragonsown

“You have to let the broken go, so you can begin again. That is the cycle, isn't it? Winter to spring. Death to life, old to new.”
J.D. Evans

Marilyn  Velez
“Taking the wrong fork, I veered onto a curious road where the ground grew increasingly higher, and although my heart warned me to turn back, I didn't, for the curiosities of the mind are much stronger than imagined. During the course of my journey, I noticed trees becoming unwieldy, taking shapes my eyes had not seen. What was this peculiarity that battered my mind with such wonderment? There were no signs, nor directories, not even a guide, but my curiosities did not wind, for too eager was I to turn. So, like a child lost to the night, I walked this lonesome patch of gray until coming across a curve where the forest belt spread like wildfire, and the wild weeds and grasses produced a certain beauty not found in other parts.”
Marilyn Velez, Tundra: The Darkest Hour

Brendan Noble
“I reached for our connection in hopes of understanding his emotions. Instead, I found only a wasteland. A completion, severed. An ending that could’ve been. And in that moment, I wished for all the pain in the realms, as nothing could be worse than the emptiness dividing our souls.”
Brendan Noble, The Daughters of the Earth

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