Data Quotes

Quotes tagged as "data" Showing 241-270 of 346
“Aim for simplicity in Data Science. Real creativity won’t make things more complex. Instead, it will simplify them.”
Damian Duffy Mingle

“Ratios matter in Data Science. Dreams should be big and worries small.”
Damian Mingle

“All businesses could use a garden where Data Scientists plant seeds of possibility and water them with collaboration.”
Damian Mingle

Steven J. Bowen
“Data alone has no value—it’s just masses of numbers or words.”
Steven J. Bowen, Total Value Optimization: Transforming Your Global Supply Chain Into a Competitive Weapon

Toba Beta
“Reality exists in the mind of each.
The senses are input devices for incoming data.”
Toba Beta

Yuval Noah Harari
“As more and more data flows from your body and brain to the smart machines via the biometric sensors, it will become easy for corporations and government agencies to know you, manipulate you, and make decisions on your behalf. Even more importantly, they could decipher the deep mechanisms of all bodies and brains, and thereby gain the power to engineer life. If we want to prevent a small elite from monopolising such godlike powers, and if we want to prevent humankind from splitting into biological castes, the key question is: who owns the data? Does the data about my DNA, my brain and my life belong to me, to the government, to a corporation, or to the human collective?”
Yuval Noah Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Yuval Noah Harari
“So we had better call upon our lawyers, politicians, philosophers and even poets to turn their attention to this conundrum: how do you regulate the ownership of data? This may well be the most important political question of our era. If we cannot answer this question soon, our sociopolitical system might collapse. People are already sensing the coming cataclysm. Perhaps this is why citizens all over the world are losing faith in the liberal story, which just a decade ago seemed irresistible.
How, then, do we go forward from here, and how do we cope with the immense challenges of the biotech and infotech revolutions? Perhaps the very same scientists and entrepreneurs who disrupted the world in the first place could engineer some technological solution? For example, might networked algorithms form the scaffolding for a global human community that could collectively own all the data and oversee the future development of life? As global inequality rises and social tensions increase around the world, perhaps Mark Zuckerberg could call upon his 2 billion friends to join forces and do something together?”
Yuval Noah Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

“Exfiltrated metadata from internet service providers and social media platforms can be plugged into big data analytics and once the right algorithm is applied, can allow an adversary surgically precise psychographic targeting of critical infrastructure executives with elevated privileges. Why is no one talking about this?”
James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology

“Data Scientists should refuse to be defined by someone else's vision of what's possible.”
Damian Mingle

“Invite your Data Science team to ask questions and assume any system, rule, or way of doing things is open to further consideration.”
Damian Mingle

Kate   O'Neill
“We also need to be reminded that there are implications of meaning within data, both in terms of how we look at data meaningfully (as in how it informs our decisions and interactions) and how we see meaning in data (as in how we recognize patterns that tell us if people value what we’re doing).”
Kate O'Neill, Pixels and Place: Connecting Human Experience Across Physical and Digital Spaces

“In Data Science if you want to help individuals, be empathetic and ask questions; that way, you can begin to understand their journey, too.”
Damian Mingle

James Tiptree Jr.
“Brash souls made jokes about what must be mountains of unread spy-eye data stored who knew where and how.”
James Tiptree Jr., Her Smoke Rose Up Forever
tags: data, nsa

“Best Online Big Data Course for Beginners
Best coaching center for online learning we offer big data certification course special training given for both beginners and experienced techies
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Juli Zeh
“data collection is essential for protecting individuals from false allegations. The more detailed information about a person, the more fairly we can judge.”
Juli Zeh, Corpus Delicti: Ein Prozess
tags: data

Kent Stern
“You should be able to reconcile past events in a matter of seconds. However, if you do not know what is or has happened, you must take an offensive posture and actively seek out those agents and transactions based on multiple dimensions over time. This is the environment in which you will work and you must build a security model that can actively detect, monitor and pursue that activity.”
Kent Stern, Obtaining Actionable Intelligence for CINDER Threat Detection using DMX Mining Models

Kate   O'Neill
“And all of it generates a data trail. All of it is trackable somewhere at some level, and much of it is traceable to this location.”
Kate O'Neill, Pixels and Place: Connecting Human Experience Across Physical and Digital Spaces

Kate   O'Neill
“Because if analytics are people, as I stated early on, it stands to reason that transactions are relationships.”
Kate O'Neill, Pixels and Place: Connecting Human Experience Across Physical and Digital Spaces

Kate   O'Neill
“I’m not here to say that analytics are bad. I’m here to say that analytics are human. Or at least, they represent the real needs and genuine interests of actual human beings; they’re proxies for people. And as such, we are honor bound to be respectful with them, to consider them with nuance and care, to let them guide us toward creating experiences of delight or at least outcomes that fulfill mutual needs, not to use them, manipulate them, and exploit them.”
Kate O'Neill, Pixels and Place: Connecting Human Experience Across Physical and Digital Spaces

Kate   O'Neill
“Analytics are people. And relevance, in terms of offering targeted messages and experiences, is a form of showing respect for your customer’s time and interests. So is discretion regarding their privacy.”
Kate O'Neill, Pixels and Place: Connecting Human Experience Across Physical and Digital Spaces

Kate   O'Neill
“The best way for marketing to “know the customer” now is to truly function as a knowledge center, iterating through efforts to connect with customers, optimizing for insight, seeking to create more meaningful relationships with customers by getting clearer and clearer about what different people value for different reasons.”
Kate O'Neill, Pixels and Place: Connecting Human Experience Across Physical and Digital Spaces

Kate   O'Neill
“The meaningful design of experiences in physical space now regularly overlaps with the meaningful design of experiences in digital space.”
Kate O'Neill, Pixels and Place: Connecting Human Experience Across Physical and Digital Spaces

Kate   O'Neill
“Our need to be shown respect can override our appreciation for things like efficiency, simplicity, or even low cost.”
Kate O'Neill, Pixels and Place: Connecting Human Experience Across Physical and Digital Spaces

Peter Abrahams
“In ‘A Scandal in Bohemia’, he said it was a capital mistake to theorize without data, because you ended up twisting facts to suit theories instead of the other way around.”
Peter Abrahams, Behind the Curtain

Peter F. Hamilton
“Universal law: data wants to be free.”
Peter F. Hamilton, A Night Without Stars
tags: data, free

Richard M. Nixon
“One measure of a truly free society is the vigor with which it protects the liberties of its individual citizens. As technology has advanced in America, it has increasingly encroached on one of those liberties--what I term the right of personal privacy. Modern information systems, data banks, credit records, mailing list abuses, electronic snooping, the collection of personal data for one purpose that may be used for another--all these have left millions of Americans deeply concerned by the privacy they cherish.

And the time has come, therefore, for a major initiative to define the nature and extent of the basic rights of privacy and to erect new safeguards to ensure that those rights are respected.”
Richard M. Nixon, State of the Union Addresses of Richard Nixon

“The more I analyze field data the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator.”
Kingsley Ofosu-Ampong

Emmanuel Fombu
“Connected devices and the internet of things will monitor our activities and upload that data. This will be factored into an algorithm to generate an overall score, which can increase or decrease in real-time. People will be able to see their overall fitness going up and down as they’re working out at the gym or eating takeaway pizza and watching Netflix.”
Emmanuel Fombu, The Future of Healthcare: Humans and Machines Partnering for Better Outcomes

“Data Scientists should refuse to be denied by someone else's vision of what's possible.”
Damian Mingle

Deyth Banger
“And the data is forgotten, once and forever...”
Deyth Banger, Wacky